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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
ιαθεντος; ιαθεντοςἰάομαιια·θε[ι]ντ·ος; ια·θε[ι]ντ·οςaor θη ptcp mas gen sg; aor θη ptcp neu gen sg

ἰάομαι (ι(α)-, ια·σ-, ια·σ-, -, ια-, ια·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἰαθεὶςἰάομαιια·θει[ντ]·ςaor θη ptcp mas nom|voc sgupon being-HEAL-ed (nom|voc)Jn 5:13
ἰαθέντοςἰάομαιια·θε[ι]ντ·οςaor θη ptcp mas gen sg or aor θη ptcp neu gen sgupon being-HEAL-ed (gen)Acts 3:11
ἰαθῇἰάομαιια·θῃaor θη sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-HEAL-edHeb 12:13
ἰάθηἰάομαιε·ια·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-HEAL-edMt 8:13, Mt 15:28, Lk 8:47, Lk 17:15
ἰαθῆναιἰάομαιια·θηναιaor θη infto-be-HEAL-edLk 6:17
ἰαθήσεταιἰάομαιια·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-HEAL-edMt 8:8, Lk 7:7
ἰαθῆτεἰάομαιε·ια·θητε, ια·θητεaor θη ind 2nd pl, aor θη imp 2nd pl or aor θη sub 2nd plyou(pl)-were-HEAL-ed, be-you(pl)-HEAL-ed!, you(pl)-should-be-HEAL-edJas 5:16
ἰάθητεἰάομαιε·ια·θητε, ια·θητεaor θη ind 2nd pl, aor θη imp 2nd pl or aor θη sub 2nd plyou(pl)-were-HEAL-ed, be-you(pl)-HEAL-ed!, you(pl)-should-be-HEAL-ed1Pt 2:24
ἰαθήτωἰάομαιια·θητωaor θη imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-be-HEAL-ed!Lk 7:7
ἰάσασθαιἰάομαιια·σασθαι1aor mp infto-be-HEAL-edLk 4:18
ἰάσατοἰάομαιε·ια·σατο1aor mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-HEAL-edLk 9:42, Lk 14:4, Lk 22:51, Acts 28:8
ἰάσηταιἰάομαιια·σηται1aor mp sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-HEAL-edJn 4:47
ἰᾶσθαιἰάομαιι(α)·εσθαι, ια·σθαιpres mp inf, perf mp infto-be-being-HEAL-ed, to-have-been-HEAL-edLk 5:17, Lk 9:2
ἰάσομαιἰάομαιια·σομαιfut mp ind 1st sg or fuper mp ind 1st sgI-will-be-HEAL-ed, (fut perf)Mt 13:15, Jn 12:40, Acts 28:27
ἰάσωμαιἰάομαιια·σωμαι1aor mp sub 1st sgI-should-be-HEAL-edJn 12:40
ἰᾶταίἰάομαιι(α)·εται, ι(α)·ηται, ια·ταιpres mp ind 3rd sg, pres mp sub 3rd sg, perf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-should-be-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-has-been-HEAL-edActs 9:34
ἴαταιἰάομαιι(α)·εται, ι(α)·ηται, ια·ταιpres mp ind 3rd sg, pres mp sub 3rd sg, perf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-should-be-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-has-been-HEAL-edMk 5:29
ἰᾶτοἰάομαιε·ι(α)·ετο, ε·ια·τοimpf mp ind 3rd sg, plup mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-had-been-HEAL-ed!Lk 6:19, Lk 9:11
ἰώμενοςἰάομαιι(α)·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-HEAL-ed (nom)Acts 10:38

