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αγαπαω • AGAPAW • agapaō

ἀγαπάω (αγαπ(α)-, αγαπη·σ-, αγαπη·σ-, ηγαπη·κ-, ηγαπη-, αγαπη·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


Trench's Synonyms of the New Testament (1880)

§xii. ἀγαπάω, φιλέω

Inflection Chart(s)

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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀγαπᾷἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ει, αγαπ(α)·ῃpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sghe/she/it-is-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, you(sg)-are-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed, you(sg)-are-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-AGAPE-LOVE-edLk 7:5, Lk 7:47, Jn 3:35, Jn 10:17, Jn 14:23, 1Cor 8:3, 2Cor 9:7, Eph 5:28, Heb 12:6, 1Jn 2:15, 1Jn 4:21, 1Jn 5:1
ἀγαπᾶνἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ειν > αγαπανpres act infto-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingMk 12:33, Rom 13:8, Eph 5:28, 1Thes 4:9, 1Pt 3:10, 1Jn 4:11, 1Jn 4:20
ἀγαπᾷνἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·εινpres act infto-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingMk 12:33, Rom 13:8, Eph 5:28, 1Thes 4:9, 1Pt 3:10, 1Jn 4:11, 1Jn 4:20
ἀγαπᾷςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·εις, αγαπ(α)·ῃςpres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingJn 21:15, Jn 21:16
ἀγαπᾶτε, Ἀγαπᾶτεἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ετε, αγαπ(α)·ητεpres act ind 2nd pl or pres act imp 2nd pl, pres act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, be-you(pl)-AGAPE-LOVE-ing!, you(pl)-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingMt 5:44, Lk 6:27, Lk 6:32, Lk 6:35, Lk 11:43, Jn 13:34, Jn 15:12, Jn 15:17, Eph 5:25, Col 3:19, 1Pt 1:8, 1Pt 2:17, 1Jn 2:15
ἀγαπᾶτέἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ετε, αγαπ(α)·ητεpres act ind 2nd pl or pres act imp 2nd pl, pres act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, be-you(pl)-AGAPE-LOVE-ing!, you(pl)-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingJn 14:15
ἀγαπάτωἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ετωpres act imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing!Eph 5:33
ἀγαπηθήσεταιἀγαπάωαγαπη·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-AGAPE-LOVE-edJn 14:21
ἀγαπήσαντοςἀγαπάωαγαπη·σαντ·ος1aor act ptcp mas gen sg or 1aor act ptcp neu gen sgupon AGAPE-LOVE-ing (gen)Rom 8:37
ἀγαπήσαντόςἀγαπάωαγαπη·σαντ·ος1aor act ptcp mas gen sg or 1aor act ptcp neu gen sgupon AGAPE-LOVE-ing (gen)Gal 2:20
ἀγαπήσαςἀγαπάωαγαπη·σα[ντ]·ς1aor act ptcp mas nom|voc sgupon AGAPE-LOVE-ing (nom|voc)Jn 13:1, 2Thes 2:16, 2Tm 4:10
ἀγαπήσατεἀγαπάωαγαπη·σατε1aor act imp 2nd pldo-AGAPE-LOVE-you(pl)!1Pt 1:22, 1Pt 2:17
ἀγαπήσειἀγαπάωαγαπη·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-AGAPE-LOVE, you(sg)-will-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (classical)Mt 6:24, Lk 7:42, Lk 16:13, Jn 14:23
ἀγαπήσεις, Ἀγαπήσειςἀγαπάωαγαπη·σειςfut act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-AGAPE-LOVEMt 5:43, Mt 19:19, Mt 22:37, Mt 22:39, Mk 12:30, Mk 12:31, Lk 10:27, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, Jas 2:8
ἀγαπήσητεἀγαπάωαγαπη·σητε1aor act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-AGAPE-LOVEMt 5:46
ἀγαπήσωἀγαπάωαγαπη·σωfut act ind 1st sg or 1aor act sub 1st sgI-will-AGAPE-LOVE, I-should-AGAPE-LOVEJn 14:21
ἀγαπῶ, Ἀγαπῶἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ω, αγαπ(α)·ουpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgI-am-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, be-you(sg)-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed!, I-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingJn 14:31, 2Cor 11:11, 1Jn 4:20, 2Jn 1:1, 3Jn 1:1
ἀγαπῶμαιἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ομαι, αγαπ(α)·ωμαιpres mp ind 1st sg, pres mp sub 1st sgI-am-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed, I-should-be-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed2Cor 12:15
ἀγαπῶμενἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ομεν, αγαπ(α)·ωμενpres act ind 1st pl, pres act sub 1st plwe-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, we-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing1Jn 3:11, 1Jn 3:14, 1Jn 3:18, 1Jn 3:23, 1Jn 4:7, 1Jn 4:12, 1Jn 4:19, 1Jn 5:2, 2Jn 1:5
ἀγαπῶ[ν], ἀγαπῶνἀγάπη or ἀγαπάωαγαπ·ων; αγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ], αγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^(fem) gen pl; pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg, pres act ptcp mas nom sgloves (gen); while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (nom, nom|acc|voc, voc)Jn 14:21, Jn 14:24, Rom 13:8, 2Cor 12:15, Eph 5:28, 1Jn 2:10, 1Jn 3:10, 1Jn 3:14, 1Jn 4:7, 1Jn 4:8, 1Jn 4:20, 1Jn 4:21, 1Jn 5:1
ἀγαπῶνταςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·αςpres act ptcp mas acc plwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (acc)Mt 5:46, Lk 6:32
ἀγαπῶντιἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·ιpres act ptcp mas dat sg or pres act ptcp neu dat sgwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (dat)Rv 1:5
ἀγαπώντωνἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·οντων, αγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·ωνpres act imp 3rd pl classical, pres act ptcp mas gen pl or pres act ptcp neu gen pllet-them-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing! (classical), while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (gen)Eph 6:24
ἀγαπῶσινἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ουσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ωσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act sub 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, they-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (dat)Lk 6:32, Rom 8:28, 1Cor 2:9, Jas 1:12, Jas 2:5
ἠγάπα, Ἠγάπαἀγαπάωε·αγαπ(α)·εimpf act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-AGAPE-LOVE-ingJn 11:5, Jn 13:23, Jn 19:26, Jn 21:7, Jn 21:20
ἠγαπᾶτεἀγαπάωε·αγαπ(α)·ετεimpf act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-were-AGAPE-LOVE-ingJn 8:42
ἠγαπᾶτέἀγαπάωε·αγαπ(α)·ετεimpf act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-were-AGAPE-LOVE-ingJn 14:28
ἠγαπήκαμενἀγαπάωηγαπη·καμενperf act ind 1st plwe-have-AGAPE-LOVE-ed1Jn 4:10
ἠγαπηκόσινἀγαπάωηγαπη·κο[τ]·σι(ν)perf act ptcp mas dat pl or perf act ptcp neu dat plhaving AGAPE-LOVE-ed (dat)2Tm 4:8
ἠγαπημένηνἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ηνperf mp ptcp fem acc sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (acc)Rom 9:25, Rv 20:9
ἠγαπημένοιἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·οιperf mp ptcp mas nom|voc plhaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (nom|voc)Col 3:12, 1Thes 1:4, 2Thes 2:13
ἠγαπημένοιςἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·οιςperf mp ptcp mas dat pl or perf mp ptcp neu dat plhaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (dat)Jude 1:1
ἠγαπημένῳἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ῳperf mp ptcp mas dat sg or perf mp ptcp neu dat sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (dat)Eph 1:6
ἠγάπησαἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-AGAPE-LOVE-edJn 13:34, Jn 15:9, Jn 15:12, Rom 9:13
ἠγάπησάἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-AGAPE-LOVE-edRv 3:9
ἠγαπήσαμενἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σαμεν1aor act ind 1st plwe-AGAPE-LOVE-ed1Jn 4:10
ἠγάπησαν, Ἠγάπησανἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-AGAPE-LOVE-edJn 3:19, Jn 12:43, Rv 12:11
ἠγάπησας, Ἠγάπησαςἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σας1aor act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-AGAPE-LOVE-edJn 17:23, Heb 1:9
ἠγάπησάςἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σας1aor act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-AGAPE-LOVE-edJn 17:24, Jn 17:26
ἠγάπησενἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-AGAPE-LOVE-edMk 10:21, Lk 7:47, Jn 3:16, Jn 13:1, Eph 2:4, Eph 5:2, Eph 5:25, 2Pt 2:15, 1Jn 4:10, 1Jn 4:11, 1Jn 4:19
ἠγάπησένἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-AGAPE-LOVE-edJn 15:9

