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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
ηδικησατεἀδικέωε·αδικη·σατε1aor act ind 2nd pl

ἀ·δικέω (αδικ(ε)-, αδικη·σ-, αδικη·σ-, ηδικη·κ-, ηδικη-, αδικη·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀδικεῖσθεἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·εσθεpres mp ind 2nd pl or pres mp imp 2nd plyou(pl)-are-being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed, be-you(pl)-being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed!1Cor 6:7
ἀδικεῖτεἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ετεpres act ind 2nd pl or pres act imp 2nd plyou(pl)-are-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing, be-you(pl)-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing!Acts 7:26, 1Cor 6:8
ἀδικηθέντοςἀδικέωαδικη·θε[ι]ντ·οςaor θη ptcp mas gen sg or aor θη ptcp neu gen sgupon being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (gen)2Cor 7:12
ἀδικηθῇἀδικέωαδικη·θῃaor θη sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-edRv 2:11
ἀδικῆσαιἀδικέωαδικη·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-DO-HARM/WRONG, be-you(sg)-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-DO-HARM/WRONG (opt)Rv 7:2, Rv 9:10, Rv 11:5
ἀδικήσαντοςἀδικέωαδικη·σαντ·ος1aor act ptcp mas gen sg or 1aor act ptcp neu gen sgupon DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (gen)2Cor 7:12
ἀδικησάτωἀδικέωαδικη·σατω1aor act imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-DO-HARM/WRONG!Rv 22:11
ἀδικήσῃἀδικέωαδικη·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sg or 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed, he/she/it-should-DO-HARM/WRONG, you(sg)-should-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-edLk 10:19
ἀδικήσῃςἀδικέωαδικη·σῃς1aor act sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-should-DO-HARM/WRONGRv 6:6
ἀδικήσητεἀδικέωαδικη·σητε1aor act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-DO-HARM/WRONGRv 7:3
ἀδικήσουσινἀδικέωαδικη·σουσι(ν), αδικη·σου[ντ]·σι(ν)fut act ind 3rd pl, fut act ptcp mas dat pl or fut act ptcp neu dat plthey-will-DO-HARM/WRONG, going-to-DO-HARM/WRONG (fut ptcp) (dat)Rv 9:4
ἀδικήσωσινἀδικέωαδικη·σωσι(ν)1aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-DO-HARM/WRONGRv 9:4
ἄδικοιἄδικος or ἀδικέωαδικ·οι; αδικ(ε)·οιmas nom|voc pl or fem nom|voc pl; pres act opt 3rd sgunjust (nom|voc); he/she/it-happens-to-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (opt)Lk 18:11, 1Cor 6:9
ἀδικούμενοιἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (nom|voc)2Pt 2:13
ἀδικούμενονἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ομεν·ονpres mp ptcp mas acc sg or pres mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 7:24
ἀδικοῦσινἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ουσι(ν), αδικ(ε)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing, while DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (dat)Rv 9:19
ἀδικῶἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ωpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sgI-am-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing, I-should-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ingMt 20:13, Acts 25:11
ἀδικῶνἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^pres act ptcp mas nom sgwhile DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (nom)Acts 7:27, Col 3:25, Rv 22:11
ἠδίκησαἀδικέωε·αδικη·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-DO-HARM/WRONG-edActs 25:10
ἠδικήσαμενἀδικέωε·αδικη·σαμεν1aor act ind 1st plwe-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed2Cor 7:2
ἠδικήσατεἀδικέωε·αδικη·σατε1aor act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-DO-HARM/WRONG-edGal 4:12
ἠδίκησενἀδικέωε·αδικη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DO-HARM/WRONG-edCol 3:25
ἠδίκησένἀδικέωε·αδικη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DO-HARM/WRONG-edPhlm 1:18

