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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
αλληνἄλλοςαλλ·ηνfem acc sg

ἄλλος -η -ο (cf. ἕτερος)

Determiner (Indefinite)


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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


Trench's Synonyms of the New Testament (1880)

§xcv. ἄλλος, ἕτερος

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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἄλλα, Ἄλλαἄλλοςαλλ·αneu nom|acc plothers (nom|acc)Mt 13:5, Mt 13:7, Mt 13:8, Mt 25:16, Mt 25:17, Mt 25:20, Mt 25:22, Mk 4:8, Mk 4:36, Mk 7:4, Mk 7:8, Jn 6:23, Jn 10:16, Jn 20:30, Jn 21:25, 2Cor 1:13
ἄλλαιἄλλοςαλλ·αιfem nom plothers (nom)Mk 15:41
Ἄλλαςἄλλοςαλλ·αςfem acc plothers (acc)2Cor 11:8
ἄλλη, Ἄλληἄλλοςαλλ·ηfem nom sgother(of similar kind) (nom)Mt 12:13, Mt 26:71, Mt 27:61, Mt 28:1, Mk 3:5, Mk 12:31, Lk 6:10, 1Cor 15:39, 1Cor 15:41
ἄλλην, Ἄλληνἄλλοςαλλ·ηνfem acc sgother(of similar kind) (acc)Mt 5:39, Mt 10:23, Mt 13:24, Mt 13:31, Mt 13:33, Mt 19:9, Mt 21:33, Mk 10:11, Lk 6:29, Rv 18:4
ἄλληςἄλλοςαλλ·ηςfem gen sgother(of similar kind) (gen)Mt 2:12, 1Cor 10:29, Heb 4:8
ἄλλο, Ἄλλοἄλλοςαλλ·οneu nom|acc sgother(of similar kind) (nom|acc)Mk 4:5, Mk 4:7, Mk 4:8, Jn 6:22, Acts 19:32, Acts 21:34, Gal 1:7, Gal 5:10, Rv 2:24, Rv 12:3, Rv 13:11, Rv 15:1, Rv 20:12
ἄλλοι, Ἄλλοιἄλλοςαλλ·οιmas nom plothers (nom)Mt 16:14, Mt 21:8, Mk 4:18, Mk 6:15, Mk 8:28, Mk 11:8, Lk 9:19, Jn 4:38, Jn 7:12, Jn 7:41, Jn 9:9, Jn 9:16, Jn 10:21, Jn 12:29, Jn 18:34, Jn 20:25, Jn 21:2, Jn 21:8, Acts 19:32, Acts 21:34, 1Cor 9:12, 1Cor 14:29, Heb 11:35
ἄλλοιςἄλλοςαλλ·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat plothers (dat)Mt 21:41, Mk 12:9, Lk 20:16, 1Cor 9:2, 1Cor 9:27, 2Cor 8:13
ἄλλονἄλλοςαλλ·ονmas acc sgother(of similar kind) (acc)Mk 10:12, Mk 12:4, Mk 12:5, Mk 14:58, Lk 7:19, Lk 7:20, Jn 14:16, Jn 20:2, Acts 2:12, 1Cor 1:16, 1Cor 3:11, 2Cor 11:4, Jas 5:12, Rv 7:2, Rv 10:1, Rv 14:6, Rv 18:1
ἄλλος, Ἄλλοςἄλλοςαλλ·οςmas nom sgother(of similar kind) (nom)Mk 12:32, Mk 14:19, Lk 22:59, Jn 4:37, Jn 5:7, Jn 5:32, Jn 5:43, Jn 15:24, Jn 18:15, Jn 18:16, Jn 20:3, Jn 20:4, Jn 20:8, Jn 21:18, Acts 2:12, 1Cor 3:10, Phil 3:4, Rv 6:4, Rv 8:3, Rv 14:8, Rv 14:9, Rv 14:15, Rv 14:17, Rv 14:18, Rv 17:10
ἄλλουἄλλος or ἅλλομαιαλλ·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres mp imp 2nd sgother(of similar kind) (gen); be-you(sg)-being-LEAP-ed!Jn 19:32
ἄλλους, Ἄλλουςἄλλοςαλλ·ουςmas acc plothers (acc)Mt 4:21, Mt 20:3, Mt 20:6, Mt 21:36, Mt 22:4, Mt 27:42, Mk 12:5, Mk 15:31, Lk 23:35, Jn 19:18, Acts 15:2, Rom 15:14, 1Cor 14:19
ἄλλῳἄλλοςαλλ·ῳneu dat sg or mas dat sgother(of similar kind) (dat)Mt 8:9, Mk 10:12, Lk 7:8, Acts 4:12, 1Cor 12:8, 1Cor 12:9, 1Cor 12:10, 1Cor 14:30
ἄλλωνἄλλοςαλλ·ωνneu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen plothers (gen)Lk 5:29, Lk 9:8, 1Thes 2:6

