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Search: απολεσωμεν

MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
απολεσωμενἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σωμεν1aor act sub 1st pl

ἀπ·όλλυμι (ath. απ+ολλυ-, απ+ολ(ε)·[σ]-/απ+ολε·σ-, απ+ολε·σ- or 2nd απ+ολ-, απ+ολωλ·[κ]-, -, -)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀπολεῖσθεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]εσθεfut mp ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-be-DESTROY-edLk 13:3, Lk 13:5
ἀπολεῖταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]εταιfut mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-DESTROY-edActs 27:34, 1Cor 8:11
ἀπολέσαιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-DESTROY, he/she/it-happens-to-DESTROY (opt)Mt 2:13, Mt 10:28, Mk 1:24, Lk 4:34, Lk 6:9, Lk 9:56, Lk 19:47, Jas 4:12
ἀπολέσαςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σα[ντ]·ς1aor act ptcp mas nom|voc sgupon DESTROY-ing (nom|voc)Mt 10:39, Lk 9:25, Lk 15:4
ἀπολέσειἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-DESTROY, you(sg)-will-be-DESTROY-ed (classical)Mt 10:39, Mt 16:25, Mt 21:41, Mk 8:35, Mk 12:9, Lk 9:24, Lk 17:33, Lk 20:16, Jn 12:25
ἀπολέσῃἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σῃ1aor act sub 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sghe/she/it-should-DESTROY, you(sg)-will-be-DESTROY-edMt 10:42, Mt 16:25, Mk 8:35, Mk 9:22, Mk 9:41, Lk 9:24, Lk 15:8, Lk 17:33, Jn 10:10
ἀπολέσητεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σητε1aor act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-DESTROY2Jn 1:8
ἀπολέσθαιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·εσθαι2aor mp infto-be-DESTROY-edLk 13:33, Jn 18:14, 2Pt 3:9
ἀπολέσωἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σω1aor act sub 1st sg or fut act ind 1st sgI-should-DESTROY, I-will-DESTROYJn 6:39
ἀπολέσωμενἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σωμεν1aor act sub 1st plwe-should-DESTROY2Jn 1:8
ἀπολέσωσινἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σωσι(ν)1aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-DESTROYMt 12:14, Mt 27:20, Mk 3:6, Mk 11:18
ἀπόληταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ηται2aor mp sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-DESTROY-edMt 5:29, Mt 5:30, Mt 18:14, Lk 21:18, Jn 3:15, Jn 3:16, Jn 6:12, Jn 11:50
ἀπόλλυεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·εpres act imp 2nd sgbe-you(sg)-DESTROY-ing!Rom 14:15
ἀπολλύειἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-DESTROY-ing, you(sg)-are-being-DESTROY-ed (classical)Jn 12:25
ἀπόλλυμαιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μαιpres mp ind 1st sgI-am-being-DESTROY-edLk 15:17
ἀπολλύμεθαἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεθαpres mp ind 1st plwe-are-being-DESTROY-edMt 8:25, Mk 4:38, Lk 8:24
ἀπολλυμένηνἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·ηνpres mp ptcp fem acc sgwhile being-DESTROY-ed (acc)Jn 6:27
ἀπολλύμενοιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-DESTROY-ed (nom|voc)2Cor 4:9
ἀπολλυμένοιςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·οιςpres mp ptcp mas dat pl or pres mp ptcp neu dat plwhile being-DESTROY-ed (dat)1Cor 1:18, 2Cor 2:15, 2Cor 4:3, 2Thes 2:10
ἀπολλυμένουἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·ουpres mp ptcp mas gen sg or pres mp ptcp neu gen sgwhile being-DESTROY-ed (gen)1Pt 1:7
ἀπόλλυνταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·νταιpres mp ind 3rd plthey-are-being-DESTROY-edMt 9:17
ἀπόλλυται, Ἀπόλλυταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·ταιpres mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-DESTROY-edMk 2:22, 1Cor 8:11
ἈπολλύωνἈπολλύων or ἀπόλλυμιαπολλυον·^; απ·ολλυ·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^(mas) nom sg; pres act ptcp mas nom sgApollyon (nom); while DESTROY-ing (nom)Rv 9:11
ἀπολομένουἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ομεν·ου2aor mp ptcp mas gen sg or 2aor mp ptcp neu gen sgupon being-DESTROY-ed (gen)Lk 11:51
ἀπολοῦνταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ονταιfut mp ind 3rd plthey-will-be-DESTROY-edMt 9:17, Mt 26:52, Mk 2:22, Lk 5:37, Rom 2:12, Heb 1:11
ἀπόλουσαιἀπόλλυμι or ἀπολούωαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ουσ·αι; απο·λου·σαιfut act ptcp fem nom|voc pl; 1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sggoing-to-DESTROY (fut ptcp) (nom|voc); to-ABLUTE, be-you(sg)-ABLUTE-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-ABLUTE (opt)Acts 22:16
Ἀπολῶἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ωfut act ind 1st sgI-will-DESTROY1Cor 1:19
ἀπολωλόςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]ο[τ]·ςperf act ptcp mas voc sg or perf act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sghaving DESTROY-ed (nom|acc|voc, voc)Mt 18:11, Lk 15:4, Lk 15:6, Lk 19:10
ἀπολωλόταἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]οτ·αperf act ptcp mas acc sg or perf act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plhaving DESTROY-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Mt 10:6, Mt 15:24
ἀπολωλὼςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]ο[τ]·^ςperf act ptcp mas nom sghaving DESTROY-ed (nom)Lk 15:24, Lk 15:32
ἀπόλωνταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ωνται2aor mp sub 3rd plthey-should-be-DESTROY-edJn 10:28
ἀπώλεσαἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολε·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-DESTROY-edLk 15:9, Jn 18:9
ἀπώλεσενἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολε·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DESTROY-edMt 22:7, Lk 17:27, Lk 17:29, Jude 1:5
ἀπώλετοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολ·ετο2aor mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-DESTROY-edJn 17:12, Acts 5:37, Jas 1:11, 2Pt 3:6, Rv 18:14
ἀπώλλυντοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολλυ·ντοimpf mp ind 3rd plthey-were-being-DESTROY-ed1Cor 10:9
ἀπώλοντοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολ·οντο2aor mp ind 3rd plthey-were-DESTROY-ed1Cor 10:9, 1Cor 10:10, 1Cor 15:18, Jude 1:11

Inflections: 36
Total occurrences: 107

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀπολεῖἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-DESTROY, you(sg)-will-be-DESTROY-ed (classical)Nm 24:19, Prv 29:3, Sir 6:4, Sir 10:3, Sir 20:22, Zep 2:13
ἀπολεῖςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ειςfut act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-DESTROYGn 18:24, Gn 18:28, Gn 20:4, Dt 9:3, Ps 5:7, Ps 20:11, Ps 142:12
ἀπολεῖσθεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]εσθεfut mp ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-be-DESTROY-edLv 26:38, Dt 4:26, Dt 8:19, Dt 8:20, Dt 11:17, Dt 30:18, Est 4:14, Ps 2:12, Ps 9:37, Jer 34:15
ἀπολεῖταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]εταιfut mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-DESTROY-edEx 30:38, Lv 7:20, Lv 7:21, Lv 7:25, Lv 7:27, Lv 23:30, Nm 21:30, Nm 24:20, Dt 7:24, Dt 12:3, 1Mc 2:63, Ps 1:6, Ps 9:19, Ps 40:6, Ps 111:10, Prv 11:23, Prv 19:9, Prv 19:16, Prv 21:28, Prv 23:28, Qoh 5:13, Jb 8:13, Jb 20:7, Wsd 4:19, Sir 3:26, Sir 41:6, Am 2:14, Zec 9:5, Is 15:1, Is 15:2, Is 17:3, Is 48:19, Jer 4:9, Jer 18:18, Jer 31:8, Jer 31:42, Jer 32:35, Ez 7:26, Ez 30:18, Ez 33:28
ἀπολεῖτεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ετεfut act ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-DESTROYNm 33:52, Nm 33:53, Dt 12:2
ἀπολέσαιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-DESTROY, he/she/it-happens-to-DESTROY (opt)JoB 7:7, JoB 15:63, JoB 24:10, 1Esd 8:85, Est 3:7, Est 3:9, Est 3:13f, Est 4:17f, Est 10:3e, 1Mc 12:40, 1Mc 12:49, 1Mc 16:22, 4Mc 8:9, Ps 118:95, Qoh 3:6, Jb 2:3, Wsd 12:6, Is 11:9, Is 13:9, Is 14:25, Is 23:11, Is 25:11, Is 34:2, Is 43:28, Jer 29:4, Jer 34:15, Jer 51:12, Ez 30:11, DnOG 7:26, DnTh 2:12, DnTh 2:24, DnTh 7:26
ἀπολέσασιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σα[ντ]·σι(ν)1aor act ptcp mas dat pl or 1aor act ptcp neu dat plupon DESTROY-ing (dat)4Mc 2:14
ἀπολέσειἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-DESTROY, you(sg)-will-be-DESTROY-ed (classical)Dt 7:23, Qoh 9:18
ἀπολέσειςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σειςfut act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-DESTROYSir 6:3
ἀπολέσῃἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σῃ1aor act sub 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sghe/she/it-should-DESTROY, you(sg)-will-be-DESTROY-edEx 19:24, Dt 28:20, Dt 28:24, Dt 28:45, Dt 28:51, 4Kgs 10:19, Est 4:7, Sir 22:27
ἀπολέσῃςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σῃς1aor act sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-should-DESTROY2Mc 15:2, Sir 9:6, Jer 14:21, DnOG 2:24, DnTh 2:24
ἀπολέσητεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σητε1aor act sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-DESTROYNm 33:55
ἀπολέσθαιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·εσθαι2aor mp infto-be-DESTROY-edEst 1:1h, Est 4:8, Est 4:16, Est 8:5, SusOG 1:44/45, SusTh 1:45
ἀπολέσθωσανἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·εσθωσαν2aor mp imp 3rd pllet-them-be-DESTROY-ed!Ps 82:18, Jer 10:11
ἀπόλεσονἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σον, απ·ολε·σο[υ]ν[τ]1aor act imp 2nd sg, fut act ptcp mas voc sg or fut act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgdo-DESTROY-you(sg)!, going-to-DESTROY (fut ptcp) (nom|acc|voc, voc)3Mc 6:10, Sir 29:10
ἀπολέσωἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σω1aor act sub 1st sg or fut act ind 1st sgI-should-DESTROY, I-will-DESTROYGn 18:28, Gn 18:29, Gn 18:30, Gn 18:31, Gn 18:32, Is 1:25, Is 65:8
ἀπολέσωσίνἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολε·σωσι(ν)1aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-DESTROYDt 28:22
ἀπολῇἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ῃ, απ·ολ·ῃfut mp ind 2nd sg, 2aor mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-DESTROY-ed, you(sg)-should-be-DESTROY-edJdt 6:8, Ez 28:10
ἀπόλησθεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ησθε2aor mp sub 2nd plyou(pl)-should-be-DESTROY-edJoB 23:13
ἀπόληταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ηται2aor mp sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-DESTROY-edDt 22:3, Ode 11:17, Is 38:17
ἀπολλύειἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-DESTROY-ing, you(sg)-are-being-DESTROY-ed (classical)Dt 8:20, 2Mc 3:39, Jb 9:22
ἀπολλύεινἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·εινpres act infto-be-DESTROY-ingSir 49:7, Jer 1:10, Jer 18:7
ἀπόλλυμαιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μαιpres mp ind 1st sgI-am-being-DESTROY-ed1Mc 6:13
ἀπόλλυμενἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μενpres act ind 1st plwe-are-DESTROY-ingGn 19:13
ἀπολλύμενοιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-DESTROY-ed (nom|voc)Bar 3:3, Ez 34:29
ἀπολλύμενονἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·ονpres mp ptcp mas acc sg or pres mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile being-DESTROY-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)3Mc 6:3, Jb 31:19
ἀπολλύμενοςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-DESTROY-ed (nom)Qoh 7:15
ἀπολλυμένουἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·ουpres mp ptcp mas gen sg or pres mp ptcp neu gen sgwhile being-DESTROY-ed (gen)Jb 29:13
ἀπολλυμένουςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·ουςpres mp ptcp mas acc plwhile being-DESTROY-ed (acc)1Mc 3:9, 2Mc 7:20
ἀπολλυμένῳἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·ῳpres mp ptcp mas dat sg or pres mp ptcp neu dat sgwhile being-DESTROY-ed (dat)Prv 17:5
ἀπολλυμένωνἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·μεν·ωνpres mp ptcp fem gen pl or pres mp ptcp mas gen pl or pres mp ptcp neu gen plwhile being-DESTROY-ed (gen)Wsd 14:6
ἀπολλύοντεςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile DESTROY-ing (nom|voc)Jer 23:1
ἀπόλλυσιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·^σι(ν), απ·ολλυ·[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd sg, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plhe/she/it-is-DESTROY-ing, while DESTROY-ing (dat)Qoh 7:7
ἀπόλλυσινἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·^σι(ν), απ·ολλυ·[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd sg, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plhe/she/it-is-DESTROY-ing, while DESTROY-ing (dat)Prv 12:4, Prv 15:1
ἀπόλλυταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·ταιpres mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-DESTROY-edSir 17:28
ἀπόλλυτεἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολλυ·τεpres act ind 2nd pl or pres act imp 2nd plyou(pl)-are-DESTROY-ing, be-you(pl)-DESTROY-ing!1Mc 2:37
ἀπολλύωνἈπολλύων or ἀπόλλυμιαπολλυον·^; απ·ολλυ·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^(mas) nom sg; pres act ptcp mas nom sgApollyon (nom); while DESTROY-ing (nom)Jb 12:23, Sir 20:22
ἀπόλοιντοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]οιντο, απ·ολ·οιντοfut mp opt 3rd pl, 2aor mp opt 3rd pl(fut opt), they-happen-to-be-DESTROY-ed (opt)JgsB 5:31, JgsA 5:31, Ps 67:3, Jb 5:15, PsSol 12:6
ἀπόλοιοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]οιο, απ·ολ·οιοfut mp opt 2nd sg, 2aor mp opt 2nd sg(fut opt), you(sg)-happen-to-be-DESTROY-ed (opt)Dt 33:27
ἀπόλοιτοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]οιτο, απ·ολ·οιτοfut mp opt 3rd sg, 2aor mp opt 3rd sg(fut opt), he/she/it-happens-to-be-DESTROY-ed (opt)Jb 3:3, Jb 18:17, PsSol 12:4
ἀπολόμενοιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ομεν·οι2aor mp ptcp mas nom|voc plupon being-DESTROY-ed (nom|voc)Is 27:13
ἀπολομένουςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ομεν·ους2aor mp ptcp mas acc plupon being-DESTROY-ed (acc)Is 11:12
ἀπολοῦνταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ονταιfut mp ind 3rd plthey-will-be-DESTROY-edNm 24:24, 1Esd 4:37, Jdt 6:4, Ps 9:4, Ps 36:20, Ps 48:11, Ps 72:27, Ps 79:17, Ps 91:10, Ps 101:27, Ps 145:4, Prv 13:23, Prv 15:6, Jb 4:9, PsSol 15:12, PsSol 15:13, Am 1:8, Am 3:15, Is 11:13, Is 24:12, Is 31:3, Is 41:11, Is 60:12, Jer 6:15, Jer 6:21, Jer 10:15, Jer 28:18, Jer 47:15, DnOG 7:17
ἀπολοῦσιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ουσι(ν), απ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ου[ντ]·σι(ν)fut act ind 3rd pl, fut act ptcp mas dat pl or fut act ptcp neu dat plthey-will-DESTROY, going-to-DESTROY (fut ptcp) (dat)Ez 32:12, DnOG 7:26
ἀπολῶἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ(ε)·[σ]ωfut act ind 1st sgI-will-DESTROYLv 17:10, Lv 20:3, Lv 20:5, Lv 20:6, Lv 26:6, Lv 26:41, Nm 14:12, Mi 5:9, Ob 1:8, Zep 2:5, Is 13:11, Is 14:22, Is 29:14, Jer 25:10, Jer 26:8, Jer 31:35, Ez 25:7, Ez 25:16, Ez 29:8, Ez 30:10, Ez 30:12, Ez 30:13, Ez 30:14, Ez 30:15, Ez 32:13, Ez 35:7, Ez 39:3
ἀπολώλαμενἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]αμενperf act ind 1st plwe-have-DESTROY-edNm 17:27
ἀπόλωλενἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]ε(ν)perf act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-DESTROY-edEx 10:7, 1Mc 12:50, Jb 7:6, Mi 7:2, Jl 1:11, Ez 12:22, Ez 26:2, Ez 37:11
ἀπολωλὸςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]ο[τ]·ςperf act ptcp mas voc sg or perf act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sghaving DESTROY-ed (nom|acc|voc, voc)Ez 34:4, Ez 34:16
ἀπολωλόςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]ο[τ]·ςperf act ptcp mas voc sg or perf act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sghaving DESTROY-ed (nom|acc|voc, voc)Ps 30:13, Ps 118:176
ἀπολωλόταἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]οτ·αperf act ptcp mas acc sg or perf act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plhaving DESTROY-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Jer 27:6
ἀπολωλόταςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]οτ·αςperf act ptcp mas acc plhaving DESTROY-ed (acc)TbBA 6:14, Jb 5:11
ἀπολωλότωνἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]οτ·ωνperf act ptcp mas gen pl or perf act ptcp neu gen plhaving DESTROY-ed (gen)Est 9:11, Wsd 12:12
ἀπολωλυιῶνἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολωλ·[κ]υι·ωνperf act ptcp fem gen plhaving DESTROY-ed (gen)1Kgs 9:20
ἀπολώμεθαἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ωμεθα2aor mp sub 1st plwe-should-be-DESTROY-edJon 1:6, Jon 1:14, Jon 3:9
ἀπόλωνταιἀπόλλυμιαπ·ολ·ωνται2aor mp sub 3rd plthey-should-be-DESTROY-edJoB 23:5, Wsd 18:19, Is 30:25, DnTh 2:18
ἀπώλεσαἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολε·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-DESTROY-edJb 42:8
ἀπώλεσανἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολε·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-DESTROY-edDt 2:12, 4Kgs 19:18, Est 9:12, Est 9:16, 1Mc 5:13, 1Mc 9:2, 2Mc 8:20, 2Mc 12:19, Is 37:11, Is 37:12, Is 37:19, Jer 15:7
ἀπώλεσαςἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολε·σας1aor act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-DESTROY-ed3Mc 6:4, Ode 5:14, Jb 14:19, Wsd 18:5, Sir 27:18, Is 14:20, Is 26:14
ἀπώλεσενἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολε·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DESTROY-edGn 35:4, Nm 32:39, Dt 2:21, Dt 11:4, JoB 11:14, JoB 16:10, 4Kgs 11:1, 4Kgs 13:7, 2Chr 22:10, TbBA 7:6, TbBA 14:2, TbS 14:10, 1Mc 1:30, 1Mc 5:51, 1Mc 7:6, 2Mc 10:23, Jb 12:15, Jb 31:12, Sir 8:2, Sir 10:16, Sir 10:17, Sir 27:16, Sir 27:18, Sir 28:13, Sir 29:17, Sir 30:23, Sir 31:25, Sir 46:6, PsSol 8:20, Jer 28:55, Lam 2:9
ἀπώλετοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολ·ετο2aor mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-DESTROY-edTbBA 10:4, TbBA 10:7, TbBA 14:10, TbS 10:4, TbS 10:7, 1Mc 13:18, 1Mc 16:21, 2Mc 5:9, Ps 9:6, Ps 9:7, Ps 141:5, Prv 5:23, Qoh 9:6, Jb 4:7, Jb 30:2, Mi 4:9, Jon 4:10, Is 16:4, Is 23:1, Is 23:14, Is 29:20, Is 34:16, Is 57:1, Jer 9:11, Jer 30:1, Jer 31:36, Lam 3:18, Ez 19:5, DnOG 7:11, DnTh 7:11
ἀπωλόμηνἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολ·ομην2aor mp ind 1st sgI-was-DESTROY-edPs 118:92, Jb 3:11, Jb 6:18
ἀπώλοντοἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολ·οντο2aor mp ind 3rd plthey-were-DESTROY-edNm 16:33, 1Kgs 9:3, 2Kgs 1:27, 1Esd 4:27, Est 9:2, Jdt 16:12, 1Mc 11:18, 1Mc 13:4, 1Mc 13:49, 2Mc 8:19, Ps 72:19, Jb 4:7, Jb 4:20, Jb 4:21, Sir 44:9, Bar 3:28, Ez 31:17
ἀπώλοντόἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολ·οντο2aor mp ind 3rd plthey-were-DESTROY-edTbBA 3:15, TbS 3:15
ἀπώλουἀπόλλυμιαπ·ε·ολ·ου2aor mp ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-were-DESTROY-edNm 21:29

Inflections: 64
Total occurrences: 370


ἐξ+ολεθρεύω v.l. -ολο- to utterly-destroy (v.) Lit:"destroy/ruin-from-out-of", hence exterminate/obliterate/annihilate/eliminate, utterly-destroy/ruin. LXX: "cut-off/destroy".
ὀλεθρεύω [LXX] to destroy (v.)
ὄλεθρος, -ου, ὁ ruination (n.) destruction, ruin, desolation, short of annihilation
ὀλοθρευτής, -οῦ, ὁ destroyer (n.)
ὀλοθρεύω to destroy (v.)


ἀπ+όλλυμι to destroy (v.) stronger form of ὄλλυμι. Destroy, ruin, or lose (active); be destroyed, perish, be lost (middle/passive).
Ἀπολλύων, -ονος, ὁ Apollyon (n.)
Ἀπολλωνία, -ας, ἡ Apollonia (n.) [city of]
Ἀπολλῶς, -ῶ, ὁ Apollos (n.)
ἀπ·ώλεια, -ας, ἡ destruction/expulsion (n.) Lit:"cut-off-from", by extn, severing/expulsion/destruction/ruination. Often "perdition".
δι+όλλυμι [LXX] to destroy utterly bring to naught; (v.) blot out of one's mind, forget
προσ·απ+όλλυμι [LXX] to destroy besides; lose besides (v.)
συν·απ+όλλυμι to annihilate with (v.)

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