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αξιοω • AXIOW ACIOW • axioō

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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
αξιου; αξιουἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ου; αξι(ο)·εpres mp imp 2nd sg; pres act imp 2nd sg
αξιου; αξιουἄξιοςαξι·ου; αξι·ουneu gen sg; mas gen sg

ἀξιόω (αξι(ο)-, αξιω·σ-, αξιω·σ-, -, ηξιω-, αξιω·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἄξιοιἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Mt 22:8, Rom 1:32
ἄξιοίἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Rv 3:4, Rv 16:6
Ἀξιοῦμενἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ομενpres act ind 1st plwe-are-DEEM-ing-WORTHYActs 28:22
ἀξιούσθωσανἀξιόωαξι(ο)·εσθωσανpres mp imp 3rd pllet-them-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY!1Tm 5:17
ἀξιωθήσεταιἀξιόωαξιω·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-DEEM-ed-WORTHYHeb 10:29
ἀξιώσῃἀξιόωαξιω·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sg or 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-should-DEEM-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-DEEM-ed-WORTHY2Thes 1:11
ἠξίουἀξιόωε·αξι(ο)·ε, ε·αξι(ο)·ουimpf act ind 3rd sg, impf mp ind 2nd sghe/she/it-was-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-were-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHYActs 15:38
ἠξίωσαἀξιόωε·αξιω·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-DEEM-ed-WORTHYLk 7:7
ἠξίωταιἀξιόωηξιω·ταιperf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-been-DEEM-ed-WORTHYHeb 3:3

Inflections: 9
Total occurrences: 11

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
ἀξιοῖἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Wsd 13:18
ἄξιοιἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Wsd 16:9, Wsd 18:4
ἄξιοίἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οι; αξι(ο)·ει, αξι(ο)·ῃ, αξι(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgworthy (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, you(sg)-are-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical), he/she/it-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-happens-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Wsd 1:16, Wsd 15:6
ἀξιοῖςἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οις; αξι(ο)·εις, αξι(ο)·ῃς, αξι(ο)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl; pres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 2nd sgworthy (dat); you(sg)-are-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-happen-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)Est 5:6, Est 9:12
ἀξίοιςἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·οις; αξι(ο)·εις, αξι(ο)·ῃς, αξι(ο)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl; pres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 2nd sgworthy (dat); you(sg)-are-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-happen-to-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHY (opt)2Mc 15:21
ἀξίουἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·ου; αξι(ο)·ε, αξι(ο)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres act imp 2nd sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgworthy (gen); be-you(sg)-DEEM-ing-WORTHY!, be-you(sg)-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHY!Gn 23:9, Jer 7:16, Jer 11:14
ἀξιοῦμενἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ομενpres act ind 1st plwe-are-DEEM-ing-WORTHY4Mc 5:17
ἀξιοῦνταἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ο[υ]ντ·αpres act ptcp mas acc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plwhile DEEM-ing-WORTHY (acc, nom|acc|voc)DnTh 6:12
ἀξιοῦνταςἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ο[υ]ντ·αςpres act ptcp mas acc plwhile DEEM-ing-WORTHY (acc)2Mc 11:24
ἀξιοῦντεςἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile DEEM-ing-WORTHY (nom|voc)1Mc 13:45, Is 33:7
ἀξιοῦσινἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ουσι(ν), αξι(ο)·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, while DEEM-ing-WORTHY (dat)EpJer 1:40
ἀξιῶἀξιόωαξι(ο)·ωpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sgI-am-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, I-should-be-DEEM-ing-WORTHYNm 22:16, 1Esd 4:46, TbS 10:8, TbS 10:9, 2Mc 7:28, 2Mc 9:26
ἀξιῶνἄξιος or ἀξιόωαξι·ων; αξι(ο)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl; pres act ptcp mas nom sgworthy (gen); while DEEM-ing-WORTHY (nom)Est 7:8
ἀξιῶσαιἀξιόωαξιω·σαι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-DEEM-WORTHY, be-you(sg)-DEEM-ed-WORTHY!, he/she/it-happens-to-DEEM-WORTHY (opt)Est 4:8, 2Mc 9:15
ἀξιώσαντεςἀξιόωαξιω·σαντ·ες1aor act ptcp mas nom|voc plupon DEEM-ing-WORTHY (nom|voc)2Mc 10:16, 2Mc 12:42
ἀξιώσειἀξιόωαξιω·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-DEEM-WORTHY, you(sg)-will-be-DEEM-ed-WORTHY (classical)DnOG 6:6
ἀξιώσῃἀξιόωαξιω·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sg or 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-DEEM-ed-WORTHY, he/she/it-should-DEEM-WORTHY, you(sg)-should-be-DEEM-ed-WORTHYDnOG 6:8, DnOG 6:13
ἠξίουἀξιόωε·αξι(ο)·ε, ε·αξι(ο)·ουimpf act ind 3rd sg, impf mp ind 2nd sghe/she/it-was-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, you(sg)-were-being-DEEM-ed-WORTHYEst 8:3, 2Mc 12:24
ἠξίουνἀξιόωε·αξι(ο)·ονimpf act ind 1st sg or impf act ind 3rd plI-was-DEEM-ing-WORTHY, they-were-DEEM-ing-WORTHY2Mc 3:31, 2Mc 5:4, 2Mc 8:14, 2Mc 8:29, 2Mc 10:26, 2Mc 11:17, 2Mc 12:11, 3Mc 5:13, Sir 51:14
ἠξιώθηνἀξιόωε·αξιω·θηνaor θη ind 1st sgI-was-DEEM-ed-WORTHYGn 31:28
ἠξίωσαἀξιόωε·αξιω·σα1aor act ind 1st sgI-DEEM-ed-WORTHYDnOG 2:23, DnOG 4:33a
ἠξιώσαμενἀξιόωε·αξιω·σαμεν1aor act ind 1st plwe-DEEM-ed-WORTHYDnTh 2:23
ἠξίωσανἀξιόωε·αξιω·σαν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-DEEM-ed-WORTHY1Mc 11:62, 1Mc 11:66, 2Mc 4:19, 2Mc 10:4, DnOG 6:9
ἠξίωσεἀξιόωε·αξιω·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DEEM-ed-WORTHYDnOG 1:8, DnOG 2:49, DnTh 1:8
ἠξίωσενἀξιόωε·αξιω·σε(ν)1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-DEEM-ed-WORTHYTbBA 1:22, TbS 1:22, 1Mc 11:28, 2Mc 2:8, DnOG 2:16, DnTh 2:16, DnTh 3:97
ἠξίωταιἀξιόωηξιω·ταιperf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-been-DEEM-ed-WORTHYEpJer 1:43

Inflections: 26
Total occurrences: 62

κατ+αξιόω to be-worthy (v.) Lit: verb from kata and aksio, hence, Lit:"be-according-to-worthy", by extension, be eligible/deserving;of merit; held in honor.
ἀξιόω to deem worthy (v.)

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