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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
θαψωμενθάπτωθαπτ·σωμεν1aor act sub 1st pl

θάπτω (θαπτ-, θαψ-, θαψ-, -, τεθαπτ-, ταφ·[θ]-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἔθαψανθάπτωε·θαπτ·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-BURY-edMt 14:12, Acts 5:6, Acts 5:10
ἐτάφηθάπτωε·ταφ·[θ]ηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-BURY-edLk 16:22, Acts 2:29, 1Cor 15:4
θάψαιθάπτωθαπτ·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-BURY, be-you(sg)-BURY-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-BURY (opt)Mt 8:21, Mt 8:22, Lk 9:59, Lk 9:60
θαψάντωνθάπτωθαπτ·σαντων, θαπτ·σαντ·ων1aor act imp 3rd pl classical, 1aor act ptcp mas gen pl or 1aor act ptcp neu gen pllet-them-BURY! (classical), upon BURY-ing (gen)Acts 5:9

Inflections: 4
Total occurrences: 11

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἔθαπτεςθάπτωε·θαπτ·εςimpf act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-were-BURY-ingTbBA 12:12, TbS 12:12
ἔθαπτονθάπτωε·θαπτ·ονimpf act ind 1st sg or impf act ind 3rd plI-was-BURY-ing, they-were-BURY-ingNm 33:4, TbBA 1:17, TbS 1:17, TbS 1:18
ἔθαψαθάπτωε·θαπτ·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-BURY-edGn 49:31, TbBA 1:18, TbBA 2:7, TbS 1:18, TbS 2:7
ἔθαψανθάπτωε·θαπτ·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-BURY-edGn 25:9, Gn 25:10, Gn 35:29, Gn 49:31, Gn 50:12, Gn 50:13, Gn 50:26, Nm 11:34, Dt 34:6, JoB 24:31, JoB 24:31a, JgsB 2:9, JgsB 16:31, JgsA 2:9, JgsA 12:12, JgsA 16:31, 2Kgs 2:4, 2Kgs 4:12, 2Kgs 21:14, 3Kgs 11:43, 3Kgs 22:37, 4Kgs 9:28, 4Kgs 10:35, 4Kgs 12:22, 4Kgs 13:9, 4Kgs 13:20, 4Kgs 15:7, 4Kgs 21:26, 4Kgs 23:30, 1Chr 10:12, 2Chr 9:31, 2Chr 13:23, 2Chr 16:14, 2Chr 22:9, 2Chr 24:16, 2Chr 24:25, 2Chr 25:28, 2Chr 26:23, 2Chr 32:33, 2Chr 33:20, Jdt 8:3, Jdt 16:23, 1Mc 9:19
ἐθάψατεθάπτωε·θαπτ·σατε1aor act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-BURY-ed2Kgs 2:5
ἔθαψενθάπτωε·θαπτ·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-BURY-edGn 23:19, 3Kgs 2:34, TbBA 14:11, TbBA 14:12, TbBA 14:13, TbS 14:12, TbS 14:13, 1Mc 13:25
ἐτάφηθάπτωε·ταφ·[θ]ηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-BURY-edGn 35:19, Nm 20:1, Dt 10:6, JoB 24:33, JgsB 8:32, JgsB 10:2, JgsB 10:5, JgsB 12:7, JgsB 12:10, JgsB 12:12, JgsB 12:15, JgsA 8:32, JgsA 10:2, JgsA 10:5, JgsA 12:7, JgsA 12:10, JgsA 12:15, 2Kgs 17:23, 3Kgs 2:10, 3Kgs 22:51, 4Kgs 8:24, 4Kgs 14:16, 4Kgs 14:20, 4Kgs 15:38, 4Kgs 16:20, 4Kgs 20:21, 4Kgs 21:18, 2Chr 12:16, 2Chr 21:1, 2Chr 21:20, 2Chr 27:9, 2Chr 28:27, 2Chr 35:24, 2Chr 36:8, 1Esd 1:29, TbS 14:2, TbS 14:11, 1Mc 2:70, 1Mc 13:23, Sir 44:14
θάπτειθάπτωθαπτ·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-BURY-ing, you(sg)-are-being-BURY-ed (classical)TbBA 2:8, TbS 2:8
θάπτεινθάπτωθαπτ·εινpres act infto-be-BURY-ing3Kgs 11:15
θάπτεταιθάπτωθαπτ·εταιpres mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-BURY-ed3Kgs 12:24a, 3Kgs 14:31, 3Kgs 15:8, 3Kgs 15:24, 3Kgs 16:6, 3Kgs 16:28, 3Kgs 16:28h
θάπτονταθάπτωθαπτ·ο[υ]ντ·αpres act ptcp mas acc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plwhile BURY-ing (acc, nom|acc|voc)4Mc 16:11
θάπτοντεςθάπτωθαπτ·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile BURY-ing (nom|voc)Ez 39:15