Inflections: 41
Total occurrences: 157

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀγαπᾷἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ει, αγαπ(α)·ῃpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sghe/she/it-is-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, you(sg)-are-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed, you(sg)-are-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-AGAPE-LOVE-edDt 10:18, 1Esd 4:25, Est 6:9, Ps 32:5, Ps 36:28, Ps 83:12, Ps 86:2, Ps 98:4, Ps 145:8, Prv 3:12, Prv 12:1, Prv 15:9, Prv 15:32, Prv 16:13, Prv 19:8, Prv 21:17, Prv 22:11, Prv 22:14a, Wsd 7:28, Wsd 8:7, Sir 4:12, Sir 4:14, Sir 13:15, Hos 3:1
ἀγάπαἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·εpres act imp 2nd sgbe-you(sg)-AGAPE-LOVE-ing!TbBA 4:13, Prv 20:13
ἀγαπᾶνἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ειν > αγαπανpres act infto-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingGn 29:20, Dt 7:8, Dt 10:12, Dt 10:15, Dt 11:13, Dt 11:22, Dt 19:9, Dt 30:6, Dt 30:16, Dt 30:20, JoB 22:5, JoB 23:11, 2Kgs 19:7, 3Kgs 10:9, Ps 108:4, Hos 10:11, Mi 6:8, Is 56:6, Is 63:9
ἀγαπᾷςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·εις, αγαπ(α)·ῃςpres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing1Chr 29:17, Wsd 11:24, Is 3:25
ἀγαπᾶτεἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ετε, αγαπ(α)·ητεpres act ind 2nd pl or pres act imp 2nd pl, pres act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, be-you(pl)-AGAPE-LOVE-ing!, you(pl)-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ingDt 13:4, Ps 4:3, Zec 8:17
ἀγαπάτωἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ετωpres act imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing!Sir 7:21
ἀγαπηθήσεταιἀγαπάωαγαπη·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-AGAPE-LOVE-edPrv 28:13
ἀγαπηθήσῃἀγαπάωαγαπη·θησῃfut θη ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-AGAPE-LOVE-edSir 3:17, Sir 7:35
ἀγαπήσαιἀγαπάωαγαπη·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-AGAPE-LOVE, be-you(sg)-AGAPE-LOVE-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-AGAPE-LOVE (opt)TbBA 13:12, TbS 13:12
ἀγαπῆσαιἀγαπάωαγαπη·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-AGAPE-LOVE, be-you(sg)-AGAPE-LOVE-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-AGAPE-LOVE (opt)Dt 4:37, 3Kgs 11:2, 2Chr 2:10, 2Chr 9:8, Hos 9:15
ἀγαπήσαντοςἀγαπάωαγαπη·σαντ·ος1aor act ptcp mas gen sg or 1aor act ptcp neu gen sgupon AGAPE-LOVE-ing (gen)Sir 47:22
ἀγαπήσασάἀγαπάωαγαπη·σασ·α1aor act ptcp fem nom|voc sgupon AGAPE-LOVE-ing (nom|voc)Ru 4:15
ἀγαπήσατεἀγαπάωαγαπη·σατε1aor act imp 2nd pldo-AGAPE-LOVE-you(pl)!Ps 30:24, Zec 8:19
Ἀγαπήσατεἀγαπάωαγαπη·σατε1aor act imp 2nd pldo-AGAPE-LOVE-you(pl)!Wsd 1:1
ἀγαπήσειἀγαπάωαγαπη·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-AGAPE-LOVE, you(sg)-will-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (classical)Gn 29:32, Dt 7:13, Prv 9:8, Prv 15:12, Prv 28:17a, Prv 30:15, Sir 4:10, Sir 48:11, Zep 3:17
ἀγαπήσειςἀγαπάωαγαπη·σειςfut act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-AGAPE-LOVELv 19:18, Lv 19:34, Dt 6:5, Dt 11:1
ἀγαπήσετεἀγαπάωαγαπη·σετεfut act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-AGAPE-LOVEDt 10:19
ἀγαπήσῃςἀγαπάωαγαπη·σῃς1aor act sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-should-AGAPE-LOVESir 6:33
ἀγαπήσομενἀγαπάωαγαπη·σομενfut act ind 1st plwe-will-AGAPE-LOVECant 1:4
ἀγάπησονἀγαπάωαγαπη·σον, αγαπη·σο[υ]ν[τ]1aor act imp 2nd sg, fut act ptcp mas voc sg or fut act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgdo-AGAPE-LOVE-you(sg)!, going-to-AGAPE-LOVE (fut ptcp) (nom|acc|voc, voc)Sir 7:30, Hos 3:1, DnOG 4:27
ἀγαπήσωἀγαπάωαγαπη·σωfut act ind 1st sg or 1aor act sub 1st sgI-will-AGAPE-LOVE, I-should-AGAPE-LOVEPs 17:2, Hos 14:5
ἀγαπῶἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ω, αγαπ(α)·ουpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgI-am-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, be-you(sg)-being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed!, I-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing2Kgs 13:4, Prv 8:17
ἀγαπώμεναιἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ομεν·αιpres mp ptcp fem nom|voc plwhile being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (nom|voc)Prv 30:15
ἀγαπώμενοςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (nom)2Esd 23:26, 1Mc 6:11, Prv 4:3
ἀγαπῶνἀγάπη or ἀγαπάωαγαπ·ων; αγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ], αγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^(fem) gen pl; pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg, pres act ptcp mas nom sgloves (gen); while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (nom, nom|acc|voc, voc)3Kgs 5:15, 3Mc 2:10, Ps 10:5, Ps 33:13, Prv 12:1, Prv 13:24, Prv 16:17, Qoh 5:9, Sir 3:26, Sir 4:12, Sir 30:1, Sir 31:5, Is 48:14, Is 61:8
ἀγαπῶνταςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·αςpres act ptcp mas acc plwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (acc)Ps 144:20, Sir 4:14, Sir 34:16, PsSol 10:3, BelOG 1:38
ἀγαπῶντάςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·αςpres act ptcp mas acc plwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (acc)2Kgs 19:7, PsSol 4:25, BelTh 1:38
ἀγαπῶντεςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (nom|voc)JgsB 5:31, JgsA 5:31, TbBA 14:7, TbS 14:7, Ps 5:12, Ps 39:17, Ps 68:37, Ps 69:5, Ps 96:10, Prv 28:4, Sir 2:15, Sir 2:16, PsSol 17:16, Is 1:23, Is 66:10
ἀγαπῶντέςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (nom|voc)TbBA 13:14, TbBA 13:15, TbS 13:15
ἀγαπῶντοςἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·οςpres act ptcp mas gen sg or pres act ptcp neu gen sgwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (gen)1Kgs 20:17
ἀγαπώντωνἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·οντων, αγαπ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·ωνpres act imp 3rd pl classical, pres act ptcp mas gen pl or pres act ptcp neu gen pllet-them-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing! (classical), while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (gen)1Mc 4:33, Ps 118:132, Wsd 6:12, Lam 1:2
ἀγαπῶσανἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ουσ·ανpres act ptcp fem acc sgwhile AGAPE-LOVE-ing (acc)Hos 3:1
ἀγαπῶσίἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ουσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ωσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act sub 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, they-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (dat)DnOG 9:4
ἀγαπῶσινἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ουσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ωσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act sub 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, they-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (dat)Dt 7:9, 2Esd 11:5, Ps 118:165, Prv 8:21, Prv 8:36, Sir 1:10, PsSol 6:6, PsSol 14:1
ἀγαπῶσίνἀγαπάωαγαπ(α)·ουσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ωσι(ν), αγαπ(α)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act sub 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, they-should-be-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, while AGAPE-LOVE-ing (dat)Ex 20:6, Dt 5:10, 1Kgs 18:22, Ps 121:6, DnTh 9:4
ἠγάπαἀγαπάωε·αγαπ(α)·εimpf act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-AGAPE-LOVE-ingGn 25:28, Gn 37:3, 1Kgs 1:5, 1Kgs 18:16, 1Kgs 18:28, 2Kgs 13:21
ἠγαπήθηἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-AGAPE-LOVE-edWsd 4:10
ἠγαπήθηςἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·θηςaor θη ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-were-AGAPE-LOVE-edSir 47:16
ἠγάπηκαἀγαπάωηγαπη·καperf act ind 1st sgI-have-AGAPE-LOVE-edEx 21:5
ἠγάπηκάἀγαπάωηγαπη·καperf act ind 1st sgI-have-AGAPE-LOVE-edJgsB 16:15, JgsA 16:15
ἠγαπήκαμενἀγαπάωηγαπη·καμενperf act ind 1st plwe-have-AGAPE-LOVE-edAm 5:15
ἠγάπηκάςἀγαπάωηγαπη·καςperf act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-have-AGAPE-LOVE-edJgsA 14:16, 2Kgs 7:18
ἠγαπήκειἀγαπάωε·ηγαπη·κειplup act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-had-AGAPE-LOVE-edJer 2:25
ἠγαπήκεινἀγαπάωε·ηγαπη·κεινplup act ind 1st sgI-had-AGAPE-LOVE-edJb 19:19
ἠγάπηκένἀγαπάωηγαπη·κε(ν)perf act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-AGAPE-LOVE-edDt 15:16
ἠγαπημέναἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·αperf mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plhaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (nom|acc|voc)Hos 8:11, Hos 8:12
ἠγαπημένεἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·εperf mp ptcp mas voc sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (voc)TbS 10:13
ἠγαπημένηἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ηperf mp ptcp fem nom|voc sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (nom|voc)Dt 21:15, Jer 11:15
ἠγαπημένῃἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ῃperf mp ptcp fem dat sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (dat)Sir 24:11
ἠγαπημένηνἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ηνperf mp ptcp fem acc sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (acc)Jer 12:7
ἠγαπημένηςἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ηςperf mp ptcp fem gen sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (gen)Dt 21:16
ἠγαπημένοιἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·οιperf mp ptcp mas nom|voc plhaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (nom|voc)2Kgs 1:23, Hos 9:10
ἠγαπημένονἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ονperf mp ptcp mas acc sg or perf mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Ode 7:35, Ode 10:7, Sir 45:1, Is 5:7, DnOG 3:35, DnTh 3:35
ἠγαπημένοςἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·οςperf mp ptcp mas nom sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (nom)Dt 32:15, Dt 33:12, Ps 28:6, Ode 2:15, Sir 46:13, Is 44:2
ἠγαπημένουἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ουperf mp ptcp mas gen sg or perf mp ptcp neu gen sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (gen)Dt 33:26
ἠγαπημένῳἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ῳperf mp ptcp mas dat sg or perf mp ptcp neu dat sghaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (dat)Dt 33:5, 2Chr 20:7, Ode 10:1, Is 5:1, Bar 3:37
ἠγαπημένωνἀγαπάωηγαπη·μεν·ωνperf mp ptcp fem gen pl or perf mp ptcp mas gen pl or perf mp ptcp neu gen plhaving-been-AGAPE-LOVE-ed (gen)Jdt 9:4, 3Mc 6:11
ἠγάπησαἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-AGAPE-LOVE-edPs 25:8, Ps 114:1, Ps 118:47, Ps 118:48, Ps 118:97, Ps 118:113, Ps 118:119, Ps 118:127, Ps 118:159, Ps 118:163, Ps 118:166, Wsd 7:10, Hos 11:1, Zec 10:6, Mal 1:2, Is 41:8, Is 43:4, Is 51:2
ἠγάπησάἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-AGAPE-LOVE-edIs 60:10, Jer 38:3
ἠγάπησανἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-AGAPE-LOVE-edPs 93:19, PsSol 14:6, Hos 4:18, Hos 8:9, Am 4:5, Jer 8:2, Jer 14:10, Jer 30:31
ἠγάπησάνἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-AGAPE-LOVE-edCant 1:3
ἠγάπησαςἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σας1aor act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-AGAPE-LOVE-edGn 22:2, Ps 44:8, Ps 50:8, Ps 51:5, Ps 51:6, Qoh 9:9, Wsd 16:26, PsSol 9:8, Hos 9:1, Mal 1:2, Is 57:8, Ez 16:37
ἠγάπησάςἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σας1aor act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-AGAPE-LOVE-edJgsB 14:16, 1Chr 17:16
ἠγάπησεἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-AGAPE-LOVE-edHos 12:8
ἠγάπησενἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-AGAPE-LOVE-edGn 24:67, Gn 25:28, Gn 29:18, Gn 29:30, Gn 34:3, Gn 44:20, JgsB 16:4, JgsA 16:4, 1Kgs 16:21, 1Kgs 18:20, 1Kgs 20:17, 2Kgs 12:24, 2Kgs 13:1, 2Kgs 13:15, 3Kgs 3:3, 2Chr 11:21, TbS 6:19, 4Mc 15:3, Ps 10:7, Ps 46:5, Ps 77:68, Ps 108:17, Ps 118:140, Ps 118:167, Qoh 5:9, Cant 1:7, Cant 3:1, Cant 3:2, Cant 3:3, Cant 3:4, Wsd 8:3, Sir 47:8, Mal 2:11, Jer 5:31
ἠγάπησένἀγαπάωε·αγαπη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-AGAPE-LOVE-edDt 23:6, Cant 1:4
ἠγάπωνἀγαπάωε·αγαπ(α)·ονimpf act ind 1st sg or impf act ind 3rd plI-was-AGAPE-LOVE-ing, they-were-AGAPE-LOVE-ing4Mc 13:24

Inflections: 67
Total occurrences: 286

ἀγάπη, -ης, ἡ love (n.) literally agape/selfless love Calvary-love (as distinguished from "φιλω" (friend-love, affection)
ἀγαπητός -ή -όν beloved (adj.)
ἀγαπάω to agape-love (v.) /Calvary/sacrificial-love. Distinct from "φιλέω" (affection, friendship-love) and "έρος" (romantic/sexual-love).

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