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συλλαμβανω • SULLAMBANW • sullambanō

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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
συλλημφθενταςσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θε[ι]ντ·αςaor θη ptcp mas acc pl

συλ·λαμβάνω (συν+λαμβαν-, συν+λημψ-/συν+ληψ-, 2nd συν+λαβ-, συν+ειληφ·[κ]-, συν+ειληβ-, συν+λημφ·θ-/συν+ληφ·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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To apprehend an individual (acc): Mt 26:55; Mk 14:48; Lk 22:54; Jn 18:12; Acts 1:16, 12:3, 23:27, 26:21.

To conceive: Lk 1:24, 31.
To conceive a son (acc): Lk 1:36.
To be conceived: Lk 2:21.

To catch (fish) with somebody (dat): Lk 5:7, 9.

To help someone (dat) (lit. take hold together [BDAG s.v. συλλαμβάνω 4]):
Phil 4:3: Ναὶ, ἐρωτῶ καί σε, { σύζυγε γνήσιε ♦ γνήσιε σύζυγε }, συλλαμβάνου αὐταῖς....
Yes, I say also to you, true companion,  help them... (NET).

Of desire conceiving (and bearing sin): Jas 1:15.

Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
συλλαβεῖνσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ειν2aor act infto-SEIZINGMt 26:55, Mk 14:48, Acts 12:3
συλλαβέσθαισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·εσθαι2aor mp infto-be-SEIZING-edLk 5:7
συλλαβόμενοισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ομεν·οι2aor mp ptcp mas nom|voc plupon being-SEIZING-ed (nom|voc)Acts 26:21
Συλλαβόντεςσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ο[υ]ντ·ες2aor act ptcp mas nom|voc plupon SEIZING-ing (nom|voc)Lk 22:54
συλλαβοῦσασυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ουσ·α2aor act ptcp fem nom|voc sgupon SEIZING-ing (nom|voc)Jas 1:15
συλλαβοῦσινσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)2aor act ptcp mas dat pl or 2aor act ptcp neu dat plupon SEIZING-ing (dat)Acts 1:16
συλλαμβάνουσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαμβαν·ουpres mp imp 2nd sgbe-you(sg)-being-SEIZING-ed!Phil 4:3
συλλημφθέντασυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θε[ι]ντ·αaor θη ptcp mas acc sg or aor θη ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plupon being-SEIZING-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 23:27
συλλημφθῆναισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θηναιaor θη infto-be-SEIZING-edLk 2:21
συλλήμψῃσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-SEIZING-edLk 1:31
συλληφθέντασυλλαμβάνωσυν·ληβ·θε[ι]ντ·αaor θη ptcp mas acc sg or aor θη ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plupon being-SEIZING-ed (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 23:27
συλληφθῆναισυλλαμβάνωσυν·ληβ·θηναιaor θη infto-be-SEIZING-edLk 2:21
συλλήψῃσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ληβ·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-SEIZING-edLk 1:31
συνείληφενσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ειληβ·κε(ν)perf act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-SEIZING-edLk 1:36
συνειληφυῖασυλλαμβάνωσυν·ειληβ·κυι·αperf act ptcp fem nom|voc sghaving SEIZING-ed (nom|voc)Lk 1:36
συνέλαβενσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαβ·ε(ν)2aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-SEIZING-edLk 1:24
συνέλαβονσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαβ·ον2aor act ind 1st sg or 2aor act ind 3rd plI-SEIZING-ed, they-SEIZING-edLk 5:9, Jn 18:12

