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δικαιος • DIKAIOS • dikaios

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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
δικαιοις; δικαιοιςδίκαιοςδικαι·οις; δικαι·οιςneu dat pl; mas dat pl
δικαιοις; δικαιοις; δικαιοιςδικαιόωδικαι(ο)·εις; δικαι(ο)·οις; δικαι(ο)·ῃςpres act ind 2nd sg; pres act opt 2nd sg; pres act sub 2nd sg

δίκαιος -αία -ον

Adjective (2-1-2)


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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
δικαίαδίκαιοςδικαι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgrighteous (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)Jn 5:30, Rom 7:12
δίκαιαδίκαιοςδικαι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgrighteous (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)Phil 4:8, 1Jn 3:12
δίκαιαιδίκαιοςδικαι·αιfem nom|voc plrighteous (nom|voc)Rv 15:3, Rv 16:7, Rv 19:2
δικαίανδίκαιοςδικαι·ανfem acc sgrighteous (acc)Jn 7:24, 2Pt 2:8
δικαίαςδίκαιοςδικαι·αςfem gen sg or fem acc plrighteous (acc, gen)2Thes 1:5
δίκαιεδίκαιοςδικαι·εmas voc sgrighteous (voc)Jn 17:25
δίκαιοιδίκαιοςδικαι·οιmas nom|voc plrighteous (nom|voc)Mt 13:17, Mt 13:43, Mt 23:28, Mt 25:37, Mt 25:46, Lk 1:6, Lk 18:9, Rom 2:13, Rom 5:19
δικαίοιςδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·οις; δικαι(ο)·εις, δικαι(ο)·ῃς, δικαι(ο)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl; pres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 2nd sgrighteous (dat); you(sg)-are-JUSTIFY-ing, you(sg)-should-be-JUSTIFY-ing, you(sg)-happen-to-be-JUSTIFY-ing (opt)Lk 15:7
Δίκαιον, δίκαιονδίκαιοςδικαι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgrighteous (acc, nom|acc|voc)Mt 10:41, Mt 20:4, Mt 20:7, Mt 23:35, Mk 6:20, Lk 12:57, Acts 3:14, Acts 22:14, Rom 3:26, Eph 6:1, Phil 1:7, Col 4:1, 2Thes 1:6, Ti 1:8, Jas 5:6, 2Pt 1:13, 2Pt 2:7, 1Jn 2:1
δίκαιόνδίκαιοςδικαι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgrighteous (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 4:19
Δίκαιος, δίκαιοςδίκαιοςδικαι·οςmas nom sgrighteous (nom)Mt 1:19, Lk 2:25, Lk 23:47, Lk 23:50, Acts 10:22, Rom 1:17, Rom 3:10, Gal 3:11, 2Tm 4:8, Heb 10:38, Heb 11:4, 1Pt 3:18, 1Pt 4:18, 2Pt 2:8, 1Jn 1:9, Rv 16:5, Rv 22:11
δίκαιόςδίκαιοςδικαι·οςmas nom sgrighteous (nom)Heb 10:38, 1Jn 2:29, 1Jn 3:7
δικαίουδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·ου; δικαι(ο)·ε, δικαι(ο)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres act imp 2nd sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgrighteous (gen); be-you(sg)-JUSTIFY-ing!, be-you(sg)-being-JUSTIFY-ed!Mt 10:41, Mt 23:35, Mt 27:24, Acts 7:52, Rom 5:7, Jas 5:16
δικαίουςδίκαιοςδικαι·ουςmas acc plrighteous (acc)Mt 5:45, Mt 9:13, Mk 2:17, Lk 5:32, Lk 20:20, 1Pt 3:12
δικαίῳδίκαιοςδικαι·ῳneu dat sg or mas dat sgrighteous (dat)Mt 27:19, 1Tm 1:9
δικαιῶνδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·ων; δικαι(ο)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl; pres act ptcp mas nom sgrighteous (gen); while JUSTIFY-ing (nom)Rom 8:33
δικαίωνδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·ων; δικαι(ο)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl; pres act ptcp mas nom sgrighteous (gen); while JUSTIFY-ing (nom)Mt 13:49, Mt 23:29, Lk 1:17, Lk 14:14, Acts 24:15, Heb 12:23

