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διακρινω • DIAKRINW • diakrinō

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MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
διακρινομενδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ομενpres act ind 1st pl

δια·κρίνω (δια+κριν-, -, δια+κριν·[σ]-, -, -, δια+κρι·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
διακριθῇδιακρίνωδια·κρι·θῃaor θη sub 3rd sghe/she/it-should-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Mk 11:23
διακριθῆτεδιακρίνωδια·κρι·θητεaor θη imp 2nd pl or aor θη sub 2nd plbe-you(pl)-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)!, you(pl)-should-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Mt 21:21
διακρῖναιδιακρίνωδια·κριν·[σ]αι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-DISCRIMINATE(POS)--DOUBT(NEG), be-you(sg)-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)!, he/she/it-happens-to-DISCRIMINATE(POS)--DOUBT(NEG) (opt)1Cor 6:5
διακρίνανταδιακρίνωδια·κριν·[σ]αντ·α1aor act ptcp mas acc sg or 1aor act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc plupon DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG) (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 11:12
διακρίνειδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), you(sg)-are-being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (classical)1Cor 4:7
διακρίνεινδιακρίνωδια·κριν·εινpres act infto-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG)Mt 16:3
διακρινέτωσανδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ετωσανpres act imp 3rd pllet-them-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG)!1Cor 14:29
διακρινομένοιδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (nom|voc)Jude 1:22
διακρινόμενονδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ομεν·ονpres mp ptcp mas acc sg or pres mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (acc, nom|acc|voc)Acts 11:12
διακρινόμενοςδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (nom)Acts 10:20, Rom 14:23, Jas 1:6, Jude 1:9
διακρινομένουςδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ομεν·ουςpres mp ptcp mas acc plwhile being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (acc)Jude 1:22
διακρίνωνδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ο[υ]ν[τ]·^pres act ptcp mas nom sgwhile DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG) (nom)1Cor 11:29
διεκρίθηδιακρίνωδια·ε·κρι·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Rom 4:20
διεκρίθητεδιακρίνωδια·ε·κρι·θητεaor θη ind 2nd plyou(pl)-were-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Jas 2:4
διέκρινενδιακρίνωδια·ε·κριν·ε(ν), δια·ε·κριν·[σ]ε(ν)impf act ind 3rd sg, 1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), he/she/it-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Acts 15:9
διεκρίνομενδιακρίνωδια·ε·κριν·ομενimpf act ind 1st plwe-were-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG)1Cor 11:31
διεκρίνοντοδιακρίνωδια·ε·κριν·οντοimpf mp ind 3rd plthey-were-being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Acts 11:2

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 21

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
διακριθήσομαιδιακρίνωδια·κρι·θησομαιfut θη ind 1st sgI-will-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Jl 4:2, Ez 20:35
διακρῖναιδιακρίνωδια·κριν·[σ]αι1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sgto-DISCRIMINATE(POS)--DOUBT(NEG), be-you(sg)-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)!, he/she/it-happens-to-DISCRIMINATE(POS)--DOUBT(NEG) (opt)Lv 24:12, Ps 49:4, Jl 4:12
διάκρινεδιακρίνωδια·κριν·εpres act imp 2nd sgbe-you(sg)-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG)!Prv 31:9
διακρινεῖδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), you(sg)-are-being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (classical)Qoh 3:18, Jb 9:14, Jb 21:22, PsSol 17:43
διακρίνειδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), you(sg)-are-being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (classical)Ps 81:1, Jb 12:11
διακρίνεινδιακρίνωδια·κριν·εινpres act infto-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG)3Kgs 3:9, 1Chr 26:29, Ez 44:24
διακρινεῖςδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ειςpres act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-are-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG)Zec 3:7
διακρίνομενδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ομενpres act ind 1st plwe-are-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG)4Mc 1:14
διακρινόμενονδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ομεν·ονpres mp ptcp mas acc sg or pres mp ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sgwhile being-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG) (acc, nom|acc|voc)Jer 15:10
διακρίνοντεςδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ο[υ]ντ·εςpres act ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG) (nom|voc)Est 8:12i
διακρινοῦσινδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ουσι(ν), δια·κριν·ου[ντ]·σι(ν)pres act ind 3rd pl, pres act ptcp mas dat pl or pres act ptcp neu dat plthey-are-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), while DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG) (dat)Dt 33:7
διακρινῶδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ω, δια·κριν·[σ]ωpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sg, 1aor act sub 1st sgI-am-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), I-should-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), I-should-DISCRIMINATE(POS)--DOUBT(NEG)Wsd 9:12, Ez 34:17, Ez 34:20
διακρίνωδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ω, δια·κριν·[σ]ωpres act ind 1st sg or pres act sub 1st sg, 1aor act sub 1st sgI-am-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), I-should-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), I-should-DISCRIMINATE(POS)--DOUBT(NEG)Ex 18:16
διακρίνωσινδιακρίνωδια·κριν·ωσι(ν), δια·κριν·[σ]ωσι(ν)pres act sub 3rd pl, 1aor act sub 3rd plthey-should-be-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), they-should-DISCRIMINATE(POS)--DOUBT(NEG)EpJer 1:53
διεκρίθηνδιακρίνωδια·ε·κρι·θηνaor θη ind 1st sgI-was-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Ez 20:36
διέκριναςδιακρίνωδια·ε·κριν·[σ]ας1aor act ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Jb 15:5
διέκρινενδιακρίνωδια·ε·κριν·ε(ν), δια·ε·κριν·[σ]ε(ν)impf act ind 3rd sg, 1aor act ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ing--DOUBT(NEG), he/she/it-DISCRIMINATE(POS)-ed--DOUBT(NEG)Jb 23:10