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 20

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
συλλαβεῖνσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ειν2aor act infto-SEIZING1Kgs 23:26, Jdt 6:10, 1Mc 12:40, 1Mc 14:2, 2Mc 14:39, Am 3:5, Jer 39:24, Jer 43:26
συλλάβετεσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ετε2aor act imp 2nd pldo-SEIZING-you(pl)!3Kgs 13:4, 3Kgs 18:40, 3Kgs 21:18, 4Kgs 10:14
συλλαβέτωσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ετω2aor act imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-SEIZING!Ps 34:8
συλλάβῃσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ῃ2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sghe/she/it-should-SEIZING, you(sg)-should-be-SEIZING-edJb 39:13
συλλαβόντεςσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ο[υ]ντ·ες2aor act ptcp mas nom|voc plupon SEIZING-ing (nom|voc)Dt 21:19
συλλαβοῦσασυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ουσ·α2aor act ptcp fem nom|voc sgupon SEIZING-ing (nom|voc)Gn 4:1, Gn 4:17, Gn 4:25, Gn 21:2, Gn 29:35, Gn 30:17, Gn 30:23, Gn 38:3, Gn 38:4
συλλαβούσηςσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ουσ·ης2aor act ptcp fem gen sgupon SEIZING-ing (gen)Cant 3:4, Cant 8:2
συλλαβὼνσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^2aor act ptcp mas nom sgupon SEIZING-ing (nom)1Esd 1:36, 2Mc 14:40
συλλάβωσινσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαβ·ωσι(ν)2aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-SEIZING1Mc 9:60
συλλαμβάνεσθαισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαμβαν·εσθαιpres mp infto-be-being-SEIZING-ed4Mc 17:1
συλλαμβάνονταισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λαμβαν·ονταιpres mp ind 3rd plthey-are-being-SEIZING-edPs 9:23
συλλημφθένταςσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θε[ι]ντ·αςaor θη ptcp mas acc plupon being-SEIZING-ed (acc)2Mc 7:1
συλλημφθῆναισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θηναιaor θη infto-be-SEIZING-ed3Mc 1:5
συλλημφθήσεταισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-SEIZING-edQoh 7:26, Jer 31:44, Ez 12:13
συλλημφθήσῃσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θησῃfut θη ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-SEIZING-edJer 31:7, Jer 41:3, Jer 45:23
συλλημφθήσονταισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θησονταιfut θη ind 3rd plthey-will-be-SEIZING-edJdt 6:9, Jer 6:11
συλλημφθήτωσανσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·θητωσανaor θη imp 3rd pllet-them-be-SEIZING-ed!Ps 58:13
συλλήμψεισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·σειfut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-will-SEIZING, you(sg)-will-be-SEIZING-ed (classical)Jer 41:3
συλλήμψεταισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·σεταιfut mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-SEIZING-edEx 12:4, 1Mc 9:58, Jer 41:2, Jer 45:3, DnTh 11:15, DnTh 11:18
συλλήμψῃσυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·σῃfut mp ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-SEIZING-edJgsB 13:3
συλλημψόμεθασυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·σομεθαfut mp ind 1st plwe-will-be-SEIZING-ed4Kgs 7:12
συλλήμψονταισυλλαμβάνωσυν·λημβ·σονταιfut mp ind 3rd plthey-will-be-SEIZING-edJer 44:8
συνειλημμένησυλλαμβάνωσυν·ειληβ·μεν·ηperf mp ptcp fem nom|voc sghaving-been-SEIZING-ed (nom|voc)Nm 5:13
συνειλημμένοισυλλαμβάνωσυν·ειληβ·μεν·οιperf mp ptcp mas nom|voc plhaving-been-SEIZING-ed (nom|voc)1Mc 5:26, 1Mc 5:27
συνειληφυῖασυλλαμβάνωσυν·ειληβ·κυι·αperf act ptcp fem nom|voc sghaving SEIZING-ed (nom|voc)1Kgs 4:19
συνέλαβεσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαβ·ε(ν)2aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-SEIZING-ed4Kgs 14:7
συνέλαβενσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαβ·ε(ν)2aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-SEIZING-edGn 16:4, Gn 29:32, Gn 29:33, Gn 29:34, Gn 30:5, Gn 30:7, Gn 30:10, Gn 30:12, Gn 30:19, JgsB 8:14, JgsB 15:4, JgsA 15:4, 1Kgs 1:20, 1Kgs 15:8, 2Kgs 12:24, 4Kgs 14:13, 4Kgs 16:9, 4Kgs 17:6, 4Kgs 18:13, 1Mc 7:16, 1Mc 7:19, 1Mc 14:3, 1Mc 16:22, Ps 7:15, Hos 1:3, Hos 1:6, Hos 1:8, Jer 30:10, Jer 44:13, Jer 44:14, BelTh 1:21
συνελάβετόσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαβ·ετο2aor mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-SEIZING-edGn 30:8
συνέλαβονσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαβ·ον2aor act ind 1st sg or 2aor act ind 3rd plI-SEIZING-ed, they-SEIZING-edGn 19:36, JoB 8:23, JgsB 7:25, JgsA 7:25, JgsA 8:14, 3Kgs 18:40, 4Kgs 10:14, 4Kgs 25:6, Jdt 6:11, Jdt 10:12, 1Mc 7:2, 1Mc 9:36, 1Mc 9:61, 1Mc 12:48, Jer 52:9
συνελάβοσανσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαβ·οσαν2aor act ind 3rd pl altthey-SEIZING-edJer 33:8
συνελαμβάνοσανσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λαμβαν·οσανimpf act ind 3rd pl altthey-were-SEIZING-ingJer 5:26
συνελήμφθησυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λημβ·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-SEIZING-ed4Kgs 18:10, 1Mc 12:50, Ps 9:16, Ps 9:17, Jer 31:41, Jer 45:28, Lam 4:20, Ez 19:4, Ez 19:8
συνελήμφθηνσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λημβ·θηνaor θη ind 1st sgI-was-SEIZING-edPs 50:7
συνελήμφθηςσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λημβ·θηςaor θη ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-were-SEIZING-ed4Mc 16:15
συνελήμφθησανσυλλαμβάνωσυν·ε·λημβ·θησανaor θη ind 3rd plthey-were-SEIZING-edJb 22:16

