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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
ετιμησαντιμάωε·τιμη·σαν1aor act ind 3rd pl

τιμάω (τιμ(α)-, τιμη·σ-, τιμη·σ-, -, τετιμη-, τιμη·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἐτίμησαντιμάωε·τιμη·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-HONOR-edActs 28:10
ἐτιμήσαντοτιμάωε·τιμη·σαντο1aor mp ind 3rd plthey-were-HONOR-edMt 27:9
τετιμημένουτιμάωτετιμη·μεν·ουperf mp ptcp mas gen sg or perf mp ptcp neu gen sghaving-been-HONOR-ed (gen)Mt 27:9
τιμᾷτιμάωτιμ(α)·ει, τιμ(α)·ῃpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sghe/she/it-is-HONOR-ing, you(sg)-are-being-HONOR-ed, you(sg)-are-being-HONOR-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-HONOR-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-HONOR-edMt 15:8, Mk 7:6, Jn 5:23
Τίμα, τίματιμάωτιμ(α)·εpres act imp 2nd sgbe-you(sg)-HONOR-ing!Mt 15:4, Mt 19:19, Mk 7:10, Mk 10:19, Lk 18:20, Eph 6:2, 1Tm 5:3
τιμᾶτετιμάωτιμ(α)·ετε, τιμ(α)·ητεpres act ind 2nd pl or pres act imp 2nd pl, pres act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-are-HONOR-ing, be-you(pl)-HONOR-ing!, you(pl)-should-be-HONOR-ing1Pt 2:17
τιμήσατετιμάωτιμη·σατε1aor act imp 2nd pldo-HONOR-you(pl)!1Pt 2:17
τιμήσειτιμάωτιμη·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-HONOR, you(sg)-will-be-HONOR-ed (classical)Mt 15:5, Jn 12:26
τιμήσῃτιμάωτιμη·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sg or 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-HONOR-ed, he/she/it-should-HONOR, you(sg)-should-be-HONOR-edMt 15:5
τιμῶτιμάωτιμ(α)·ω, τιμ(α)·ουpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgI-am-HONOR-ing, be-you(sg)-being-HONOR-ed!, I-should-be-HONOR-ingJn 8:49
τιμῶντιμή or Τίμων or τιμάωτιμ·ων; τιμων; τιμ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ], τιμ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^(fem) gen pl; (mas) nom|voc sg; pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg, pres act ptcp mas nom sgperceived-values (gen); Timon (nom|voc); while HONOR-ing (nom, nom|acc|voc, voc)Jn 5:23
τιμῶσιντιμάωτιμ(α)·ουσι(ν), τιμ(α)·ωσι(ν), τιμ(α)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act sub 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-HONOR-ing, they-should-be-HONOR-ing, while HONOR-ing (dat)Jn 5:23