Inflections: 23
Total occurrences: 32

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀδικεῖἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ει, αδικ(ε)·εpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres act imp 2nd sghe/she/it-is-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing, you(sg)-are-being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (classical), be-you(sg)-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing!TbBA 6:15, TbS 6:15
ἀδικεῖνἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·εινpres act infto-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ingIs 23:12
ἀδικεῖτεἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ετεpres act ind 2nd pl or pres act imp 2nd plyou(pl)-are-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing, be-you(pl)-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing!Is 3:15
ἀδικηθῆναιἀδικέωαδικη·θηναιaor θη infto-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed2Mc 3:12, Wsd 14:29
ἀδικῆσαιἀδικέωαδικη·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-DO-HARM/WRONG, be-you(sg)-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-DO-HARM/WRONG (opt)2Esd 10:13, Ps 61:10, Ps 104:14
ἀδικήσανταςἀδικέωαδικη·σαντ·ας1aor act ptcp mas acc plupon DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (acc)Is 10:20
ἀδικησάντωνἀδικέωαδικη·σαντων, αδικη·σαντ·ων1aor act imp 3rd pl classical, 1aor act ptcp mas gen pl or 1aor act ptcp neu gen pllet-them-DO-HARM/WRONG! (classical), upon DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (gen)Is 51:23
ἀδικήσειἀδικέωαδικη·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-DO-HARM/WRONG, you(sg)-will-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (classical)Jdt 11:4, 1Mc 7:14, Jb 8:3
ἀδικήσεινἀδικέωαδικη·σεινfut act infto-will-DO-HARM/WRONGGn 21:23
ἀδικήσειςἀδικέωαδικη·σειςfut act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-DO-HARM/WRONGEx 5:16, Lv 19:13
ἀδικήσῃἀδικέωαδικη·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sg or 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed, he/she/it-should-DO-HARM/WRONG, you(sg)-should-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-edJoB 2:20
ἀδικήσητεἀδικέωαδικη·σητε1aor act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-DO-HARM/WRONGGn 42:22
ἀδικήσουσινἀδικέωαδικη·σουσι(ν), αδικη·σου[ντ]·σι(ν)fut act ind 3rd pl, fut act ptcp mas dat pl or fut act ptcp neu dat plthey-will-DO-HARM/WRONG, going-to-DO-HARM/WRONG (fut ptcp) (dat)Is 65:25
ἀδικήσωἀδικέωαδικη·σωfut act ind 1st sg or 1aor act sub 1st sgI-will-DO-HARM/WRONG, I-should-DO-HARM/WRONGPs 88:34, Jb 10:3
ἄδικοιἄδικος or ἀδικέωαδικ·οι; αδικ(ε)·οιmas nom|voc pl or fem nom|voc pl; pres act opt 3rd sgunjust (nom|voc); he/she/it-happens-to-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (opt)1Esd 4:37, Ps 26:12, Ps 34:11, Prv 13:23, Jb 13:4, Jb 22:15, Is 57:20
ἀδίκοιςἄδικος or ἀδικέωαδικ·οις; αδικ(ε)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl or fem dat pl; pres act opt 2nd sgunjust (dat); you(sg)-happen-to-be-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (opt)Prv 16:33, Sir 5:8, Is 29:21, Is 32:7, Jer 36:31
ἀδίκουἄδικος or ἀδικέωαδικ·ου; αδικ(ε)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg or fem gen sg; pres mp imp 2nd sgunjust (gen); be-you(sg)-being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed!Ex 23:1, Ex 23:7, 2Kgs 22:3, Ps 17:49, Ps 42:1, Ps 139:2, Prv 10:31, Jb 5:16, Jb 16:11, Wsd 3:19, Wsd 4:16, Wsd 16:19, Sir 7:2, Sir 17:14, Sir 34:18, Sir 51:6, PsSol 4:10, Is 54:14
ἀδικοῦμαιἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ομαιpres mp ind 1st sgI-am-being-DO-HARM/WRONG-edGn 16:5
ἀδικουμένοιςἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ομεν·οιςpres mp ptcp mas dat pl or pres mp ptcp neu dat plwhile being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (dat)Ps 102:6, Ps 145:7
ἀδικούμενονἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ομεν·ονpres mp ptcp mas acc sg or pres mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Sir 4:9, Is 1:17, EpJer 1:53
ἀδικούμενοςἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (nom)Dt 28:29, Dt 28:33, Hb 1:2
ἀδικουμένωνἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ομεν·ωνpres mp ptcp fem gen pl or pres mp ptcp mas gen pl or pres mp ptcp neu gen plwhile being-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (gen)Is 25:3, Is 25:4
ἀδικοῦντάςἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ο[υ]ντ·αςpres act ptcp mas acc plwhile DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (acc)Ps 34:1
ἀδικοῦντιἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ο[υ]ντ·ιpres act ptcp mas dat sg or pres act ptcp neu dat sgwhile DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (dat)Ex 2:13
ἀδικοῦντοςἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ο[υ]ντ·οςpres act ptcp mas gen sg or pres act ptcp neu gen sgwhile DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (gen)Ps 70:4, Sir 4:9, Jer 21:12, Jer 22:3
ἀδικοῦσίνἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ουσι(ν), αδικ(ε)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing, while DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (dat)Ps 118:121
ἀδικῶνἀδικέωαδικ(ε)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^pres act ptcp mas nom sgwhile DO-HARM/WRONG-ing (nom)Ps 9:24
ἠδικηκόςἀδικέωηδικη·κο[τ]·ςperf act ptcp mas voc sg or perf act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sghaving DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (nom|acc|voc, voc)Est 4:1
ἠδικηκότιἀδικέωηδικη·κοτ·ιperf act ptcp mas dat sg or perf act ptcp neu dat sghaving DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (dat)EpJer 1:17
ἠδικηκότοςἀδικέωηδικη·κοτ·οςperf act ptcp mas gen sg or perf act ptcp neu gen sghaving DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (gen)2Mc 14:28
ἠδικημένοιἀδικέωηδικη·μεν·οιperf mp ptcp mas nom|voc plhaving-been-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (nom|voc)3Mc 3:8
ἠδικημένουἀδικέωηδικη·μεν·ουperf mp ptcp mas gen sg or perf mp ptcp neu gen sghaving-been-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed (gen)Sir 35:13
ἠδίκησαἀδικέωε·αδικη·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed2Kgs 24:17, Is 21:3
ἠδίκησάἀδικέωε·αδικη·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-DO-HARM/WRONG-edJer 44:18
ἠδικήσαμενἀδικέωε·αδικη·σαμεν1aor act ind 1st plwe-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed3Kgs 8:47, 2Chr 6:37, Ps 43:18, Ps 105:6, Bar 2:12, DnOG 9:5, DnTh 9:5
ἠδίκησανἀδικέωε·αδικη·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-DO-HARM/WRONG-edGn 26:20, Jer 3:21, Jer 9:4, Ez 39:26
ἠδίκησαςἀδικέωε·αδικη·σας1aor act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-DO-HARM/WRONG-ed1Kgs 12:4
ἠδίκησενἀδικέωε·αδικη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DO-HARM/WRONG-edLv 5:23, 2Kgs 19:20, 2Chr 26:16, Est 1:16, Prv 24:29, Sir 13:3
ἠδίκησένἀδικέωε·αδικη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DO-HARM/WRONG-edLv 5:21
ἠδίκηταιἀδικέωηδικη·ταιperf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-been-DO-HARM/WRONG-edSir 13:3
ἠδίκουνἀδικέωε·αδικ(ε)·ονimpf act ind 1st sg or impf act ind 3rd plI-was-DO-HARM/WRONG-ing, they-were-DO-HARM/WRONG-ingPrv 1:32

