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βουλομαι • BOULOMAI • boulomai

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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
βουλομενοιβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc pl

βούλομαι (βουλ-, βουλη·σ-, -, -, -, βουλη·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
βούλειβούλομαιβουλ·ειpres mp ind 2nd sg classicalyou(sg)-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (classical)Lk 22:42
βούλεσθεβούλομαιβουλ·εσθεpres mp ind 2nd pl or pres mp imp 2nd plyou(pl)-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed, be-you(pl)-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed!Jn 18:39, Acts 5:28
βούλεταιβούλομαιβουλ·εταιpres mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed1Cor 12:11, Jas 3:4
βουλῇβουλή or βούλομαιβουλ·ῃ(fem) dat sg; pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sgwill/plan/intent (dat); you(sg)-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed, you(sg)-should-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-edLk 23:51, Acts 2:23, Acts 13:36
Βουληθεὶςβούλομαιβουλη·θει[ντ]·ςaor θη ptcp mas nom|voc sgupon being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (nom|voc)Jas 1:18
βουληθῇβούλομαιβουλη·θῃaor θη sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-INTEND/PLAN-edJas 4:4
βούληταιβούλομαιβουλ·ηταιpres mp sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-edMt 11:27, Lk 10:22, Jas 3:4
βούλοιτοβούλομαιβουλ·οιτοpres mp opt 3rd sghe/she/it-happens-to-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (opt)Acts 25:20
Βούλομαι, βούλομαιβούλομαιβουλ·ομαιpres mp ind 1st sgI-am-being-INTEND/PLAN-edActs 18:15, Phil 1:12, 1Tm 2:8, 1Tm 5:14, Jude 1:5
βούλομαίβούλομαιβουλ·ομαιpres mp ind 1st sgI-am-being-INTEND/PLAN-edTi 3:8
βουλόμεθαβούλομαιβουλ·ομεθαpres mp ind 1st plwe-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-edActs 17:20
βουλόμενοιβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (nom|voc)1Tm 6:9
Βουλόμενος, βουλόμενοςβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (nom)Mk 15:15, Acts 12:4, Acts 22:30, Acts 23:28, Acts 27:43, 2Cor 1:17, Heb 6:17
βουλόμενόςβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (nom)2Pt 3:9
Βουλομένου, βουλομένουβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·ουpres mp ptcp mas gen sg or pres mp ptcp neu gen sgwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (gen)Acts 18:27, Acts 19:30
βουλομένουςβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·ουςpres mp ptcp mas acc plwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (acc)3Jn 1:10
ἐβούλετοβούλομαιε·βουλ·ετοimpf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-being-INTEND/PLAN-edActs 15:37
ἐβουλήθηβούλομαιε·βουλη·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-INTEND/PLAN-edMt 1:19
ἐβουλήθηνβούλομαιε·βουλη·θηνaor θη ind 1st sgI-was-INTEND/PLAN-ed2Jn 1:12
ἐβουλόμην, Ἐβουλόμηνβούλομαιε·βουλ·ομηνimpf mp ind 1st sgI-was-being-INTEND/PLAN-edActs 25:22, 2Cor 1:15, Phlm 1:13
ἐβούλοντοβούλομαιε·βουλ·οντοimpf mp ind 3rd plthey-were-being-INTEND/PLAN-edActs 5:33, Acts 28:18