Inflections: 19
Total occurrences: 31

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἰάθηἰάομαιε·ια·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-HEAL-edLv 14:48, Jer 28:9
ἰάθημενἰάομαιε·ια·θημενaor θη ind 1st plwe-were-HEAL-edIs 53:5
ἰαθῆναιἰάομαιια·θηναιaor θη infto-be-HEAL-edDt 28:27, Dt 28:35, Jer 19:11
ἰάθησανἰάομαιε·ια·θησανaor θη ind 3rd plthey-were-HEAL-ed4Kgs 2:22
ἰαθήσεσθεἰάομαιια·θησεσθεfut θη ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-be-HEAL-ed1Kgs 6:3
ἰαθήσεταιἰάομαιια·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-HEAL-edTbBA 6:9, Jer 28:8
ἰαθήσομαιἰάομαιια·θησομαιfut θη ind 1st sgI-will-be-HEAL-edJer 15:18, Jer 17:14
ἴαμαιἰάομαιια·μαιperf mp ind 1st sgI-have-been-HEAL-ed4Kgs 2:21, Hos 11:3
ἴασαιἰάομαιι(α)·εσαι, ια·σαιpres mp ind 2nd sg alt, 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or perf mp ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-are-being-HEAL-ed, be-you(sg)-HEAL-ed!, you(sg)-have-been-HEAL-edNm 12:13, Ps 40:5, Ps 59:4, Ode 14:41
ἴασαίἰάομαιι(α)·εσαι, ια·σαιpres mp ind 2nd sg alt, 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or perf mp ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-are-being-HEAL-ed, be-you(sg)-HEAL-ed!, you(sg)-have-been-HEAL-edPs 6:3, Jer 17:14
ἰασάμηνἰάομαιε·ια·σαμην1aor mp ind 1st sgI-was-HEAL-edIs 57:18
ἰάσαντοἰάομαιε·ια·σαντο1aor mp ind 3rd plthey-were-HEAL-edJb 5:18
ἰάσασθαιἰάομαιια·σασθαι1aor mp infto-be-HEAL-edTbBA 3:17, TbS 3:17, 4Mc 3:10, Qoh 3:3, Hos 5:13, Is 61:1
ἰάσασθαίἰάομαιια·σασθαι1aor mp infto-be-HEAL-edTbBA 12:14, TbS 5:10, TbS 12:14, Hos 7:1
ἰάσατοἰάομαιε·ια·σατο1aor mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-HEAL-edGn 20:17, 3Kgs 18:32, 2Chr 30:20, Ps 106:20, Jb 12:21, Wsd 16:10
ἰάσειἴασις or ἰάομαιιασ(ι)·ι; ια·σει(fem) dat sg; fut mp ind 2nd sg classical or fuper mp ind 2nd sg classicalhealing (dat); you(sg)-will-be-HEAL-ed (classical), (fut perf) (classical)Is 19:22
ἰάσεταιἰάομαιια·σεταιfut mp ind 3rd sg or fuper mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-HEAL-ed, (fut perf)Dt 30:3, Hos 6:1, Is 19:22, Is 30:26
ἰάσεταίἰάομαιια·σεταιfut mp ind 3rd sg or fuper mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-HEAL-ed, (fut perf)4Kgs 20:8, Sir 38:9, Lam 2:13
ἰάσηταιἰάομαιια·σηται1aor mp sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-HEAL-edZec 11:16, Is 30:26
ἰάσομαιἰάομαιια·σομαιfut mp ind 1st sg or fuper mp ind 1st sgI-will-be-HEAL-ed, (fut perf)Dt 32:39, 2Chr 7:14, Ode 2:39, Hos 14:5, Is 6:10, Is 7:4, Is 57:19, Jer 3:22
ἰάσομαίἰάομαιια·σομαιfut mp ind 1st sg or fuper mp ind 1st sgI-will-be-HEAL-ed, (fut perf)4Kgs 20:5
ἰάσωἸάσων or ἰάομαιιασ(ο)[ν]·α; ε·ια·σω(mas) acc sg; 1aor mp ind 2nd sgJason (acc); you(sg)-were-HEAL-edPs 29:3
ἰαταὶἰάομαιι(α)·εται, ι(α)·ηται, ια·ταιpres mp ind 3rd sg, pres mp sub 3rd sg, perf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-should-be-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-has-been-HEAL-edJb 13:4
ἰᾶταιἰάομαιι(α)·εται, ι(α)·ηται, ια·ταιpres mp ind 3rd sg, pres mp sub 3rd sg, perf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-should-be-being-HEAL-ed, he/she/it-has-been-HEAL-edLv 14:3
ἰώμενοιἰάομαιι(α)·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-HEAL-ed (nom|voc)Prv 26:18
ἰώμενονἰάομαιι(α)·ομεν·ονpres mp ptcp mas acc sg or pres mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile being-HEAL-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Ps 102:3
ἰώμενοςἰάομαιι(α)·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-HEAL-ed (nom)Ps 146:3, Prv 18:9, Wsd 16:12
ἰώμενόςἰάομαιι(α)·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-HEAL-ed (nom)Ex 15:26
ἰῶνταιἰάομαιι(α)·ονται, ι(α)·ωνταιpres mp ind 3rd pl, pres mp sub 3rd plthey-are-being-HEAL-ed, they-should-be-being-HEAL-edPrv 12:18
ἰῶντοἰάομαιε·ι(α)·οντοimpf mp ind 3rd plthey-were-being-HEAL-edJer 6:14

Inflections: 30
Total occurrences: 69

ἰάομαι to heal (v.) cure, metaphor to free from sin

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Thursday, 18-Apr-2024 05:24:17 EDT





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