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 84

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
δικαίαδίκαιοςδικαι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgrighteous (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)2Mc 9:18, 4Mc 9:24, Ps 7:11, Ez 45:10
δικαίᾳδίκαιοςδικαι·ᾳfem dat sgrighteous (dat)3Mc 2:22, Ps 13:5, Is 41:10
δίκαιαδίκαιοςδικαι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgrighteous (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)Ex 23:8, Lv 19:36, Dt 4:8, 1Esd 4:39, TbS 3:2, 1Mc 7:12, 1Mc 11:33, 2Mc 7:36, Prv 4:25, Prv 10:18, Prv 11:16, Prv 15:29b, Prv 16:7, Prv 16:11, Prv 16:13, Prv 16:33, Prv 21:3, Prv 21:7, Jb 36:3, Jb 37:23, Wsd 14:30, PsSol 2:10, PsSol 5:1, PsSol 8:8, Is 59:4, Jer 11:20, Jer 20:12
δικαίανδίκαιοςδικαι·ανfem acc sgrighteous (acc)Dt 16:18, TbBA 3:2, 4Mc 2:23, Prv 10:3, Jb 24:11, Jb 28:4, Is 58:2, Jer 23:5
δικαίαςδίκαιοςδικαι·αςfem gen sg or fem acc plrighteous (acc, gen)Ps 2:12, Prv 2:16, Prv 10:17, Jb 24:4, PsSol 15:3
δίκαιοιδίκαιοςδικαι·οιmas nom|voc plrighteous (nom|voc)Gn 18:24, Gn 18:28, JgsA 5:11, 4Kgs 10:9, Ps 31:11, Ps 32:1, Ps 33:18, Ps 36:29, Ps 51:8, Ps 67:4, Ps 96:12, Ps 117:20, Ps 124:3, Ps 139:14, Ps 141:8, Prv 13:9a, Prv 13:23, Prv 18:10, Prv 28:28, Prv 29:16, Qoh 8:14, Qoh 9:1, Jb 5:5, Jb 9:23, Jb 22:19, Jb 27:17, Wsd 5:15, Wsd 10:20, Wsd 16:23, Sir 9:16, PsSol 3:3, Hos 14:10, Is 54:17, Is 57:1, Ez 23:45, SusTh 1:3
δίκαιοίδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·οι; δικαι(ο)·ει, δικαι(ο)·ῃ, δικαι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgrighteous (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-JUSTIFY-ing, you(sg)-are-being-JUSTIFY-ed, you(sg)-are-being-JUSTIFY-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-JUSTIFY-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-JUSTIFY-ed, he/she/it-happens-to-be-JUSTIFY-ing (opt)4Mc 15:10
δικαίοιςδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·οις; δικαι(ο)·εις, δικαι(ο)·ῃς, δικαι(ο)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl; pres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 2nd sgrighteous (dat); you(sg)-are-JUSTIFY-ing, you(sg)-should-be-JUSTIFY-ing, you(sg)-happen-to-be-JUSTIFY-ing (opt)3Kgs 2:32, 2Mc 11:14, 2Mc 13:23, Ode 12:8, Prv 3:32, Prv 10:28, Prv 13:9, Prv 13:22, Prv 17:26, Prv 23:31, Prv 29:27, Wsd 11:14, Wsd 12:9, Sir 35:18, Is 61:8
δίκαιονδίκαιοςδικαι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgrighteous (acc, nom|acc|voc)Gn 7:1, Gn 18:23, Gn 18:25, Gn 20:4, Ex 23:7, Dt 16:20, Dt 25:1, Dt 25:15, 2Kgs 4:11, 3Kgs 8:32, 2Chr 6:23, Est 1:1h, 2Mc 4:34, 2Mc 9:12, 2Mc 10:12, 2Mc 12:6, Ps 5:13, Ps 7:10, Ps 10:5, Ps 33:22, Ps 36:12, Ps 36:25, Ps 36:32, Prv 1:11, Prv 11:1, Prv 17:15, Prv 17:26, Prv 18:5, Prv 25:26, Prv 29:26, Prv 30:12, Qoh 3:17, Jb 8:3, Jb 32:2, Jb 34:10, Jb 34:17, Wsd 2:10, Wsd 2:12, Wsd 10:4, Wsd 10:5, Wsd 10:6, Wsd 10:10, Wsd 10:13, Wsd 12:19, Sir 10:23, Sir 27:8, PsSol 2:35, PsSol 13:9, PsSol 16:15, Am 2:6, Am 5:12, Jl 4:19, Jon 1:14, Hb 1:4, Hb 1:13, Zec 7:9, Is 3:10, Is 5:23, Is 29:21, Is 47:3, Is 51:1, Is 53:11, Is 64:4, Jer 38:23, Jer 49:5, Lam 4:13, Ez 3:20, Ez 18:8, Ez 18:24, Ez 18:26, Ez 33:18, Ez 45:10, SusOG 1:53, SusTh 1:53
δίκαιόνδίκαιοςδικαι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgrighteous (acc, nom|acc|voc)4Mc 6:34