Inflections: 12
Total occurrences: 22

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἐτιμήθησαντιμάωε·τιμη·θησανaor θη ind 3rd plthey-were-HONOR-edPs 138:17
ἐτίμησεντιμάωε·τιμη·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-HONOR-ed1Esd 8:26, 2Mc 13:23, Wsd 14:15
ἐτίμωντιμάωε·τιμ(α)·ονimpf act ind 1st sg or impf act ind 3rd plI-was-HONOR-ing, they-were-HONOR-ingEst 9:3
τετιμημένουτιμάωτετιμη·μεν·ουperf mp ptcp mas gen sg or perf mp ptcp neu gen sghaving-been-HONOR-ed (gen)2Mc 3:12
τετίμηνταιτιμάωτετιμη·νταιperf mp ind 3rd plthey-have-been-HONOR-ed4Mc 17:20
τιμᾷτιμάωτιμ(α)·ει, τιμ(α)·ῃpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sghe/she/it-is-HONOR-ing, you(sg)-are-being-HONOR-ed, you(sg)-are-being-HONOR-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-HONOR-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-HONOR-edPrv 25:2
τίματιμάωτιμ(α)·εpres act imp 2nd sgbe-you(sg)-HONOR-ing!Ex 20:12, Dt 5:16, TbBA 4:3, TbBA 10:12, TbS 4:3, Prv 3:9, Prv 7:1a, Prv 27:26, Sir 3:8, Sir 38:1
τιμᾶντιμάωτιμ(α)·ειν > τιμανpres act infto-be-HONOR-ingTbS 10:14, 2Mc 3:2, Prv 25:27, Wsd 14:17
τιμᾶσθετιμάωτιμ(α)·εσθε, τιμ(α)·ησθεpres mp ind 2nd pl or pres mp imp 2nd pl, pres mp sub 2nd plyou(pl)-are-being-HONOR-ed, be-you(pl)-being-HONOR-ed!, you(pl)-should-be-being-HONOR-edIs 55:2
τιμηθέντατιμάωτιμη·θε[ι]ντ·αaor θη ptcp mas acc sg or aor θη ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plupon being-HONOR-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Wsd 14:20
τιμηθήσεταιτιμάωτιμη·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-HONOR-edPrv 27:18
τιμῆσαιτιμάωτιμη·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-HONOR, be-you(sg)-HONOR-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-HONOR (opt)3Mc 3:16, 3Mc 3:17
τιμῆσαίτιμάωτιμη·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-HONOR, be-you(sg)-HONOR-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-HONOR (opt)Nm 22:37
τιμήσασατιμάωτιμη·σασ·α1aor act ptcp fem nom|voc sgupon HONOR-ing (nom|voc)Prv 6:8c
τιμήσατετιμάωτιμη·σατε1aor act imp 2nd pldo-HONOR-you(pl)!Wsd 6:21
τιμήσειτιμάωτιμη·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-HONOR, you(sg)-will-be-HONOR-ed (classical)DnOG 11:38
τιμήσειςτιμάωτιμη·σειςfut act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-HONORLv 19:32
τιμήσεταιτιμάωτιμη·σεταιfut mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-HONOR-edLv 27:8, Lv 27:12, Lv 27:14
τίμησοντιμάωτιμη·σον, τιμη·σο[υ]ν[τ]1aor act imp 2nd sg, fut act ptcp mas voc sg or fut act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgdo-HONOR-you(sg)!, going-to-HONOR (fut ptcp) (nom|acc|voc, voc)Prv 4:8
τιμήσωτιμάωτιμη·σωfut act ind 1st sg or 1aor act sub 1st sgI-will-HONOR, I-should-HONORNm 22:17, Nm 24:11
τιμώμενοιτιμάωτιμ(α)·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-HONOR-ed (nom|voc)Est 8:12c
τιμωμένουτιμάωτιμ(α)·ομεν·ουpres mp ptcp mas gen sg or pres mp ptcp neu gen sgwhile being-HONOR-ed (gen)Wsd 14:17
τιμῶντιμή or Τίμων or τιμάωτιμ·ων; τιμων; τιμ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ], τιμ(α)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^(fem) gen pl; (mas) nom|voc sg; pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg, pres act ptcp mas nom sgperceived-values (gen); Timon (nom|voc); while HONOR-ing (nom, nom|acc|voc, voc)4Mc 1:10, 4Mc 11:6, Prv 14:31, Sir 3:3, Sir 3:5
τιμῶντεςτιμάωτιμ(α)·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile HONOR-ing (nom|voc)Prv 15:22
τιμῶσίντιμάωτιμ(α)·ουσι(ν), τιμ(α)·ωσι(ν), τιμ(α)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act sub 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-HONOR-ing, they-should-be-HONOR-ing, while HONOR-ing (dat)Is 29:13

Inflections: 25
Total occurrences: 50

ἀ·τιμάζω to dishonor (v.)
ἀ·τιμία, -ας, ἡ dishonor (n.) disgrace
ἄ·τιμος -ον without honor/dishonored (adj.)
ἀ·τιμό·τερος -α -ον unhonoured, dishonoured (adj.) without price or value; unrevenged
ἀ·τιμόω to dishonor (v.)
Βαρ·τιμαῖος, -ου, ὁ Bartimaeus (n.)
βαρύ·τιμος -ον punishing severely, of the gods below (adj.) very costly; selling dearly
ἔν·τιμος -ον highly,valued (adj.) respectable, equitable, honest, honorable
ἐν·τιμό·τερος -α -ον more respected (adj.)
ἐπι+τιμάω to enjoin/warn/command (v.) Lit:"assign-due-value-upon", hence to confront/warn/instruct/censure/rebuke with directness and authority;.tell someone to stop doing something; assert authority over.
ἐπι·τιμία, -ας, ἡ punishment (n.)
ἰσό·τιμος -ον equal (adj.) equal in value or privilege
πολύ·τιμος -ον very precious (adj.)
πολυ·τιμό·τερος -α -ον highly-priced (adj.)
τιμή, -ῆς, ἡ perceived-value (n.) honor, esteem, worship(of things), worth, price
τίμιος -α -ον precious (adj.) dear
τιμιότης, -ητος, ἡ worth, value, preciousness (n.) costliness
τιμιώ·τατος -η -ον most precious (adj.)
τιμιώ·τερος -α -ον more precious (adj.)
τιμάω to honor (v.) /assign-value-to, pay-respect/worth-to

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