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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
πιστοςπιστοςlexical form
πιστοςπιστοςπιστ·οςmas nom sg

πιστος -η -ον

Adjective (2-1-2)


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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)

πιστός (B)

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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
πισταπιστοςπιστ·αneu nom|acc|voc plfaithful (nom|acc|voc)Acts 13:34, Ti 1:6
πισταςπιστοςπιστ·αςfem acc plfaithful (acc)1Tm 3:11
πιστεπιστοςπιστ·εmas voc sgfaithful (voc)Mt 25:21, Mt 25:23
πιστηπιστοςπιστ·ηfem nom|voc sgfaithful (nom|voc)1Tm 5:16
πιστηνπιστοςπιστ·ηνfem acc sgfaithful (acc)Acts 16:15
πιστηςπιστοςπιστ·ηςfem gen sgfaithful (gen)Acts 16:1
πιστοιπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·οι; πιστ(ο)·ει, πιστ(ο)·η(ι), πιστ(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgfaithful (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, he/Lk 16:11, Lk 16:12, Rv 21:5, Rv 22:6
πιστοιπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·οι; πιστ(ο)·ει, πιστ(ο)·η(ι), πιστ(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgfaithful (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, he/Acts 10:45, 1Tm 6:2, Rv 17:14, Rv 21:5
πιστοιςπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·οις; πιστ(ο)·εις, πιστ(ο)·η(ι)ς, πιστ(ο)·οιςneu dat pl or mas dat pl; pres act ind 2nd sg, pres act sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 2nd sgfaithful (dat); you(sg)-are-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-happen-to-be-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing (opt)Eph 1:1, Col 1:2, 1Tm 4:3, 2Tm 2:2
πιστονπιστοςπιστ·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgfaithful (acc, nom|acc|voc)1Cor 4:17, Heb 3:2, Heb 11:11, 3Jn 1:5
πιστονπιστοςπιστ·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgfaithful (acc, nom|acc|voc)1Tm 1:12
Πιστος, πιστοςπιστοςπιστ·οςmas nom sgfaithful (nom)Mt 24:45, Lk 12:42, Lk 16:10, Lk 19:17, 1Cor 1:9, 1Cor 7:25, 1Cor 10:13, 2Cor 1:18, Eph 6:21, Col 1:7, Col 4:7, 1Thes 5:24, 2Thes 3:3, 1Tm 1:15, 1Tm 3:1, 1Tm 4:9, 1Tm 5:16, 2Tm 2:11, 2Tm 2:13, Ti 3:8, Heb 2:17, Heb 3:5, Heb 10:23, Rv 2:10, Rv 3:14, Rv 19:11
πιστοςπιστοςπιστ·οςmas nom sgfaithful (nom)Mt 25:21, Mt 25:23, Lk 16:10, Jn 20:27, 1Cor 4:2, 1Jn 1:9, Rv 1:5, Rv 2:13
πιστουπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·ου; πιστ(ο)·ε, πιστ(ο)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres act imp 2nd sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgfaithful (gen); be-you(sg)-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing!, be-you(sg)-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed!Ti 1:9, 1Pt 5:12
πιστουςπιστοςπιστ·ουςmas acc plfaithful (acc)1Tm 6:2, 1Pt 1:21
πιστω(ι)πιστοςπιστ·ω(ι)neu dat sg or mas dat sgfaithful (dat)2Cor 6:15, Gal 3:9, Col 4:9, 1Pt 4:19
πιστωνπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·ων; πιστ(ο)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl; pres act ptcp mas nom sgfaithful (gen); while ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing (nom)1Tm 4:10, 1Tm 4:12

