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αξιος • AXIOS ACIOS • axios

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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
αξιεἄξιοςαξι·εmas voc sg

ἄξιος -ία -ον

Adjective (2-1-2)


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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀξίαἄξιοςαξι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgworthy (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)Mt 10:13
ἄξιαἄξιοςαξι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgworthy (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)Lk 12:48, Lk 23:41, Acts 26:20, Rom 8:18
ἄξιοιἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Mt 22:8, Rom 1:32
ἄξιοίἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Rv 3:4, Rv 16:6
ἄξιονἄξιοςαξι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgworthy (acc, nom|acc|voc)Mt 3:8, Lk 23:15, Acts 23:29, Acts 25:11, Acts 25:25, Acts 26:31, 1Cor 16:4
ἄξιόν, Ἄξιόνἄξιοςαξι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgworthy (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 26:31, 2Thes 1:3, Rv 5:12
ἄξιος, Ἄξιοςἄξιοςαξι·οςmas nom sgworthy (nom)Mt 10:10, Mt 10:37, Mt 10:38, Lk 10:7, Lk 15:19, Lk 15:21, Jn 1:27, Acts 13:25, 1Tm 1:15, 1Tm 4:9, 1Tm 5:18, Heb 11:38, Rv 4:11, Rv 5:4, Rv 5:9
ἄξιός, Ἄξιόςἄξιοςαξι·οςmas nom sgworthy (nom)Mt 10:11, Lk 7:4, Rv 5:2
ἀξίουςἄξιοςαξι·ουςmas acc plworthy (acc)Lk 3:8, Acts 13:46, 1Tm 6:1

Inflections: 9
Total occurrences: 44

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀξίαἄξιοςαξι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgworthy (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)2Mc 7:20, Wsd 19:4
ἄξιαἄξιοςαξι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgworthy (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)2Mc 7:18, 4Mc 11:6, Jb 33:27
ἄξιάἄξιοςαξι·αneu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sgworthy (nom|acc|voc, nom|voc)1Mc 10:54, Jb 11:6
ἀξίανἄξιοςαξι·ανfem acc sgworthy (acc)2Mc 4:38, Wsd 12:7, Wsd 12:26, Sir 10:28, Sir 38:17
ἄξιεἄξιοςαξι·εmas voc sgworthy (voc)4Mc 7:6
ἀξιοῖἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Wsd 13:18
ἄξιοιἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Wsd 16:9, Wsd 18:4
ἄξιοίἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Wsd 1:16, Wsd 15:6
ἀξιοῖςἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οις; αξι(ο)·εις, αξι(ο)·ῃς, αξι(ο)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl; pres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 2nd sgworthy (dat); you(sg)-are-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-happen-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Est 5:6, Est 9:12
ἀξίοιςἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οις; αξι(ο)·εις, αξι(ο)·ῃς, αξι(ο)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl; pres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 2nd sgworthy (dat); you(sg)-are-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-happen-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)2Mc 15:21
ἄξιονἄξιοςαξι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgworthy (acc, nom|acc|voc)2Mc 4:25, 2Mc 6:23, 2Mc 8:33, 4Mc 5:11, 4Mc 17:8, Prv 3:15, Prv 8:11, Wsd 13:15, Mal 2:13
ἄξιόνἄξιοςαξι·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgworthy (acc, nom|acc|voc)2Mc 6:24
ἄξιοςἄξιοςαξι·οςmas nom sgworthy (nom)Dt 25:2, Est 7:4, 2Mc 6:27, 2Mc 7:29, 4Mc 4:12, Ode 12:9, Wsd 9:12, Sir 26:15
ἀξίουἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·ου; αξι(ο)·ε, αξι(ο)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres act imp 2nd sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgworthy (gen); be-you(sg)-DEEM-ing-WORTHY!, be-you(sg)-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY!Gn 23:9, Jer 7:16, Jer 11:14
ἀξίουςἄξιοςαξι·ουςmas acc plworthy (acc)Jb 30:1, Wsd 3:5, Wsd 6:16
ἀξίῳἄξιοςαξι·ῳneu dat sg or mas dat sgworthy (dat)1Chr 21:22, 1Chr 21:24
ἀξιῶνἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·ων; αξι(ο)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl; pres act ptcp mas nom sgworthy (gen); while DEEM-ing-WORTHY (nom)Est 7:8

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 48

ἄξιος -ία -ον worthy (adj.) From "ἄγω" (bring/lead/carry somet5hing valuable), hence worthy/worthwhile/valuable

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