Inflections: 17
Total occurrences: 28

ἀ·διά·κριτος -ον impartial (adj.)
ἀ·κατά·κριτος -ον without due process (adj.)
ἀ·κρίτως [LXX] unfairly (adv.)
ἀνα+κρίνω to cross-examine (v.)
ἀνά·κρισις, -εως, ἡ interrogation (n.) questioning, inquisition .
ἀντ·απο+κρίνομαι to rejoin (v.)
ἀν·υπό·κριτος -ον unhypocritical/without affectation (adj.) without (pretense, dissembling, deceit, dishonesty, duplicity, lying, guile, subterfuge, feigning, shamming, faking, bluff, bluffing, posturing hypocrisy)
ἀπό·κριμα, -ατος, τό response (n.) [= κατάκριμα: condemnation, judgement; ψήφῳ: pebble used in voting (Hesyc.)]
ἀπο+κρίνομαι to answer (v.) answer charges to defend oneself, mark by a distinctive form, distinguish
ἀπό·κρισις, -εως, ἡ answer (n.)
ἀ·σύγ·κριτος[1] -ον [EXTRA] uncomparable (adj.)
Ἀσύγκριτος[2], -ου, ὁ Asyncritus (n.)
αὐτο·κατά·κριτος -ον self-condemned (adj.)
δια+κρίνω to discriminate(pos) doubt(neg) (v.) Lit:"judge-from-side-to-side", hence thoroughly-discern/decide/distinguish/judge/separate, or doubt(neg).
διά·κρισις, -εως, ἡ differentiation (n.)
δικαιο·κρισία, -ας, ἡ just-judgement (n.)
ἐγ+κρίνω to equate (v.) [reckon/regard as]
ἐπι+κρίνω to to decide determine (v.)
κατά·κριμα, -ατος, τό punishment (n.) fine, damage, condemnation
κατα+κρίνω to condemn (v.) Lit:"judge-down", hence condemn/decree-against/sentence-guilty (after judicial process)
κατά·κρισις, -εως, ἡ condemnation (n.)
κρίμα, -ατος, τό judgment (n.) /decision/determination/sentence, decree, resolution. Distinct from "καταδικάζω", down-justify and "κατακρίνω", down-judge/condemn) LXX: justice, ordinances/statutes
κρίσις, -εως, ἡ judgment (n.) /decision, turning point, sudden change, crisis, estimation, conceit
κριτήριον, -ου, τό court (n.) [see criterion]
κριτής, -οῦ, ὁ judge (n.) [see critic]
πρό·κριμα, -ατος, τό prejudgement (n.)
συγ+κρίνω to compare (v.) interpret/ compare; LXX use 9/10x for interpretation of dreams NT use is comparison of spiritual matters by The Holy Spirit and The Word of God (1Cor 2:13. 2 Cor 10:32) συγκρισις is used in combination with διασαφησις in Dan 2:5 &6 and Gen 40:8 for
συν·υπο+κρίνομαι to be-hypocritical-with (v.) Lit:"under-judging-together-with", hence, pretend-with, be-under-pretense-with, be-hypocritical-with" (+Dat)
ὑπο+κρίνομαι to hypocrite (v.)
ὑπό·κρισις, -εως, ἡ hypocrisy (n.) υποκρισις means a pretense outwardly of what one is not inwardly or something done to be seen by men, rather than God. The term originated in the Greek theater, where it came to mean "acting in a play," hence "pretending to be what one is
ὑπο·κριτής, -οῦ, ὁ hypocrite (n.) dissembler; detractor, delator (informer); certator [αγωνισται=οι ὑποκριται (Hesyc.)];
κρίνω to judge (v.) /decide, assess/determine, discriminate/separate. Also LXX: contend, avenge/vindicate, decree.

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