δίκαιοςδίκαιοςδικαι·οςmas nom sgrighteous (nom)Gn 6:9, Gn 18:23, Gn 18:25, Ex 9:27, Lv 19:36, Dt 32:4, 1Kgs 2:2, 1Kgs 24:18, 2Chr 12:6, 2Esd 9:15, 2Esd 19:8, 2Esd 19:33, Est 4:17n, TbBA 3:2, TbBA 14:9, TbS 3:2, TbS 7:6, 2Mc 1:24, 2Mc 1:25, 3Mc 2:3, 4Mc 16:21, Ps 7:12, Ps 10:3, Ps 10:7, Ps 36:21, Ps 57:11, Ps 63:11, Ps 91:13, Ps 111:4, Ps 111:6, Ps 114:5, Ps 118:137, Ps 128:4, Ps 140:5, Ps 144:17, Ode 2:4, Ode 3:2, Ode 3:10, Ode 7:27, Prv 10:25, Prv 10:30, Prv 11:3, Prv 11:8, Prv 11:19, Prv 11:31, Prv 12:10, Prv 12:13, Prv 12:17, Prv 12:26, Prv 13:5, Prv 13:11, Prv 13:25, Prv 14:32, Prv 17:4, Prv 18:17, Prv 19:22, Prv 20:8, Prv 21:2, Prv 21:12, Prv 21:26, Prv 23:24, Prv 24:16, Prv 28:1, Prv 29:4, Prv 29:6, Prv 29:7, Qoh 7:15, Qoh 7:16, Qoh 7:20, Jb 1:1, Jb 9:2, Jb 9:15, Jb 9:20, Jb 10:15, Jb 11:2, Jb 12:4, Jb 13:18, Jb 15:14, Jb 17:8, Jb 25:4, Jb 32:1, Jb 35:7, Jb 40:8, Wsd 2:18, Wsd 4:7, Wsd 4:16, Wsd 5:1, Wsd 12:15, Sir 44:17, PsSol 2:18, PsSol 2:32, PsSol 3:4, PsSol 3:5, PsSol 3:7, PsSol 9:2, PsSol 10:5, PsSol 13:8, PsSol 17:32, Hb 2:4, Zep 3:5, Zec 9:9, Is 32:1, Is 45:21, Is 57:1, Is 60:21, Jer 12:1, Bar 2:9, EpJer 1:72, Ez 3:21, Ez 18:5, Ez 18:9, Ez 33:12, Ez 45:10, DnOG 3:27, DnOG 9:14, DnTh 3:27, DnTh 9:14
δίκαιόςδίκαιοςδικαι·οςmas nom sgrighteous (nom)Prv 24:24, Jb 33:12, Jb 34:5, Jb 35:2, Lam 1:18
δικαιοῦδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·ου; δικαι(ο)·ε, δικαι(ο)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres act imp 2nd sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgrighteous (gen); be-you(sg)-JUSTIFY-ing!, be-you(sg)-being-JUSTIFY-ed!Sir 7:5
δικαίουδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·ου; δικαι(ο)·ε, δικαι(ο)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres act imp 2nd sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgrighteous (gen); be-you(sg)-JUSTIFY-ing!, be-you(sg)-being-JUSTIFY-ed!1Kgs 2:9, TbS 9:6, 3Mc 2:25, Ps 30:19, Ps 36:30, Ps 74:11, Ps 93:21, Ode 3:9, Ode 12:1, Prv 6:17, Prv 10:6, Prv 10:11, Prv 10:20, Prv 10:22, Prv 10:24, Prv 10:31, Prv 11:7, Prv 12:25, Prv 21:18, Qoh 3:16, Jb 36:7, Jb 36:10, Wsd 3:10, Wsd 19:17, Sir 35:5, Sir 35:6, PsSol 2:34, PsSol 3:6, PsSol 4:8, PsSol 13:6, Mal 3:18, Is 5:23, Ez 13:22, Ez 18:11, Ez 18:20, Ez 33:12
δικαίουςδίκαιοςδικαι·ουςmas acc plrighteous (acc)Gn 18:26, Ex 18:21, Ps 33:16, Ps 36:17, Ps 145:8, Prv 13:21, Jb 27:5, PsSol 3:11, PsSol 9:7, PsSol 15:6
δικαίῳδίκαιοςδικαι·ῳneu dat sg or mas dat sgrighteous (dat)4Mc 13:24, Ps 36:16, Ps 54:23, Ps 57:12, Ps 96:11, Prv 9:9, Prv 11:15, Prv 12:21, Prv 17:7, Qoh 7:15, Qoh 9:2, Jb 6:29, Jb 31:6, PsSol 2:35, PsSol 13:8, Ez 3:21, Ez 33:13
δικαίωνδίκαιος or δικαιόωδικαι·ων; δικαι(ο)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl; pres act ptcp mas nom sgrighteous (gen); while JUSTIFY-ing (nom)Gn 18:24, Nm 23:10, Dt 16:19, Est 1:1f, TbBA 4:17, TbBA 13:10, TbBA 13:15, TbS 13:15, 3Mc 3:5, 4Mc 18:15, Ps 1:5, Ps 1:6, Ps 33:20, Ps 36:39, Ps 68:29, Ps 117:15, Ps 124:3, Ode 8:86, Ode 12:8, Prv 3:9, Prv 3:33, Prv 4:18, Prv 10:7, Prv 10:16, Prv 10:21, Prv 10:32, Prv 11:9, Prv 11:10, Prv 11:18, Prv 11:23, Prv 11:28, Prv 12:3, Prv 12:5, Prv 12:7, Prv 14:9, Prv 14:19, Prv 15:6, Prv 15:28, Prv 15:28a, Prv 15:29, Prv 21:15, Prv 24:15, Prv 28:12, Prv 28:21, Prv 29:2, Qoh 8:14, Jb 36:17, Wsd 2:16, Wsd 3:1, Wsd 16:17, Wsd 18:7, Wsd 18:20, Wsd 19:16, PsSol 0:PsSol, PsSol 3:6, PsSol 10:3, PsSol 13:7, PsSol 13:11, PsSol 14:9, PsSol 15:7, DnOG 3:86, DnTh 3:86, DnTh 12:3, SusOG 1:9, SusTh 1:9

