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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
εκλιπωσινἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ωσι(ν)2aor act sub 3rd pl

ἐκ·λείπω (εκ+λειπ-, εκ+λειψ-, 2nd εκ+λιπ-, εκ+λελοιπ·[κ]-, εκ+λελειπ-, -)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἐκλείψουσινἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·σουσι(ν), εκ·λειπ·σου[ντ]·σι(ν)fut act ind 3rd pl, fut act ptcp mas dat pl or fut act ptcp neu dat plthey-will-FAIL, going-to-FAIL (fut ptcp) (dat)Heb 1:12
ἐκλίπῃἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ῃ2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sghe/she/it-should-FAIL, you(sg)-should-be-FAIL-edLk 16:9, Lk 22:32
ἐκλίπητεἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ητε2aor act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-FAILLk 16:9
ἐκλιπόντοςἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ο[υ]ντ·ος2aor act ptcp mas gen sg or 2aor act ptcp neu gen sgupon FAIL-ing (gen)Lk 23:45

Inflections: 4
Total occurrences: 5

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἐκλείπειἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-FAIL-ing, you(sg)-are-being-FAIL-ed (classical)TbS 14:11, Ps 67:3, Ps 83:3, Ps 118:81, Sir 14:19, Sir 17:31, Jer 4:31, Ez 15:4
ἐκλείπεινἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·εινpres act infto-be-FAIL-ingNm 11:33, Ps 70:9, Ps 141:4, Ode 6:8, PsSol 17:4, Jon 2:8
ἐκλειπέτωἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ετωpres act imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-be-FAIL-ing!Zec 11:9
ἐκλείπῃἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ῃpres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-are-being-FAIL-ed, he/she/it-should-be-FAIL-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-FAIL-ed3Mc 2:23
ἐκλείπομενἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ομενpres act ind 1st plwe-are-FAIL-ing1Mc 6:57
ἐκλεῖπονἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ο[υ]ν[τ]pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile FAIL-ing (nom|acc|voc, voc)4Kgs 7:13, Zec 11:9, Is 53:3, Ez 34:16, Ez 34:21
ἐκλείπονταἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ο[υ]ντ·αpres act ptcp mas acc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plwhile FAIL-ing (acc, nom|acc|voc)Jb 31:26
ἐκλείπονταςἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ο[υ]ντ·αςpres act ptcp mas acc plwhile FAIL-ing (acc)Dt 28:65, Sir 17:24
ἐκλείποντεςἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile FAIL-ing (nom|voc)Bar 2:18
ἐκλειπούσαςἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ουσ·αςpres act ptcp fem acc plwhile FAIL-ing (acc)Jdt 7:27
ἐκλείπουσινἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ουσι(ν), εκ·λειπ·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-FAIL-ing, while FAIL-ing (dat)JgsB 8:5, JgsB 8:15, Jer 6:4
ἐκλείπωἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ωpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sgI-am-FAIL-ing, I-should-be-FAIL-ingGn 25:30
ἐκλείπωνἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^pres act ptcp mas nom sgwhile FAIL-ing (nom)Gn 25:29, Jb 6:15
ἐκλείψειἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-FAIL, you(sg)-will-be-FAIL-ed (classical)Gn 11:6, Gn 49:10, Dt 28:48, JoB 3:13, 3Kgs 17:14, 2Chr 6:16, Prv 10:20, Prv 14:28, PsSol 3:12, Zep 1:2, Zec 13:8, Is 7:8, Is 15:6, Is 19:5, Is 21:16, Is 54:10, Is 55:13, Is 56:5, Is 60:20, Jer 43:29, Ez 22:15
ἐκλείψεινἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·σεινfut act infto-will-FAILBar 2:23
ἐκλείψετεἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·σετεfut act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-FAILJer 49:22
ἐκλείψομενἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·σομενfut act ind 1st plwe-will-FAILJdt 8:31
ἐκλείψουσινἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·σουσι(ν), εκ·λειπ·σου[ντ]·σι(ν)fut act ind 3rd pl, fut act ptcp mas dat pl or fut act ptcp neu dat plthey-will-FAIL, going-to-FAIL (fut ptcp) (dat)TbS 14:7, Ps 101:28, Ps 103:29, Sir 40:14, Hos 4:3, Am 8:13, Is 19:6, Jer 18:14, Jer 28:58, Jer 49:17, Jer 51:12, Jer 51:27
ἐκλείψωἐκλείπωεκ·λειπ·σωfut act ind 1st sgI-will-FAILJb 13:19
ἐκλελειμμένηἐκλείπωεκ·λελειπ·μεν·ηperf mp ptcp fem nom|voc sghaving-been-FAIL-ed (nom|voc)Zep 2:9
ἐκλελειμμένοςἐκλείπωεκ·λελειπ·μεν·οςperf mp ptcp mas nom sghaving-been-FAIL-ed (nom)Prv 24:31
ἐκλελοίπασινἐκλείπωεκ·λελοιπ·[κ]ασι(ν)perf act ind 3rd plthey-have-FAIL-ed1Kgs 9:7, 1Kgs 16:11, Hos 13:2
ἐκλέλοιπενἐκλείπωεκ·λελοιπ·[κ]ε(ν)perf act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-FAIL-edGn 47:15, Gn 47:16, Gn 47:18, Ps 11:2
ἐκλελοιπέναιἐκλείπωεκ·λελοιπ·[κ]εναιperf act infto-have-FAIL-ed3Mc 4:20
ἐκλελοιπόταςἐκλείπωεκ·λελοιπ·[κ]οτ·αςperf act ptcp mas acc plhaving FAIL-ed (acc)Dt 32:36, Ode 2:36
ἐκλιπεῖνἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ειν2aor act infto-FAIL1Kgs 2:33, 2Mc 10:13, Jer 26:28, Lam 2:11
ἐκλιπέτωἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ετω2aor act imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-FAIL!Zep 1:2, Zep 1:3
ἐκλιπέτωσανἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ετωσαν2aor act imp 3rd pllet-them-FAIL!Ps 67:3, Ps 70:13
ἐκλιπέτωσάνἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ετωσαν2aor act imp 3rd pllet-them-FAIL!Prv 3:3
ἐκλίπῃἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ῃ2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sghe/she/it-should-FAIL, you(sg)-should-be-FAIL-edDt 15:11, JoB 9:23, Est 9:28, Jdt 12:3, Prv 24:10, Jb 14:7, Is 51:6, Is 59:21, Jer 38:40, Jer 42:19, Ez 24:11, Ez 47:12
ἐκλίποιἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·οι2aor act opt 3rd sghe/she/it-happens-to-FAIL (opt)2Kgs 3:29, Jb 21:19
ἐκλίποισανἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·οισαν2aor act opt 3rd pl altthey-happen-to-FAIL (opt)Ps 103:35
ἐκλιπόντεςἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ο[υ]ντ·ες2aor act ptcp mas nom|voc plupon FAIL-ing (nom|voc)Ps 36:20
ἐκλίπωἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ω2aor act sub 1st sgI-should-FAILSir 24:9
ἐκλιπὼνἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^2aor act ptcp mas nom sgupon FAIL-ing (nom)Gn 25:8, Gn 25:17, Gn 35:29
ἐκλίπωσινἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ωσι(ν)2aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-FAILPs 17:38, Jer 24:10, Jer 34:8, Jer 51:27
ἐκλίπωσίνἐκλείπωεκ·λιπ·ωσι(ν)2aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-FAILPrv 4:21
ἐξέλιπενἐκλείπωεκ·ε·λιπ·ε(ν)2aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-FAIL-edGn 8:13, Gn 18:11, Gn 21:15, Gn 47:13, Gn 47:15, Gn 49:33, Ex 13:22, JoB 3:16, JoB 4:7, JoB 5:12, JgsA 5:7, 3Kgs 17:16, 2Chr 4:18, Jdt 7:20, TbBA 14:11, 1Mc 3:29, 1Mc 3:45, 1Mc 14:13, 2Mc 10:13, Ps 30:11, Ps 54:12, Ps 72:26, Ps 106:5, Ps 142:7, Sir 22:11, Na 1:4, Is 29:20, Is 58:11, Jer 6:29, Jer 7:27/28, Jer 14:4, Jer 15:10, Jer 28:30, Jer 31:11, Jer 43:23, Lam 4:22
ἐξελίπομενἐκλείπωεκ·ε·λιπ·ομεν2aor act ind 1st plwe-FAIL-edPs 89:7, Ps 89:9, Wsd 5:13, Jer 51:18
ἐξέλιπονἐκλείπωεκ·ε·λιπ·ον2aor act ind 1st sg or 2aor act ind 3rd plI-FAIL-ed, they-FAIL-edJgsB 5:6, JgsB 5:7, JgsA 5:6, 2Kgs 20:18, Jdt 7:22, Ps 9:7, Ps 36:20, Ps 38:11, Ps 63:7, Ps 68:4, Ps 71:20, Ps 72:19, Ps 77:33, Ps 89:9, Ps 101:4, Ps 118:82, Ps 118:123, Ode 4:17, Ode 11:12, Ode 11:14, Sir 16:27, Sir 49:4, Hb 2:13, Hb 3:17, Zep 3:6, Is 19:13, Is 38:14, Jer 9:9, Jer 14:6, Jer 44:21, Lam 1:19, Lam 2:11, Lam 4:17
ἐξελίποσανἐκλείπωεκ·ε·λιπ·οσαν2aor act ind 3rd pl altthey-FAIL-edJer 6:15

