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πλειων πλεων • PLEIWN PLEWN • pleiōn pleōn

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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
πλειονες; πλειονεςπλείωνπλειον·ες; πλειον·εςmas nom|voc pl; fem nom|voc pl

πλείων -ον and πλέων -ον, gen. sg. -ονος (Comp. of πολύς)

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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
πλεῖονπλείωνπλειονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas voc sg or fem voc sgmore (nom|acc|voc, voc)Mt 5:20, Mt 12:41, Mt 12:42, Mt 20:10, Mk 12:43, Lk 7:42, Lk 7:43, Lk 9:13, Lk 11:31, Lk 11:32, Lk 21:3, Jn 21:15, Acts 4:17, Acts 20:9, 2Tm 2:16, 2Tm 3:9
πλεῖόνπλείωνπλειονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas voc sg or fem voc sgmore (nom|acc|voc, voc)Mt 6:25, Mk 12:33, Lk 12:23, Acts 24:4
πλείοναπλείωνπλειον·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg or fem acc sgmore (nom|acc|voc), more (acc)Mt 20:10, Jn 7:31, Jn 15:2, Acts 18:20, Heb 3:3, Heb 11:4, Rv 2:19
πλεῖοναπλείωνπλειον·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg or fem acc sgmore (nom|acc|voc), more (acc)Mt 20:10
πλείοναςπλείωνπλειον·αςmas acc pl or fem acc plmore (acc)Mt 21:36, Jn 4:1, Acts 27:20, 1Cor 9:19, 2Cor 9:2, Phil 1:14
πλείονεςπλείωνπλειον·εςmas nom|voc pl or fem nom|voc plmore (nom|voc)Acts 27:12, Acts 28:23, 1Cor 15:6
πλείονέςπλείωνπλειον·εςmas nom|voc pl or fem nom|voc plmore (nom|voc)Heb 7:23
Πλείονοςπλείωνπλειον·οςneu gen sg or mas gen sg or fem gen sgmore (gen)Heb 3:3
πλειόνωνπλείωνπλειον·ωνneu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen plmore (gen)Lk 11:53, Acts 4:22, Acts 24:17, 2Cor 2:6, 2Cor 4:15
πλείοσινπλείωνπλειο[ν]·σι(ν)neu dat pl or mas dat pl or fem dat plmore (dat)Acts 2:40, 1Cor 10:5
πλείουςπλείωνπλει(ο)[ν]·ες, πλει(ο)[ν]·αςmas nom|voc pl or fem nom|voc pl, mas acc pl or fem acc plmore (acc, nom|voc)Mt 26:53, Jn 4:41, Acts 13:31, Acts 19:32, Acts 21:10, Acts 23:13, Acts 23:21, Acts 24:11, Acts 25:6, Acts 25:14, Acts 27:12, 1Cor 15:6
πλείωπλείωνπλει(ο)[ν]·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg or fem acc sgmore (nom|acc|voc), more (acc)Mt 26:53
πλέονπλέων or πλέωπλεον; πλε·ο[υ]ν[τ]neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas voc sg or fem voc sg; pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgmore (nom|acc|voc, voc); while SAIL-ing (nom|acc|voc, voc)Lk 3:13, Jn 21:15, Acts 15:28, Acts 27:6
πλέωνπλέων or πλέωπλεον·^; πλε·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^mas nom sg or fem nom sg; pres act ptcp mas nom sgmore (nom); while SAIL-ing (nom)Rv 18:17

Inflections: 14
Total occurrences: 68

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
πλεῖονπλείωνπλειονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas voc sg or fem voc sgmore (nom|acc|voc, voc)Lv 25:16, Lv 25:51, JgsB 20:40, 1Kgs 9:7, 1Esd 2:24, 1Esd 4:25, 1Esd 9:11, Jdt 13:1, 2Mc 8:24, 2Mc 10:27, 2Mc 12:36, 3Mc 5:18, Ps 50:4, Ps 61:3, Ps 89:10, Ps 122:4, Wsd 8:12, Wsd 16:17, Sir 0:7, Sir 34:23, Jer 2:12
πλεῖόνπλείωνπλειονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas voc sg or fem voc sgmore (nom|acc|voc, voc)Is 57:8
πλείοναπλείωνπλειον·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg or fem acc sgmore (nom|acc|voc), more (acc)TbBA 7:8, TbS 2:2, 1Mc 11:24, 2Mc 1:14, 2Mc 8:30, Prv 11:24, Prv 16:21, Wsd 17:12, Sir 3:23, Sir 16:21, Sir 34:11, Is 16:3, Bar 4:35, EpJer 1:2
πλείονάπλείωνπλειον·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg or fem acc sgmore (nom|acc|voc), more (acc)Dt 20:1
πλείοναςπλείωνπλειον·αςmas acc pl or fem acc plmore (acc)Ez 29:15
πλείονεςπλείωνπλειον·εςmas nom|voc pl or fem nom|voc plmore (nom|voc)2Chr 32:7, 2Mc 11:12, Jer 43:32
πλείονιπλείωνπλειον·ιneu dat sg or mas dat sg or fem dat sgmore (dat)Gn 46:29, 3Mc 5:2, Sir 16:17
πλείονοςπλείωνπλειον·οςneu gen sg or mas gen sg or fem gen sgmore (gen)2Mc 14:20
πλειόνωνπλείωνπλειον·ωνneu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen plmore (gen)Ex 23:2, 1Esd 6:13, 2Mc 12:24, 2Mc 12:25, 3Mc 4:18, 4Mc 11:3, Sir 31:18, Sir 51:3, Ez 38:8
πλείοσινπλείωνπλειο[ν]·σι(ν)neu dat pl or mas dat pl or fem dat plmore (dat)Nm 26:54, Nm 33:54, Sir 13:11
πλείουςπλείωνπλει(ο)[ν]·ες, πλει(ο)[ν]·αςmas nom|voc pl or fem nom|voc pl, mas acc pl or fem acc plmore (acc, nom|voc)Ex 1:12, Lv 15:25, Nm 9:19, Nm 20:15, Nm 22:15, Dt 20:19, Dt 25:3, JoB 10:11, JoB 11:18, JoB 22:3, JoB 23:1, JoB 24:7, JgsB 16:30, JgsA 16:30, 4Kgs 6:16, 1Chr 24:4, Jdt 4:13, 1Mc 6:9, 2Mc 10:23, 2Mc 12:19, Jon 4:11, Is 22:9, Jer 39:14, EpJer 1:18, Ez 33:24
πλείωπλείωνπλει(ο)[ν]·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg or fem acc sgmore (nom|acc|voc), more (acc)1Esd 4:42
πλείωνπλείωνπλειον·^mas nom sg or fem nom sgmore (nom)EpJer 1:11
πλέονπλέων or πλέωπλεον; πλε·ο[υ]ν[τ]neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas voc sg or fem voc sg; pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgmore (nom|acc|voc, voc); while SAIL-ing (nom|acc|voc, voc)4Mc 1:8, 4Mc 2:6, 4Mc 9:30, Mal 3:14
πλέοναπλέωνπλεον·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg or fem acc sgmore (nom|acc|voc), more (acc)Am 6:2

Inflections: 15
Total occurrences: 90

πάμ·πολυς -πολλη -πολυ very large (adj.) [πᾶς + πολύς]
πλεῖστος -η -ον most (adj.)
πλείων -ον and πλέων -ον more (adj.) /greater/better.
πολύς πολλή πολύ much (adj.) Singular: a lot, great, large, much, voluminous Plural: lots, manifold, many, multiple, numerous

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