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Ιουδαιος • IOUDAIOS • Ioudaios

Ἰουδαῖος -αία -ον

Adjective (2-1-2)


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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


Trench's Synonyms of the New Testament (1880)

§xxxix. Ἑβραῖος, Ἰουδαῖος, Ἰσραηλίτης

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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἸουδαίαἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·α(fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgJudea (nom|voc); Jewish (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)Mt 3:5, Mk 1:5
ἸουδαίᾳἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·ᾳ(fem) dat sg; fem dat sgJudea (dat); Jewish (dat)Mt 24:16, Mk 13:14, Lk 7:17, Lk 21:21, Jn 7:1, Acts 1:8, Acts 11:29, Acts 24:24, Rom 15:31, 1Thes 2:14
ἸουδαίανἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·αν(fem) acc sg; fem acc sgJudea (acc); Jewish (acc)Lk 2:4, Jn 3:22, Jn 4:3, Jn 7:3, Jn 11:7, Acts 2:9, Acts 11:1, 2Cor 1:16
ἸουδαίαςἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·ας(fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc plJudea (gen); Jewish (acc, gen)Mt 2:1, Mt 2:5, Mt 2:22, Mt 3:1, Mt 4:25, Mt 19:1, Mk 3:7, Mk 10:1, Lk 1:5, Lk 1:65, Lk 3:1, Lk 4:44, Lk 5:17, Lk 6:17, Lk 23:5, Jn 4:47, Jn 4:54, Acts 8:1, Acts 9:31, Acts 10:37, Acts 12:19, Acts 15:1, Acts 16:1, Acts 21:10, Acts 26:20, Acts 28:21, Gal 1:22
ἸουδαῖοιἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οιmas nom|voc plJewish (nom|voc)Mk 7:3, Jn 1:19, Jn 2:18, Jn 2:20, Jn 4:9, Jn 5:10, Jn 5:16, Jn 5:18, Jn 6:41, Jn 6:52, Jn 7:1, Jn 7:11, Jn 7:15, Jn 7:35, Jn 8:22, Jn 8:48, Jn 8:52, Jn 8:57, Jn 9:18, Jn 9:22, Jn 10:24, Jn 10:31, Jn 10:33, Jn 11:8, Jn 11:31, Jn 11:36, Jn 18:20, Jn 18:31, Jn 19:7, Jn 19:12, Jn 19:31, Acts 2:5, Acts 2:14, Acts 9:23, Acts 13:45, Acts 13:50, Acts 14:2, Acts 14:19, Acts 16:20, Acts 17:5, Acts 17:13, Acts 18:12, Acts 18:14, Acts 21:11, Acts 21:27, Acts 23:12, Acts 23:20, Acts 24:9, Acts 24:18, Acts 25:7, Acts 26:4, Acts 26:21, Acts 28:29, 1Cor 1:22, 1Cor 12:13, Gal 2:13, Gal 2:15
ἸουδαῖοίἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οιmas nom|voc plJewish (nom|voc)Acts 2:10
ἸουδαίοιςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat plJewish (dat)Mt 28:15, Jn 5:15, Jn 10:19, Jn 11:54, Jn 13:33, Jn 18:14, Jn 18:36, Jn 19:14, Jn 19:40, Acts 11:19, Acts 12:3, Acts 14:4, Acts 17:17, Acts 18:5, Acts 18:19, Acts 18:28, Acts 19:17, Acts 20:21, Acts 21:20, Acts 24:5, Acts 24:27, Acts 25:9, 1Cor 1:23, 1Cor 1:24, 1Cor 9:20, 1Cor 10:32
ἸουδαῖονἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgJewish (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 13:6, Acts 18:2
ἸουδαῖοςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οςmas nom sgJewish (nom)Jn 4:9, Acts 18:24, Acts 21:39, Acts 22:3, Rom 2:17, Rom 2:29, 1Cor 9:20, Gal 2:14, Gal 3:28, Col 3:11
ἸουδαῖόςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οςmas nom sgJewish (nom)Jn 18:35, Acts 19:34, Rom 2:28
ἸουδαίουἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sgJewish (gen)Jn 3:25, Acts 19:14, Rom 2:9, Rom 3:1, Rom 10:12
ἸουδαίουςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ουςmas acc plJewish (acc)Jn 8:31, Jn 9:22, Jn 11:33, Jn 18:38, Acts 9:22, Acts 16:3, Acts 18:2, Acts 18:4, Acts 18:14, Acts 19:10, Acts 21:21, Acts 25:10, Acts 26:3, Rom 3:9, 1Cor 9:20, Rv 2:9, Rv 3:9
ἸουδαίῳἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ῳneu dat sg or mas dat sgJewish (dat)Acts 10:28, Rom 1:16, Rom 2:10
ἸουδαίωνἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ωνneu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen plJewish (gen)Mt 2:2, Mt 27:11, Mt 27:29, Mt 27:37, Mk 15:2, Mk 15:9, Mk 15:12, Mk 15:18, Mk 15:26, Lk 7:3, Lk 23:3, Lk 23:37, Lk 23:38, Lk 23:51, Jn 2:6, Jn 2:13, Jn 3:1, Jn 4:22, Jn 5:1, Jn 6:4, Jn 7:2, Jn 7:13, Jn 11:19, Jn 11:45, Jn 11:55, Jn 12:9, Jn 12:11, Jn 18:12, Jn 18:33, Jn 18:39, Jn 19:3, Jn 19:19, Jn 19:20, Jn 19:21, Jn 19:38, Jn 19:42, Jn 20:19, Acts 10:22, Acts 10:39, Acts 12:11, Acts 13:5, Acts 13:42, Acts 13:43, Acts 14:1, Acts 14:5, Acts 17:1, Acts 17:10, Acts 19:13, Acts 19:33, Acts 20:3, Acts 20:19, Acts 21:20, Acts 22:12, Acts 22:30, Acts 23:12, Acts 23:27, Acts 23:30, Acts 25:2, Acts 25:8, Acts 25:15, Acts 25:24, Acts 26:2, Acts 26:7, Acts 28:17, Acts 28:19, Rom 3:29, Rom 9:24, 2Cor 11:24, 1Thes 2:14