Inflections: 41
Total occurrences: 197

ἀ·διά·λειπτος -ον incessant (adj.) unintermitting
ἀ·δια·λείπτως unceasingly (adv.) relentlessly, persistently
ἀν·έκ·λειπτος -ον unfailing (adj.)
ἀπο+λείπω to leave/remain (v.) Lit:"leave-behind-from", hence leave/leave-behind/desert/forsake (act/passive), remain(middle)
δια+λείπω to ceased (v.) intermittent, recurrent, remittent, stop, gap
ἐγ·κατα+λείπω to leave utterly (v.) Lit:leave-down-in, hence forsake, desert, abandon (in depth έγκατα) compare κατελιπεν
ἐκ+λείπω to fail (v.) Leave out, desert; intransitive: fail, die out, cease (so in all NT uses, probably inclu. Lk. 23:45, although "eclipse" in regard to Sun/Moon is possible mng. [but solar eclipses don't occur during full moon as at Passover])
ἐλ+λείπω [LXX] to leave [in] (v.) (remain in (place), abide, )
ἐπι+λείπω to fail (v.) (still lack, fall short (upon-lacking))
ἐπί·λοιπος -ον remaining (adj.) (from "λοιπός": the-rest/remaining/residue/remnant), hence Lit:"the-remaining/rest-of/upon/afterward.
κατά·λειμμα, -ατος, τό remnant (n.) a remainder, i.e. (by implication) a minute -- remnant.
κατα+λείπω to leave-behind (v.) Lit:leave-down, hence leave-behind, forsake, abandon
κατά·λοιπος -ον rest/remaining (adj.) not the ones selected, marked, specified... but the rest of them.
λεῖμμα, -ατος, τό remnant (n.)
λοιπός -ή -όν remaining (adj.) well then, sο, now, the rest, finally
περι+λείπομαι to leave-behind-all-around (v.) Lit:leave-behind-all-around Lit:leave-behind-all-around hence leave-behind/rem
ὑπό·λειμμα, -ατος, τό remnant (n.) remainder
ὑπο+λείπω to leave alone (v.) Lit:"leave-behind-under" hence leave/abandon(act), remain/survive(pas), reserve {the rest of})
λείπω to lack (v.) be short of

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