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 432

ἀ·δικέω to do-harm/wrong (v.) Lit:"do-unright".
ἀ·δικία, -ας, ἡ wrongdoing (n.) Lit:"unrighteousness/injustice".
ἄ·δικος -ον unjust (adj.) [unrighteous, someone who is guilty against another in the law]
ἀ·δίκως unjustly (adv.)
ἀντί·δικος, -ου, ὁ adversary (n.) Lit:"against-justice", hence adversary/accuser/antagonist/opponent-at-law. By extension, prosecutor.
δικάζω [LXX] to judge (v.)
δίκαιος -αία -ον righteous (adj.) /just/right, (by judicial implication) innocent.
δικαιό·τατος -η -ον [LXX] most just (adj.)
δικαιό·τερος -α -ον [LXX] more just (adj.)
δικαίωμα, -ατος, τό justification (ordinance) (n.) justification, right of plea, judgment, [standards of the law; righteousness]
δικαστής, -οῦ, ὁ judge (n.)
δίκη, -ης, ἡ justice/rightness, penalty (n.) trial, lawsuit, court hearing, penalty/punishment(acc)
ἐκ+δικάζω [LXX] to exact vengeance upon (v.)
ἐκ+δικέω to execute/dispense-justice (v.) Lit:"out-just", hence execute/deliver/provide/dispense-justice. By extension: provide legal-protection, avenge(blood), defend(weak), vindicate(wronged), rectify(wrongs).
ἔκ·δικος -ον punishing (adj.)
ἔν·δικος -ον warranted (adj.)
κατα+δικάζω to condemn (v.) Lit: "judge-down", hence to condemn in a specific manner.
κατα·δίκη, -ης, ἡ conviction (n.)
ὑπό·δικος -ον answerable (adj.) [liable to be tried]
δικαιόω to justify (v.) vindicate; rectify: to do justice to; to declare or regard as just/righteous; to make free or pure of (sin, etc.)

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