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Search: αισχυνεσθω

MatchLemmaUncontracted Form(s)Parsing
αισχυνεσθωαἰσχύνωαισχυν·εσθωpres mp imp 3rd sg

αἰσχύνω (αισχυν-, -, αισχυν·[σ]-, -, ῃσχυν-, αισχυν·θ-)



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Perseus Dictionary Entry (Liddell and Scott [and Jones]'s Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., 1925-1940)


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Occurrences in the GNT

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
αἰσχύναςαἰσχύνη or αἰσχύνωαισχυν·ας; αισχυν·[σ]α[ντ]·ς(fem) acc pl; 1aor act ptcp mas nom|voc sgshame/disgrace/dishonors (acc); upon SHAME-ing (nom|voc)Jude 1:13
αἰσχυνέσθωαἰσχύνωαισχυν·εσθωpres mp imp 3rd sglet-him/her/it-be-being-SHAME-ed!1Pt 4:16
αἰσχύνῃαἰσχύνη or αἰσχύνωαισχυν·ῃ; αισχυν·ῃ, αισχυν·[σ]ῃ(fem) dat sg; pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgshame/disgrace/dishonor (dat); you(sg)-are-being-SHAME-ed, he/she/it-should-be-SHAME-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-SHAME-ed, he/she/it-should-SHAME, you(sg)-should-be-SHAME-edPhil 3:19
αἰσχυνθήσομαιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θησομαιfut θη ind 1st sgI-will-be-SHAME-ed2Cor 10:8, Phil 1:20
αἰσχυνθῶμεναἰσχύνωαισχυν·θωμενaor θη sub 1st plwe-should-be-SHAME-ed1Jn 2:28
αἰσχύνομαιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ομαιpres mp ind 1st sgI-am-being-SHAME-edLk 16:3