Inflections: 14
Total occurrences: 250

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ΙουδαίαἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·α(fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgJudea (nom|voc); Jewish (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)1Esd 4:45, Jdt 8:21, Ps 113:2, Jl 4:20, Is 3:8, Jer 7:2, Jer 14:2, Jer 17:20, Lam 1:3, SusOG 1:22
ΙουδαίᾳἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·ᾳ(fem) dat sg; fem dat sgJudea (dat); Jewish (dat)1Kgs 23:3, 2Chr 1:15, 2Chr 11:5, 2Chr 17:12, 2Chr 17:13, 2Chr 17:19, 2Chr 36:23, 1Esd 1:30, 1Esd 2:2, 1Esd 2:3, 1Esd 2:12, 1Esd 5:69, 1Esd 6:1, 1Esd 8:78, 1Esd 9:3, 2Esd 1:2, 2Esd 1:3, Jdt 4:1, Jdt 4:13, 1Mc 5:18, 1Mc 9:50, 1Mc 9:60, 1Mc 10:38, 1Mc 10:45, 1Mc 11:34, 1Mc 12:35, 2Mc 1:10, Ps 75:2, Zec 12:2, Is 37:31, BelTh 1:33
ΙουδαίανἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·αν(fem) acc sg; fem acc sgJudea (acc); Jewish (acc)1Esd 4:49, 1Esd 5:8, 1Esd 5:55, 1Esd 8:12, 2Esd 5:8, 2Esd 7:14, Jdt 1:12, Jdt 4:7, 1Mc 3:34, 1Mc 4:35, 1Mc 5:8, 1Mc 5:23, 1Mc 6:48, 1Mc 6:53, 1Mc 11:28, 1Mc 15:40, 1Mc 16:10, 2Mc 5:11, 2Mc 10:24, 2Mc 11:5, 2Mc 13:1, 2Mc 13:13, 3Mc 5:43, Is 7:6, Jer 9:25, Ez 21:25
ΙουδαίαςἸουδαία or Ἰουδαῖοςιουδαι·ας(fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc plJudea (gen); Jewish (acc, gen)1Kgs 17:1, 1Kgs 27:6, 1Kgs 27:10, 1Kgs 30:14, 2Kgs 2:4, 2Chr 31:1, 1Esd 1:24, 1Esd 1:31, 1Esd 1:35, 1Esd 1:37, 1Esd 1:44, 1Esd 2:8, 1Esd 5:7, 1Esd 6:8, 1Esd 6:26, 1Esd 6:27, Est 1:1c, Jdt 3:9, Jdt 4:3, Jdt 11:19, TbBA 1:18, TbS 1:18, 1Mc 5:60, 1Mc 7:24, 1Mc 7:46, 1Mc 9:63, 1Mc 11:20, 1Mc 11:34, 1Mc 13:33, 1Mc 14:33, 1Mc 15:30, 1Mc 15:39, 1Mc 15:41, 2Mc 1:1, 2Mc 8:9, 2Mc 14:12, 2Mc 14:14, 2Mc 15:22, Ps 47:12, Ps 62:1, Ps 68:36, Ps 96:8, Prv 25:1, Is 1:1, Is 2:1, Is 3:1, Is 8:8, Is 8:23, Is 36:1, Is 37:10, Is 38:9, Is 44:26, Jer 41:21, DnOG 1:1, DnOG 1:2, DnOG 1:6, DnOG 2:25, DnOG 5:10, DnTh 2:25, DnTh 5:13, DnTh 6:14
ΙουδαῖοιἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οιmas nom|voc plJewish (nom|voc)1Esd 1:19, 1Esd 2:14, 1Esd 2:17, 2Esd 4:12, 2Esd 13:34, 2Esd 14:6, 2Esd 15:17, 2Esd 16:6, Est 9:6, Est 9:12, Est 9:15, Est 9:18, Est 9:19, Est 9:22, Est 9:23, Est 9:27, 1Mc 11:49, 1Mc 11:50, 1Mc 11:51, 1Mc 14:40, 1Mc 14:41, 2Mc 1:1, 2Mc 1:7, 2Mc 4:35, 2Mc 4:36, 2Mc 12:1, 2Mc 14:5, 3Mc 3:3, 3Mc 5:6, 3Mc 5:13, 3Mc 5:18, 3Mc 5:25, 3Mc 5:35, 3Mc 5:48, 3Mc 6:17, 3Mc 6:35, Jer 47:11, DnOG 3:12, DnTh 3:12, SusTh 1:4
ΙουδαίοιςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat plJewish (dat)1Esd 4:49, 2Esd 12:16, 2Esd 13:33, Est 4:3, Est 4:14, Est 8:3, Est 8:7, Est 8:9, Est 8:16, Est 8:17, Est 9:2, Est 9:13, Est 9:14, Est 9:20, TbS 11:18, 1Mc 10:23, 1Mc 10:34, 2Mc 1:1, 2Mc 1:10, 2Mc 4:11, 2Mc 9:19, 2Mc 11:16, 2Mc 11:27, 2Mc 12:8, 2Mc 13:9, 3Mc 4:2, 3Mc 4:21, 3Mc 6:18, 3Mc 6:30, Jer 33:2, Jer 51:1
ΙουδαῖονἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgJewish (acc, nom|acc|voc)Est 5:9, Est 5:13, 2Mc 6:6, 2Mc 9:17
ΙουδαῖοςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οςmas nom sgJewish (nom)Est 1:1b, Est 2:5, Est 9:29, 1Mc 2:23, 3Mc 1:3, 3Mc 3:29, BelOG 1:28, BelTh 1:28
ΙουδαῖόςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·οςmas nom sgJewish (nom)Est 3:4
ΙουδαίουἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sgJewish (gen)Zec 8:23
ΙουδαίουςἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ουςmas acc plJewish (acc)4Kgs 16:6, 4Kgs 25:25, 1Esd 6:1, 2Esd 5:1, 2Esd 15:1, 2Esd 15:8, 2Esd 23:23, Est 3:6, Est 4:7, Est 4:13, Est 4:16, Est 8:5, Est 8:12p, Est 8:12s, Est 8:13, Est 9:3, Est 9:25, 1Mc 8:31, 1Mc 10:29, 1Mc 11:47, 1Mc 14:33, 1Mc 14:34, 1Mc 14:37, 2Mc 5:23, 2Mc 5:25, 2Mc 6:1, 2Mc 8:32, 2Mc 8:36, 2Mc 9:4, 2Mc 9:7, 2Mc 9:15, 2Mc 9:18, 2Mc 10:12, 2Mc 10:14, 2Mc 10:15, 2Mc 11:2, 2Mc 11:24, 2Mc 11:31, 2Mc 12:3, 2Mc 12:17, 2Mc 12:40, 2Mc 13:23, 2Mc 14:39, 3Mc 2:28, 3Mc 5:3, 3Mc 7:3, Jer 48:3, DnOG 3:8, DnTh 3:8
ΙουδαίῳἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ῳneu dat sg or mas dat sgJewish (dat)Est 6:10
ΙουδαίωνἸουδαῖοςιουδαι·ωνneu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen plJewish (gen)1Esd 4:50, 1Esd 6:5, 1Esd 6:8, 1Esd 6:26, 1Esd 7:2, 1Esd 8:10, 2Esd 6:7, 2Esd 6:8, 2Esd 6:14, Est 3:10, Est 3:13, Est 6:13, Est 8:17, Est 9:10, Est 9:16, Est 10:3, Est 10:3e, 1Mc 4:2, 1Mc 8:20, 1Mc 8:23, 1Mc 8:25, 1Mc 8:27, 1Mc 8:29, 1Mc 10:25, 1Mc 10:33, 1Mc 10:36, 1Mc 11:30, 1Mc 11:33, 1Mc 12:3, 1Mc 12:6, 1Mc 12:21, 1Mc 13:36, 1Mc 13:42, 1Mc 14:20, 1Mc 14:22, 1Mc 14:47, 1Mc 15:1, 1Mc 15:2, 1Mc 15:17, 2Mc 3:32, 2Mc 6:8, 2Mc 8:10, 2Mc 8:11, 2Mc 8:34, 2Mc 9:4, 2Mc 10:8, 2Mc 10:24, 2Mc 10:29, 2Mc 11:15, 2Mc 11:16, 2Mc 11:27, 2Mc 11:34, 2Mc 12:30, 2Mc 12:34, 2Mc 13:18, 2Mc 13:19, 2Mc 14:6, 2Mc 14:14, 2Mc 14:37, 2Mc 15:2, 2Mc 15:12, 3Mc 1:8, 3Mc 3:27, 3Mc 4:17, 3Mc 5:2, 3Mc 5:20, 3Mc 5:31, 3Mc 5:38, 3Mc 5:42, 3Mc 7:6, 3Mc 7:10, 4Mc 5:7, Is 19:17, Jer 39:12, Jer 45:19, DnTh 3:97

Inflections: 13
Total occurrences: 345

Ἰουδαία, -ας, ἡ Judea (n.) [region of]
Ἰουδαϊκός -ή -όν Jewish (adj.)
Ἰουδαῖος -αία -ον Jewish (adj.)

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