Inflections: 41
Total occurrences: 101

ἀ·δικέω to do-harm/wrong (v.) Lit:"do-unright".
ἀ·δικία, -ας, ἡ wrongdoing (n.) Lit:"unrighteousness/injustice".
ἄ·δικος -ον unjust (adj.) [unrighteous, someone who is guilty against another in the law]
ἀ·δίκως unjustly (adv.)
ἀντί·δικος, -ου, ὁ adversary (n.) Lit:"against-justice", hence adversary/accuser/antagonist/opponent-at-law. By extension, prosecutor.
δικάζω [LXX] to judge (v.)
δίκαιος -αία -ον righteous (adj.) /just/right, (by judicial implication) innocent.
δικαιό·τατος -η -ον [LXX] most just (adj.)
δικαιό·τερος -α -ον [LXX] more just (adj.)
δικαίωμα, -ατος, τό justification (ordinance) (n.) justification, right of plea, judgment, [standards of the law; righteousness]
δικαστής, -οῦ, ὁ judge (n.)
δίκη, -ης, ἡ justice/rightness, penalty (n.) trial, lawsuit, court hearing, penalty/punishment(acc)
ἐκ+δικάζω [LXX] to exact vengeance upon (v.)
ἐκ+δικέω to execute/dispense-justice (v.) Lit:"out-just", hence execute/deliver/provide/dispense-justice. By extension: provide legal-protection, avenge(blood), defend(weak), vindicate(wronged), rectify(wrongs).
ἔκ·δικος -ον punishing (adj.)
ἔν·δικος -ον warranted (adj.)
κατα+δικάζω to condemn (v.) Lit: "judge-down", hence to condemn in a specific manner.
κατα·δίκη, -ης, ἡ conviction (n.)
ὑπό·δικος -ον answerable (adj.) [liable to be tried]
δικαιόω to justify (v.) vindicate; rectify: to do justice to; to declare or regard as just/righteous; to make free or pure of (sin, etc.)

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Tuesday, 16-Apr-2024 02:32:52 EDT





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