Inflections: 35
Total occurrences: 119

ἀνα+λαμβάνω to take-up (v.) Lit:"take-up", hence lift-up, carry-away, take-to-one's-self, adopt, take-along, take-in-hand
ἀνα·λη(μ)πτήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ [LXX] shovel (n.)
ἀνά·λη(μ)ψις, -εως, ἡ ascension (n.)
ἀντι+λαμβάνω to lay hold/ receive instead (v.) Lit:"take-hold-against", hence uphold/support/sustain/give-help, take-instead-ofἐπέβλεψα
ἀντι·λή(μ)πτωρ, -ορος, ὁ [LXX] helper/protector (n.)
ἀντί·λη(μ)ψις, -εως, ἡ receiving in return or exchange (n.) 1. help; 2. act of attaining (Muraoka's Lexicon); help, aid, succour, defence, hold, managing (Lust, et. al. Lexicon)
ἀπο+λαμβάνω to receive/take (v.) to acquire accordingly
ἀ·προσ·ωπο·λή(μ)πτως impartially (adv.)
δεξιο·λάβος, -ου, ὁ spearman: in pl., guards, Act.Ap. 23.23 (v.l. δεξιοβόλους) (n.)
ἐπι+λαμβάνομαι to take hold of (v.)
εὐ·λάβεια, -ας, ἡ reverence (n.) devotion, sanctimony, devoutness, piety, prayerfulness, regardfulness
εὐ·λαβέομαι to take-care/caution (v.) Lit:"decisively-take-good/well", hence ,express caution/concern/care/reverence). LXX:be-afraid, take-refuge
εὐ·λαβής -ές prayerful (adj.) devotional, devout, regardful
κατα+λαμβάνω to lay-hold-of (v.) Lit:"take-down", hence grasp/clench/snag/catch/overtake/take-hold-of/take/capture. Fig:realize/understand/comprehend/seize with the mind
λῆ(μ)ψις, -εως, ἡ receiving (n.) taking hold, seizing, catching
μετα+λαμβάνω to share (v.)
μετά·λη(μ)ψις, -εως, ἡ participation/alteration (n.)
παρα+λαμβάνω to take-close-beside/receive (v.) Lit:"aggressively/decisively take-close-beside"[take under one's wing; seize/grasp/take-care/control/ownership/possession/responsibility] Often rendered "receive", but more aggressive than dechomai "receive"
προ+λαμβάνω to take beforehand (v.)
προσ+λαμβάνω to grasp/take-toward (v.) Lit: "take(with-initiative)-toward", So, depending upon context, welcome/obtain/take-possession-of. Renderings like,"accept/receive" miss the assertive/aggressive initiative of "lambano" (grasp/lay-hold-of). Rom 15:7 usages a
πρόσ·λη(μ)ψις, -εως, ἡ acceptance (n.)
προσ·ωπο·λη(μ)πτέω to be partial (v.)
προσ·ωπο·λή(μ)πτης, -ου, ὁ one who shows partiality (n.)
προσ·ωπο·λη(μ)ψία, -ας, ἡ partiality (n.) Valuing according to external appearances (wealth, social standing, influence); showing partiality. From πρόσωπον+λαμβάνω= "Receiving of persons/appearances" (insofar as etymology is helpful).
συλ+λαμβάνω to seizing (v.) lasso, catch, conceive, nab, apprehend, arrest, capture
συμ·παρα+λαμβάνω to take along/ get involved with (v.) take along with one, take in as an adjunct or assistant, κοινωνόν τι ς. Pl.Phd.65b, cf. 84d, La.179e, Act.Ap.15.37; “τινὰ ἑαυτῷ” BGU226.12 (i A.D.); ς. τὴν ἐκτὸς εὐετηρίαν include in their account, Arist.EN1098b26; τὰς τῶν προτέρων δόξας Id. de An.403b22;
συμ·περι+λαμβάνω to gather together (v.) embrace, include; in literal sense, embrace; Med., take part in together
συν·αντι+λαμβάνομαι to assist (v.) Lit:"together-with-against-take".
ὑπο+λαμβάνω to take up suppose (v.) Literally, take up. Figuratively, "take up what is said", that is, interpret or understand in a certain way; suppose.
λαμβάνω to take/receive (v.) grasp, clutch, cling-to, seize, lay-hands-upon, take by violence, carry off, of a deity, seize, possess, catch, find out, detect, overtake, understand

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