Inflections: 6
Total occurrences: 7

Occurrences in the LXX

InflectionLemmaUncontracted Form(s)ParsingTranslation(s)Verse(s)
αἰσχυνεῖαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-SHAME-ing, you(sg)-are-being-SHAME-ed (classical)Sir 13:7
αἰσχύνειαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ειpres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classicalhe/she/it-is-SHAME-ing, you(sg)-are-being-SHAME-ed (classical)Prv 29:15
αἰσχύνεσθεαἰσχύνωαισχυν·εσθε, ε·αισχυν·εσθεpres mp ind 2nd pl or pres mp imp 2nd pl, impf mp ind 2nd plyou(pl)-are-being-SHAME-ed, be-you(pl)-being-SHAME-ed!, you(pl)-were-being-SHAME-edSir 41:17
αἰσχύνεταιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·εταιpres mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-is-being-SHAME-edPrv 13:5, Prv 20:4, Prv 28:21, Wsd 13:17
αἰσχύνῃαἰσχύνη or αἰσχύνωαισχυν·ῃ; αισχυν·ῃ, αισχυν·[σ]ῃ(fem) dat sg; pres mp ind 2nd sg or pres act sub 3rd sg or pres mp sub 2nd sg, 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sgshame/disgrace/dishonor (dat); you(sg)-are-being-SHAME-ed, he/she/it-should-be-SHAME-ing, you(sg)-should-be-being-SHAME-ed, he/she/it-should-SHAME, you(sg)-should-be-SHAME-ed2Kgs 23:7, 2Esd 9:7, Is 45:16, Jer 3:25, Jer 20:18
αἰσχυνθείησαναἰσχύνωαισχυν·θειησανaor θη opt 3rd plthey-happen-to-be-SHAME-ed (opt)Ps 6:11, Ps 30:18, Ps 34:26, Ps 68:7, Ps 69:3
αἰσχυνθείητεαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θειητεaor θη opt 2nd plyou(pl)-happen-to-be-SHAME-ed (opt)Sir 51:29
αἰσχυνθέντεςαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θε[ι]ντ·εςaor θη ptcp mas nom|voc plupon being-SHAME-ed (nom|voc)Prv 29:25
αἰσχυνθῇςαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θῃςaor θη sub 2nd sgyou(sg)-should-be-SHAME-edSir 4:20, Sir 4:26, Sir 42:1, Ez 16:63
αἰσχυνθήσεσθεαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θησεσθεfut θη ind 2nd plyou(pl)-will-be-SHAME-edIs 65:13
αἰσχυνθήσεταιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θησεταιfut θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-will-be-SHAME-edSir 21:22, Sir 24:22, Hos 10:6, Is 29:22
αἰσχυνθήσῃαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θησῃfut θη ind 2nd sgyou(sg)-will-be-SHAME-edIs 49:23, Jer 22:22
αἰσχυνθήσομαιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θησομαιfut θη ind 1st sgI-will-be-SHAME-edSir 22:25
αἰσχυνθήσονταιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θησονταιfut θη ind 3rd plthey-will-be-SHAME-edPrv 1:22, Qoh 10:17, Is 1:29, Is 20:5, Is 26:11, Is 41:11, Is 44:9, Is 45:16, Is 45:17, Is 45:24, Is 66:5, Jer 2:26
αἰσχύνθητεαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θητε, ε·αισχυν·θητεaor θη imp 2nd pl or aor θη sub 2nd pl, aor θη ind 2nd plbe-you(pl)-SHAME-ed!, you(pl)-should-be-SHAME-ed, you(pl)-were-SHAME-edIs 42:17, Jer 12:13, Ez 36:32
αἰσχύνθητιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θητιaor θη imp 2nd sgbe-you(sg)-SHAME-ed!Is 23:4, Ez 16:52
αἰσχυνθήτωσαναἰσχύνωαισχυν·θητωσανaor θη imp 3rd pllet-them-be-SHAME-ed!1Mc 4:31, Ps 24:3, Ps 34:4, Ps 70:13, Ps 82:18, Ps 85:17, Ps 96:7, Ps 108:28, Ps 118:78, Ps 128:5, Ode 5:11, Is 44:11
αἰσχυνθῶαἰσχύνωαισχυν·θωaor θη sub 1st sgI-should-be-SHAME-edPs 118:80, Jb 32:21, Sir 51:18, Is 50:7
αἰσχυνθῶσιναἰσχύνωαισχυν·θωσι(ν)aor θη sub 3rd plthey-should-be-SHAME-edPs 70:24
αἰσχυνόμεθααἰσχύνωαισχυν·ομεθα, ε·αισχυν·ομεθαpres mp ind 1st pl, impf mp ind 1st plwe-are-being-SHAME-ed, we-were-being-SHAME-ed4Mc 9:2
αἰσχυνόμενοιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-SHAME-ed (nom|voc)JgsA 3:25, 2Kgs 19:4, Ps 69:4
αἰσχυνόμενοίαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ομεν·οιpres mp ptcp mas nom|voc plwhile being-SHAME-ed (nom|voc)Jb 19:3
αἰσχυνόμενοςαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ομεν·οςpres mp ptcp mas nom sgwhile being-SHAME-ed (nom)1Kgs 27:12, Prv 22:26
αἰσχύνονταιαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ονταιpres mp ind 3rd plthey-are-being-SHAME-edTbS 14:8-9
αἰσχύνονταίαἰσχύνωαισχυν·ονταιpres mp ind 3rd plthey-are-being-SHAME-edEpJer 1:25
ᾔσχυμμαιαἰσχύνωῃσχυν·μαιperf mp ind 1st sgI-have-been-SHAME-ed1Esd 8:71
ᾔσχυναναἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·[σ]αν1aor act ind 3rd plthey-SHAME-edJl 1:12
ᾐσχύνετοαἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·ετοimpf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-being-SHAME-ed4Kgs 2:17
ᾐσχύνθηαἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·θηaor θη ind 3rd sghe/she/it-was-SHAME-edJgsB 5:28, 1Chr 19:6, Zec 9:5, Is 33:9, Jer 27:12, Jer 31:1, Jer 31:39
ᾐσχύνθημεναἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·θημενaor θη ind 1st plwe-were-SHAME-edJer 28:51
ᾐσχύνθηναἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·θηνaor θη ind 1st sgI-was-SHAME-ed2Esd 8:22, 2Esd 9:6
ᾐσχύνθησαναἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·θησανaor θη ind 3rd plthey-were-SHAME-ed1Kgs 13:4, 2Chr 12:6, Is 24:9, Jer 8:9, Jer 14:4, Jer 20:11, Bar 4:15
ᾐσχυνόμηναἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·ομηνimpf mp ind 1st sgI-was-being-SHAME-edPs 118:46
ᾐσχύνοντοαἰσχύνωε·αισχυν·οντοimpf mp ind 3rd plthey-were-being-SHAME-edGn 2:25, JgsB 3:25, SusTh 1:11
ᾔσχυνταιαἰσχύνωῃσχυν·ταιperf mp ind 3rd sghe/she/it-has-been-SHAME-ed1Kgs 27:12

Inflections: 35
Total occurrences: 99

αἴσχιστος -η -ον [LXX] most shameful (adj.)
αἰσχρός -ά -όν shameful (adj.) bawdy, ignominious, disgraceful, wicked, nefarious, obscene, outrageous, salacious, shameful, shocking, smutty
αἰσχρό·τερος -α -ον [LXX] more shameful (adj.)
αἰσχρότης, -ητος, ἡ shameful (n.)
αἰσχύνη, -ης, ἡ shame/disgrace/dishonor (n.) Strongs-0152. verb: to disfigure face (Hom.). to dishonor (Pr 29:15). to make ashamed (Si 13:7). Pass., to be put to shame: II Co 10:8; Phl 1:20, 1Pet 4:16, 1Jn 2:28; c. inf. (M, Pr., 205), Lk 16:3 (cf. ἐπ- (-ομαι), κατ- αἰσχύνω). † [G153]
αἰσχυντηρός -α -ον [LXX] bashful, modest (adj.)
ἀν·επ·αίσχυντος -ον unabashed (adj.) unashamed, having no cause for shame
ἀπ+αν·αισχυντέω [LXX] to behave with effrontery (v.) [put away shame]
ἐπ+αισχύνομαι to be ashamed about (v.)
κατ+αισχύνω (not to be confused with κατ+ισχύω) to humiliate (v.) Lit:"down-shame", hence humiliate, put-to-shame, utterly-disgrace/embarrass.
αἰσχύνω to shame (v.) /feel-shame

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