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 69

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
πισταπιστοςπιστ·αneu nom|acc|voc plfaithful (nom|acc|voc)Prv 17:7
πισταπιστοςπιστ·αneu nom|acc|voc plfaithful (nom|acc|voc)Hos 5:9, Is 55:3
πισταιπιστοςπιστ·αιfem nom|voc plfaithful (nom|voc)Ps 110:7
πισταςπιστοςπιστ·αςfem acc plfaithful (acc)Dt 28:59
πιστηπιστοςπιστ·ηfem nom|voc sgfaithful (nom|voc)4Mc 7:15, Ps 88:29, Is 1:21, Is 1:26, DnOG 2:45, DnTh 2:45
πιστηπιστοςπιστ·ηfem nom|voc sgfaithful (nom|voc)Ps 18:8, Sir 31:23
πιστηνπιστοςπιστ·ηνfem acc sgfaithful (acc)2Esd 19:8
πιστοιπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·οι; πιστ(ο)·ει, πιστ(ο)·η(ι), πιστ(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgfaithful (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, he/2Kgs 20:18, 2Esd 23:13, Wsd 3:9
πιστοιπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·οι; πιστ(ο)·ει, πιστ(ο)·η(ι), πιστ(ο)·οιmas nom|voc pl; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical, pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, pres act opt 3rd sgfaithful (nom|voc); he/she/it-is-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, you(sg)-are-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed (classical), he/she/it-should-be-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed, he/Sir 37:22, Sir 37:23
πιστονπιστοςπιστ·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgfaithful (acc, nom|acc|voc)1Mc 7:8, 1Mc 14:41, Prv 20:6
πιστονπιστοςπιστ·ονneu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sgfaithful (acc, nom|acc|voc)1Kgs 2:35, 1Kgs 25:28, 3Kgs 11:38, TbS 5:3, Prv 2:12, Prv 11:21, Is 33:16, Jer 49:5
πιστοςπιστοςπιστ·οςmas nom sgfaithful (nom)1Kgs 3:20, 1Kgs 22:14, 2Kgs 23:1, TbBA 5:9, 3Mc 2:11, Ps 144:13a, Prv 11:13, Prv 13:17, Prv 14:5, Prv 25:13, Jb 17:9, Sir 6:14, Sir 6:16, Sir 33:3, Sir 46:15, Sir 48:22, PsSol 14:1, PsSol 17:10, DnTh 6:5
πιστοςπιστοςπιστ·οςmas nom sgfaithful (nom)Nm 12:7, Dt 7:9, Dt 32:4, TbS 5:9, TbS 10:6, 1Mc 2:52, Ps 88:38, Ode 2:4, Prv 14:25, Sir 44:20, Is 49:7
πιστουπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·ου; πιστ(ο)·ε, πιστ(ο)·ουneu gen sg or mas gen sg; pres act imp 2nd sg, pres mp imp 2nd sgfaithful (gen); be-you(sg)-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing!, be-you(sg)-being-ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ed!Prv 17:6a, Sir 6:15
πιστουςπιστοςπιστ·ουςmas acc plfaithful (acc)Ps 100:6, Is 8:2
πιστω(ι)πιστοςπιστ·ω(ι)neu dat sg or mas dat sgfaithful (dat)Sir 34:8, Is 22:23, Is 22:25
πιστωνπιστος or πιστοωπιστ·ων; πιστ(ο)·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl; pres act ptcp mas nom sgfaithful (gen); while ACT-WITH-FAITH/ASSURANCE-ing (nom)1Mc 3:13, 2Mc 1:2, Jb 12:20, Sir 1:14

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 73

α·πιστεω to disbelieve/be unfaithful (v.)
α·πιστια, -ας, η disbelief/unfaithfulness (n.)
α·πιστος -ον unfaithful (adj.) ungodly, recreant, perfidious; adulterous, unfaithful; deceitful, treacherous; archaic:'apostate'
ολιγο·πιστια, -ας, η littleness of faith (n.)
ολιγο·πιστος -ον little-believing (adj.)
πιστις, -εως, η faith/faithfulness (n.) allegiance; trust; trustworthiness; πίστις can refer to faith/trust, to that which one believes or trusts (the content of one's faith), or to the personal trait of faithfulness/trustworthiness/integrity.
πιστος -η -ον faithful (adj.) trusthworthy
πιστο·τερος -α -ον [LXX] more believing (adj.)
πιστοω to act-with-faith/assurance (v.) "πιστόω",from adj."πιστός" (faithful). GNT:1x, 2Tim 3:14 (AIP), KJV:"hast-been-assured-of", NAS: have-become-convinced". LXX (16x): make certain/steadfast/firm/establish
πιστευω to believe (v.) be-persuaded/accept [toward] (heed [to], believe); give management (entrust). PASS. to be entrusted with

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