θαπτόντωνθάπτωθαπτ·οντων, θαπτ·ο[υ]ντ·ωνpres act imp 3rd pl classical, pres act ptcp mas gen pl or pres act ptcp neu gen pllet-them-be-BURY-ing! (classical), while BURY-ing (gen)4Kgs 13:21
θάπτουσινθάπτωθαπτ·ουσι(ν), θαπτ·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-BURY-ing, while BURY-ing (dat)1Kgs 25:1, 1Kgs 28:3, 1Kgs 31:13, 2Kgs 2:32, 2Kgs 3:32
θάπτωθάπτωθαπτ·ωpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sgI-am-BURY-ing, I-should-be-BURY-ingTbBA 1:19, TbS 1:19
θάπτωνθάπτωθαπτ·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^pres act ptcp mas nom sgwhile BURY-ing (nom)4Kgs 9:10, 1Mc 7:17, Ps 78:3, PsSol 2:27, Jer 14:16
θάψαιθάπτωθαπτ·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-BURY, be-you(sg)-BURY-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-BURY (opt)Gn 23:6, Gn 23:8, Gn 47:29, Gn 50:7, Gn 50:14, 3Kgs 13:29, 4Kgs 9:35, Wsd 18:12, Ez 39:14
θάψαςθάπτωθαπτ·σα[ντ]·ς1aor act ptcp mas nom|voc sgupon BURY-ing (nom|voc)TbBA 2:9
θάψατεθάπτωθαπτ·σατε1aor act imp 2nd pldo-BURY-you(pl)!4Kgs 9:34
θάψατέθάπτωθαπτ·σατε1aor act imp 2nd pldo-BURY-you(pl)!Gn 49:29, 3Kgs 13:31
θάψειθάπτωθαπτ·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-BURY, you(sg)-will-be-BURY-ed (classical)TbBA 6:15, Hos 9:6
θάψειςθάπτωθαπτ·σειςfut act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-BURYGn 47:30, Gn 50:5, 3Kgs 2:31
θάψετεθάπτωθαπτ·σετεfut act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-BURYDt 21:23
θάψῃθάπτωθαπτ·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sg or 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-BURY-ed, he/she/it-should-BURY, you(sg)-should-be-BURY-edTbS 6:15
θάψῃςθάπτωθαπτ·σῃς1aor act sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-should-BURYTbS 14:8-9
θάψονθάπτωθαπτ·σον, θαπτ·σο[υ]ν[τ]1aor act imp 2nd sg, fut act ptcp mas voc sg or fut act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgdo-BURY-you(sg)!, going-to-BURY (fut ptcp) (nom|acc|voc, voc)Gn 23:6, Gn 23:11, Gn 23:15, Gn 50:6, 3Kgs 2:29, TbBA 4:3, TbBA 4:4, TbBA 14:9, TbS 4:3, TbS 4:4
θάψουσινθάπτωθαπτ·σουσι(ν), θαπτ·σου[ντ]·σι(ν)fut act ind 3rd pl, fut act ptcp mas dat pl or fut act ptcp neu dat plthey-will-BURY, going-to-BURY (fut ptcp) (dat)Jer 7:32
θάψωθάπτωθαπτ·σωfut act ind 1st sg or 1aor act sub 1st sgI-will-BURY, I-should-BURYGn 23:4, Gn 23:13, Gn 50:5, TbS 2:4
θάψωμενθάπτωθαπτ·σωμεν1aor act sub 1st plwe-should-BURYTbBA 8:12, TbS 8:12
θάψωσινθάπτωθαπτ·σωσι(ν)1aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-BURYEz 39:15
ταφεὶςθάπτωταφ·[θ]ει[ντ]·ςaor θη ptcp mas nom|voc sgupon being-BURY-ed (nom|voc)Gn 15:15
ταφῇταφή or θάπτωταφ·ῃ; ταφ·[θ]ῃ(fem) dat sg; aor θη sub 3rd sgburial (dat); he/she/it-should-be-BURY-edDt 21:23
ταφήσεταιθάπτωταφ·[θ]ησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-BURY-edJer 22:19
ταφήσῃθάπτωταφ·[θ]ησῃfut θη ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-BURY-edJer 20:6
ταφήσομαιθάπτωταφ·[θ]ησομαιfut θη ind 1st sgI-will-be-BURY-edRu 1:17
ταφήσονταιθάπτωταφ·[θ]ησονταιfut θη ind 3rd plthey-will-be-BURY-edJer 8:2, Jer 16:4
τέθαπταιθάπτωτεθαπτ·ταιperf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-been-BURY-ed3Kgs 13:31

Inflections: 37
Total occurrences: 178

συν+θάπτω to buried together (v.) bury
ταφή, -ῆς, ἡ burial (n.)
τάφος, -ου, ὁ grave (n.)
θάπτω to bury (v.)

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