Inflections: 21
Total occurrences: 41

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
βούλειβούλομαιβουλ·ειpres mp ind 2nd sg classicalyou(sg)-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (classical)Ex 4:23, Ex 7:27, Ex 9:2, Ex 10:3, Ex 10:7, 3Kgs 20:6, Est 3:11
βούλεσθαιβούλομαιβουλ·εσθαιpres mp infto-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed2Mc 11:29, Jb 36:12, Is 8:6
βούλεσθεβούλομαιβουλ·εσθεpres mp ind 2nd pl or pres mp imp 2nd plyou(pl)-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed, be-you(pl)-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed!Ex 16:28, Is 36:16, Jer 49:22
βούλεταιβούλομαιβουλ·εταιpres mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-INTEND/PLAN-edGn 24:5, 1Kgs 18:25, 2Kgs 24:3, TbBA 4:19, Jb 30:14, Jb 35:13, Is 53:10
βουλῇβουλή or βούλομαιβουλ·ῃ(fem) dat sg; pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sgwill/plan/intent (dat); you(sg)-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed, you(sg)-should-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed1Chr 12:20, 1Mc 8:4, 2Mc 14:5, 3Mc 3:11, Ps 1:1, Ps 1:5, Ps 72:24, Ps 88:8, Ps 105:43, Ps 110:1, Prv 11:14, Jb 10:3, Jb 29:21, Sir 6:2, Sir 23:1, Sir 30:21, PsSol 8:20, PsSol 17:37, Hos 10:6, Is 4:2, Is 36:5
βούλῃβουλή or βούλομαιβουλ·ῃ(fem) dat sg; pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sgwill/plan/intent (dat); you(sg)-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed, you(sg)-should-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-edEx 8:17, 1Esd 8:16, 2Esd 10:3
βουληθῇςβούλομαιβουλη·θῃςaor θη sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-should-be-INTEND/PLAN-edPrv 1:10
βουληθῶσινβούλομαιβουλη·θωσι(ν)aor θη sub 3rd plthey-should-be-INTEND/PLAN-edJer 6:10
βουλήσεταιβούλομαιβουλη·σεταιfut mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-INTEND/PLAN-edJb 39:9
βούλησθεβούλομαιβουλ·ησθεpres mp sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-edLv 26:21
βούληταιβούλομαιβουλ·ηταιpres mp sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-edEx 22:16, Dt 25:7, Ru 3:13, 1Kgs 20:3, Jdt 8:15, Jb 9:3, Jb 13:3, Jb 37:10, DnOG 4:31, DnOG 11:3
βούλοιτοβούλομαιβουλ·οιτοpres mp opt 3rd sghe/she/it-happens-to-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (opt)4Mc 9:27, 4Mc 11:13, Jb 34:14
βούλομαιβούλομαιβουλ·ομαιpres mp ind 1st sgI-am-being-INTEND/PLAN-edDt 25:8, TbBA 5:12, TbS 5:12, 1Mc 15:3, 1Mc 15:4, Jb 21:14, Is 1:11, Ez 33:11
βουλόμεθαβούλομαιβουλ·ομεθαpres mp ind 1st plwe-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed2Mc 11:28
βουλομένῃβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·ῃpres mp ptcp fem dat sgwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (dat)2Mc 1:3
βουλόμενοιβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (nom|voc)1Mc 5:67, 1Mc 11:63, 2Mc 11:23, Prv 12:20
βουλόμενοίβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (nom|voc)Ps 69:3
βουλομένοιςβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οιςpres mp ptcp mas dat pl or pres mp ptcp neu dat plwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (dat)2Mc 2:25, Sir 0:34
βουλόμενονβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·ονpres mp ptcp mas acc sg or pres mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)3Mc 3:28
βουλόμενοςβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (nom)1Kgs 2:25, 2Kgs 20:11, 3Kgs 13:33, 1Mc 7:5, 2Mc 12:35, 2Mc 14:39, 3Mc 5:47, Prv 18:1, Wsd 14:19
βουλομένουςβούλομαιβουλ·ομεν·ουςpres mp ptcp mas acc plwhile being-INTEND/PLAN-ed (acc)Ex 36:2, 1Esd 8:10, 2Mc 12:8, Jer 13:10
βούλονταιβούλομαιβουλ·ονταιpres mp ind 3rd plthey-are-being-INTEND/PLAN-edEst 8:11, 1Mc 12:34, 3Mc 3:19, Prv 21:7, EpJer 1:45, Ez 3:7
βούλωνταιβούλομαιβουλ·ωνταιpres mp sub 3rd plthey-should-be-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed1Mc 8:13, Jer 32:28
ἐβούλετοβούλομαιε·βουλ·ετοimpf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-being-INTEND/PLAN-edJgsA 13:23, 1Kgs 2:25, 1Kgs 15:9, 1Kgs 31:4, 2Kgs 2:23, 2Kgs 6:10, 3Kgs 16:28g, 1Chr 10:4, 1Chr 11:19, 2Chr 21:7, 2Chr 25:16, TbS 6:2, Wsd 16:21, Is 42:21
ἐβουλήθηβούλομαιε·βουλη·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-INTEND/PLAN-edEx 10:27, 1Kgs 28:23, TbBA 6:2, 1Mc 7:30, 1Mc 16:13, Ps 35:4
ἐβουλήθημενβούλομαιε·βουλη·θημενaor θη ind 1st plwe-were-INTEND/PLAN-ed3Mc 3:21
ἐβουλήθηνβούλομαιε·βουλη·θηνaor θη ind 1st sgI-was-INTEND/PLAN-edEst 3:13b, Ps 39:9
ἐβουλήθηςβούλομαιε·βουλη·θηςaor θη ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-were-INTEND/PLAN-edWsd 12:6
ἐβουλήθησανβούλομαιε·βουλη·θησανaor θη ind 3rd plthey-were-INTEND/PLAN-ed1Kgs 22:17, Jdt 5:7, 1Mc 14:31
ἐβουλόμηνβούλομαιε·βουλ·ομηνimpf mp ind 1st sgI-was-being-INTEND/PLAN-edTbS 5:14, Is 65:12, Is 66:4
ἐβούλοντοβούλομαιε·βουλ·οντοimpf mp ind 3rd plthey-were-being-INTEND/PLAN-edIs 42:24
ἐβούλουβούλομαιε·βουλ·ουimpf mp ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-were-being-INTEND/PLAN-edJon 1:14
ἠβούλεσθεβούλομαιε·βουλ·εσθεimpf mp ind 2nd plyou(pl)-were-being-INTEND/PLAN-edIs 30:15
ἠβούλετοβούλομαιε·βουλ·ετοimpf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed1Kgs 8:19, 1Mc 3:34, 1Mc 15:27, DnTh 5:19
ἠβουλόμεθαβούλομαιε·βουλ·ομεθαimpf mp ind 1st plwe-were-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed1Mc 12:14
ἠβούλοντοβούλομαιε·βουλ·οντοimpf mp ind 3rd plthey-were-being-INTEND/PLAN-ed1Mc 4:6, 1Mc 5:48, 1Mc 11:45, 1Mc 11:49, Is 1:29, Is 30:9

Inflections: 36
Total occurrences: 150

βουλευτής, -οῦ, ὁ councillor/plotter (n.)
βουλεύω to decide (v.) deliberate, determine
βουλή, -ῆς, ἡ will/plan/intent (n.) counsel, design, advice
βούλημα, -ατος, τό plan/intention (n.)
βούλομαι to intend/plan (v.) Cognate of βουλη (determinate plan/intent/purpose), thus, a harder, less negotiable form of θέλημα (to wish/want/desire). Often softened to "wish/want" regarding the wishes/desires of a sovereign authority (God/king/general/ruling counsel).

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Tuesday, 16-Apr-2024 15:35:15 EDT





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