Inflections: 15
Total occurrences: 172

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἄλλαἄλλοςαλλ·αneu nom|acc plothers (nom|acc)1Esd 2:10, 1Esd 4:5, 1Esd 4:52, 1Mc 11:27, 1Mc 11:35, 1Mc 15:5, 1Mc 15:31, Sir 14:18, DnOG 7:20
ἄλλαιἄλλοςαλλ·αιfem nom plothers (nom)Gn 41:3
ἄλλαςἄλλοςαλλ·αςfem acc plothers (acc)2Chr 30:23
ἄλληἄλλοςαλλ·ηfem nom sgother(of similar kind) (nom)1Kgs 14:5, 1Esd 8:22, DnOG 2:39, DnOG 2:41
ἄλλῃἄλλος or ἅλλομαιαλλ·ῃfem dat sg; pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sgother(of similar kind) (dat); you(sg)-are-being-LEAP-ed, you(sg)-should-be-being-LEAP-ed2Kgs 18:20, 3Kgs 13:10, 3Kgs 18:6
ἄλληνἄλλοςαλλ·ηνfem acc sgother(of similar kind) (acc)Ex 21:10, Ex 33:5, Lv 6:4, 1Kgs 10:9, 4Kgs 7:8, 1Mc 5:37, 2Mc 12:21, DnOG 2:44
ἄλληςἄλλοςαλλ·ηςfem gen sgother(of similar kind) (gen)1Mc 10:38, 2Mc 4:8, 4Mc 13:22
ἄλλοἄλλοςαλλ·οneu nom|acc sgother(of similar kind) (nom|acc)2Kgs 7:23, 4Kgs 9:35, 2Chr 32:5, TbS 8:21, 1Mc 13:39, Mal 2:15, EpJer 1:45, DnOG 2:44, DnOG 4:10, DnOG 7:5, DnOG 7:6, DnOG 7:8
ἄλλοιἄλλοςαλλ·οιmas nom plothers (nom)Gn 41:6, Gn 41:23, 4Mc 3:9, Jb 15:28, Jb 31:8, Is 49:12, Is 65:22, Bar 3:19
ἄλλοιςἄλλοςαλλ·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat plothers (dat)1Esd 2:4, 1Esd 2:12, 2Mc 11:27, Prv 5:9, Wsd 2:15, Sir 14:4
ἄλλονἄλλοςαλλ·ονmas acc sgother(of similar kind) (acc)Ex 4:13, Nm 23:13, Nm 23:27, 1Kgs 10:6, 3Kgs 18:23, 3Kgs 20:2, 3Kgs 20:6, 3Kgs 21:37, 4Kgs 1:11, Ode 5:13, Prv 7:1a, Jb 8:19, Jb 37:23, Is 26:13, Ez 19:5
ἄλλοςἄλλοςαλλ·οςmas nom sgother(of similar kind) (nom)Gn 19:12, Ex 8:6, Ex 9:14, Jdt 9:14, 2Mc 12:22, Jb 1:18, Jb 19:27, Wsd 18:18, Mal 2:15, Is 43:10, Is 45:21, Is 45:22, DnOG 7:24, BelOG 1:41, BelTh 1:41
ἄλλουἄλλος or ἅλλομαιαλλ·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres mp imp 2nd sgother(of similar kind) (gen); be-you(sg)-being-LEAP-ed!1Esd 5:22, DnOG 7:20
ἄλλουςἄλλοςαλλ·ουςmas acc plothers (acc)JoB 4:9, 1Kgs 9:24, 2Mc 7:39, 2Mc 11:7, 4Mc 8:2, Jb 12:5, DnOG 1:13
ἄλλῳἄλλοςαλλ·ῳneu dat sg or mas dat sgother(of similar kind) (dat)1Kgs 14:4
Αλλωνἄλλοςαλλ·ωνneu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen plothers (gen)Gn 46:14, Nm 26:22, 1Chr 4:37
ἄλλωνἄλλοςαλλ·ωνneu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen plothers (gen)1Esd 5:49, 2Mc 4:35, 2Mc 5:16, 2Mc 5:23, 2Mc 6:14, 2Mc 13:6, Wsd 15:18, Sir 0:2, Sir 0:10, DnOG 1:15, SusOG 1:6

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 110

ἄλλος -η -ο other(of similar kind) (pron.) , as distinguished from "ἕτερος" "other" (of a different/distinct kind)
τἄλλα (τὰ ἄλλα) [LXX] all else

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